snow: anrix ended up using avidemux as its backend for that exact reason. i never found any other cross-platform way to append vobs without desync.
Thanks Flip, that's enough segments for me to test on.
Quick question about audio commentary on SDA: am I safe to assume that the commentary is at least as long as the meaningful part of the video? That is, if I truncate one of the middle MP4 files at the moment that the shortest audio track ends (most likely the audio commentary), am I safe to assume that such a truncation will not take out part of the video (except some of the SDA station ID at the end, which doesn't matter)?
Or, are there audio commentaries that stop before the video of actual gameplay stops? (It seems like you wouldn't want that in an AC track, if there is game music / SFX in the background of the AC track...)
Quick question about audio commentary on SDA: am I safe to assume that the commentary is at least as long as the meaningful part of the video? That is, if I truncate one of the middle MP4 files at the moment that the shortest audio track ends (most likely the audio commentary), am I safe to assume that such a truncation will not take out part of the video (except some of the SDA station ID at the end, which doesn't matter)?
Or, are there audio commentaries that stop before the video of actual gameplay stops? (It seems like you wouldn't want that in an AC track, if there is game music / SFX in the background of the AC track...)