Hey, I'd like to know what the D and F values are for 'The hobbit' so I can get started on a run. Also would anyone know why I can't capture 720x480 video (on a Dazzle DVC100) without dropping frames? The sample video included is 640x480 though.
no, i'm talking about the dots all over the image. usually caused by capturing ntsc using composite. also you can get rid of that bar at the bottom in anri by saying yes to the vhs question (all it does is cut off the bottom of the image).
very low framerate on this game. it's something like f5 or f6. problem with encoding it like that is there may be parts of the game that have more motion. probably best to just do d4 f1 2d.
Quote from Fenrikaz:
inFamous (PS3) - Do you think My settings are right or is my saturation too high? ( I wanna get this right before I work on a run ) Thanks
highly variable framerate. let's go with d1 f2 3d.
wow, what do you use to capture this? it seems to be f1 progressive scan.
Yes, it's in 480p. I use this to capture. It's great quality and very easy to work with. And no lag (in real-time mode). About the only weird quark I'm dealing with is that anri keeps thinking the videos are 4/3, even though I'm outputting with the Wii in 16/9.
As for the D, F, FDP, I'm putting it in as D1, F1, 2D (the game is a 2.5D game). Would that be correct? The outputted videos look great in HQ.
And anri-chan initially thinks the video is 4/3 but does output the video fine if I manually change it to 16/9 (which is what I'm playing the Wii at). It does that for all of my videos recorded though the device. Looking at the original untouched recordings from the device, I think the device is trying to record at 4/3 rather then 16/6, rather than an issue with anri-chan.