Haha okay. I'll re-read the thread sometime tonight, should get started on the run (or at least the planning of the run (or the tests of the planning of the run...)) tomorrow morning. =)
Heylo everyone. I was just wondering if people were still interested in a Super Mario Galaxy speed run, and if they had any suggestions for me about doing the run. I don't know how long it'll take me to do, and as of this moment I don't have a recording device, but I should soon, so it won't be too much longer before I start.
Let me know if there's still interest in this game. I'd love to do the run, but (as I'm not sure if the bounty is still valid), I'm only going to attempt it if there's a few people that are still interested in seeing it.
Thanks. ~~Phenox
Well, yoshifan here is working on a run of his own. It would be tough to beat him.
It's still taking quite the while, so competition isn't all that bad.
But that can be interpreted a different way. It could mean that getting a good time is difficult. EDIT: By the way, I am not trying to discourage you, but maybe you should try for a different category such as single segment so you won't have to worry about competition. That would most certainly be difficult, but...
It's still taking quite the while, so competition isn't all that bad.
But that can be interpreted a different way. It could mean that getting a good time is difficult. EDIT: By the way, I am not trying to discourage you, but maybe you should try for a different category such as single segment so you won't have to worry about competition. That would most certainly be difficult, but...
Then you could get the Single Segment bounty.
It seems that everyone is starting to get a bit uneasy about having a SMG speed run on SDA... I would love to join in the fun too, but sadly I don't have the skills to be able to properly perform a run... Of course, that is what the bounty board is for... ^^ So anyway, I thought that it would be to the benefit of potential runner to remind them of the bounties currently posted...
Super Mario Galaxy 61-star Segmented speedrun $25 Sorcerer88 Super Mario Galaxy 61-star SS speedrun, one player $50 TheQuietMan Super Mario Galaxy 61-star SS speedrun $60 Sorcerer88 Super Mario Galaxy 120-star SS speedrun, one player $350 TheQuietMan
So basically, Yoshifan is currently working towards the $25 bounty... That means if you were to work on a SS run, you wouldn't have much competition and not to mention that the reward would be greater... Either you can earn $110 for the 61 star run or earn $350 for the full 120 star run... Of course SS runs are far from easy, but if you can manage it, you could actually receive more kudos than Mr. Yoshi... Of course if you want to do a segmented run, you still can but keep in mind that you would be starting at a disadvantage considering that yoshifan is about halfway done...
And that was a simple rundown of the current status of Super Mario Galaxy Bounties... Will SDA newcomers rise up to the occasion or will they just take to the sidelines as we continue to wait for Yoshifan to finish?
So basically, Yoshifan is currently working towards the $25 bounty... That means if you were to work on a SS run, you wouldn't have much competition and not to mention that the reward would be greater... Either you can earn $110 for the 61 star run or earn $350 for the full 120 star run... Of course SS runs are far from easy, but if you can manage it, you could actually receive more kudos than Mr. Yoshi... Of course if you want to do a segmented run, you still can but keep in mind that you would be starting at a disadvantage considering that yoshifan is about halfway done...
And that was a simple rundown of the current status of Super Mario Galaxy Bounties... Will SDA newcomers rise up to the occasion or will they just take to the sidelines as we continue to wait for Yoshifan to finish?
Of course, you can also do a segmented/SS 2-P run. However, there aren't any bounties for that.
I guess you could use bounties as a vague gauge for what people want, but I think it's safe to say most people would welcome an SDA Galaxy speedrun in any category. In fact, I think a 2P run could be potentially very interesting (particularly due to the special 2P jump, as I don't know what new shortcuts it can make).
Anyway, Phenox, it would probably be a good idea to play around with various levels at first, and decide what kind of run you'd be most interested in (61 or 120 star, segmented or SS). Making a speedrun doesn't necessarily take many months (it just does for me ), but you'll still be playing a lot of Galaxy either way, so choose something that you can be committed to!
