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AquaTiger: 2005-12-01 03:35:07 pm
Never give up!
If I screwed up and that last bit of the title isn't the laugh of either main character in the game, I apologize - I'm not used to writing that laugh.

Anyway, I did some work on Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity in my free time between other runs, and I think I can complete the game fairly quickly.  The only things that are preventing me from immediately recording a run and showing people are the following:

1. The cutscenes in the version of the game that I have (the one available on Underdogs) are broken - they won't play during the game.  This might not have an effect on the actual run, since I'm skipping them anyway, but to me it's like running a port of the game - avoid if possible.

2. I'm a bit concerned I'll bring down the integrity of this place by posting something so immature.

3. Dialogue can't be fast-forwarded like in, for instance, Sam and Max.  I'm pretty sure this is because of different engines - Sam and Max used the SCUMM engine, but Virtual Stupidity uses the iMUSE engine (I think that's what it's called).  While this is good for the viewer, it's not good for the runner, who has to sit through it all.

4. I feel I need to gauge interest first.

Before you people who know how many runs I have going comment on me adding another, this is one of those 'done in a day' runs, and schoolwork lightened up to the point where I can have it completely ready on the same day I do the run.  But I won't do it unless enough people are interested.

If anyone wants to dispute my first three points up there, or to state their interest in seeing this, feel free to do so.
Thread title:  
Jack of all Trades
I'd watch it. Do bad things with the squirrel, mmkay?
Never give up!
I'll be honest when I say I'm not sure which squirrel you're referring to.  I recall seeing three in the game - the one in the Hock-a-Loogie game (the only mandatory minigame), the one that's required to finish the game (if you've played this before, you'll know what I mean), and then I recall hearing about one when Beavis and Butthead were staring out that window in their house.

Anyway, I did one practice run and got a time of 45:32.  However, I got confused a bit on my route causing me to lose a few minutes.  I'm pretty sure I can bump this to below 42 minutes, maybe even to below 40.  I'll record it when I hit below 42 minutes.
Jack of all Trades
I don't know, to be honest. I just remember something horrible happening to a squirrel. I think it involved a car.
One can only imagine the myriad of possibilities involving a car and a squirrel. Of course, if this game was related to TimeSplitters 2, the squirrel would probably be driving the car, and giving your character advice....

Anyways.... toodle on with this thread o.o;
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ReverendTed: 2005-12-02 06:00:02 am
I don't know, to be honest. I just remember something horrible happening to a squirrel. I think it involved a car.

From GameFAQs:
Return to the park, and the squirrel on a nearby tree will randomly collapse and die. Have Beavis kick it, and a car will drive up and run over it.

Then later:
Travel to the park and use the marker with the 'Free parking' sign. The car will be stolen. Use the spatula with the squirrel and then use the hammer with the spatula. Take the squirrel to the taxidermist and have it stuffed.
FF8 & FF12.. Long awaited runs.
Would download Smiley
Visit my profile to see my runs!
Sure, Aquatiger, give 'er a go! 

I'm sure I needn't explain why your run would interest me...  Candidly, I lend you my unwavering enthusiasm; I just wish I knew anything about the game.
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AquaTiger: 2005-12-05 01:01:30 am
Never give up!
Okay, here's the drill.

I'd like to finish at least one run of another game before I process both at once, so I'm going to need a little time before I process what I have.  Plus, since I ran this in a window (I can't run this game fullscreen for some reason), I have to figure out how to clip areas out (I think I saw something on this issue in Nate's FAQ, used for Game Boy recordings done on a Game Boy Player).

I do know that the slowest the run I did could be is 42 minutes and 15 seconds, since the VCR timer wound up reading -00:00:02 at the start of recording and 00:42:13 at the end.  I should also note there are very few mistakes in this - I've nearly hit a theoretical limit, unless I discover one or more of my actions was unnecessary to complete the game.  I'll have to check where the actual action of the game starts in my taping though, to get a better idea of the timing.

Edit: I just realized one major mistake I made - I forgot to use keyboard shortcuts when running this game.  I'm going to redo the run, making sure to use the keyboard shortcuts, before I show it to you people.

Edit 2: The run will be delayed at least one day, as I have managed to lose focus while trying to complete it a second time.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
Never give up!
So, things prevented me from getting it done before, but now I have a run of Virtual Stupidity completed.  I didn't time or capture it yet, but I do know that its around 40-something minutes.

Once I figure out how to crop DURING the capture, I'll get the processing going.
Never give up!
More bad news.

Not only is cropping the picture turning out to be a disaster, it's become apparent to me that the game's sound did not transfer properly to the video tape.

What this means is that I will have to do this run all over again.  I'm sorry, but with all that's going on this will have to wait a while.