Also, for my segment 9 planning, I've been playing stars from both segments 9 and 12, and I think I'm going to split the twelve Bedroom stars a little differently. My segment 9 idea before was to do 5 stars from Gusty Garden and 1 star from Freezeflame. However, now I'm thinking of trying 2 in Gusty Garden and 4 in Freezeflame. This should allow me to tackle more of the tricky stars earlier (giving me more breathing room later), and may also put more of the tricky stars at the earlier parts of the Bedroom segments.
But that can be interpreted a different way. It could mean that getting a good time is difficult. EDIT: By the way, I am not trying to discourage you, but maybe you should try for a different category such as single segment so you won't have to worry about competition. That would most certainly be difficult, but...
Then you could get the Single Segment bounty.
If getting a good time is difficult, then all the more reason for more people to try it. More people have more chance of succeeding. Competition can also get peoples' hopes up. Ie, they did, that's awesome, so can I. They can share ideas, tricks, suggestions, etc. I would rather see a Segmented 120-star run. IMHO, a SS isn't more impressive. It simply means more work and more mistakes. A segmented runs means better optimization and less time to finish it.
I really like your run, yoshifan. I so want to see this finished. Maby in the future, you will consider a 120 star multi segment run. I'll supporter you all the way. Super mario Galaxy is one of my favourite games and I'm excitied for SMG2 in June.
This is turning into the Crash 3 thread all over again. Stop complaining about how long the run is taking. I'm sure yoshifan has things to do other than play SMG 24/7. Be thankful someone's doing a run at all.
This is turning into the Crash 3 thread all over again. Stop complaining about how long the run is taking. I'm sure yoshifan has things to do other than play SMG 24/7. Be thankful someone's doing a run at all.
Didn't mean it that way. Curse me and my sarcasm...
This is turning into the Crash 3 thread all over again. Stop complaining about how long the run is taking. I'm sure yoshifan has things to do other than play SMG 24/7. Be thankful someone's doing a run at all.
Of course if you are impatient, you can do it yourself... That's what I did on more than one occasion... Like I said before though, if I could actually play SMG decent enough, I would attempt a run myself, but there is no way I could hope to pull of half the things that yoshi has been able to do...
So remember, if someone harasses you about "Why is *insert topic here* taking so long?" Remember to reply in the appropriate way: If you aren't going to wait, do it yourself!
Remember to reply in the appropriate way: If you aren't going to wait, you don't deserve the air you breathe.
I support Yoshifan, and I'm enjoying the work so far. I would contribute more than my thanks for your hard effort yoshi, but I've never even played the game. Good luck.
Sorry about all the confusion I started. I could have rephrased my sentence better. I was not pushing or complaining. I just said it would be nice to see that 120 star run within a few years or if someone else starts it. I also support yoshifan all the way. I would never be able to do something like that. And I am really thankful that yoshifan is doing something this hard. I know he could be tired of SMG after the run. I was tired of Pokémon Platinum too when I did a run on it just for fun. Sorry again for the misunderstanding.
aggron: Don't worry about it, I don't think you came off as impatient. Thanks for the support also. Actually, I have to say I'm somewhat impatient with my own progress - but I don't want to sacrifice other obligations to get the run done more quickly. At the same time, I want to take as much time as I need to put together a run that I'm truly happy with. The way it's turning out, this does have difficult implications for the ETA of a potential 120-star run, but I guess that's just how it is. (I'd love to see a good 120-star run done by someone, though...)
Remember to reply in the appropriate way: If you aren't going to wait, you don't deserve the air you breathe.
I support Yoshifan, and I'm enjoying the work so far. I would contribute more than my thanks for your hard effort yoshi, but I've never even played the game. Good luck.
Remember to reply in the appropriate way: If you aren't going to wait, you don't deserve the air you breathe.
I support Yoshifan, and I'm enjoying the work so far. I would contribute more than my thanks for your hard effort yoshi, but I've never even played the game. Good luck.