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Jeremy 'DK28' Doll's easy difficulty run

Verifier Responses

Verifier: Super Dodge Ball:
Verifier: One missed shot near the end that I'm pretty sure is just luck based, everything else looks smooth as can be for a game that's basically doing power shots for 7 minutes straight.
Verifier: The only improvement I could even imagine is just retrying for better luck on enemy positioning, but other than that it looks great.
Verifier: No AV issues or cheating. No deaths because he never even takes damage.

Super Dodge Ball, Easy mode run verification:

Video quality is good enough, and there was no cheating that I could see.

I'm going to have to reject this run, for 2 reasons:
The tactic he uses to spam Sam's super throw is definitely the best one, but he doesn't do it optimally. After being passed the ball, its much faster to run back, then run forward to throw, instead of walking back. Except for Iceland and India, which have weird terrain and walking back would be faster.

This tactic is never broken, even when it should be. If there's a single enemy left who is low on hp, it's much better to do Sam's super jump throw instead. You only have to run a single step instead of 5, and you can run backward, jump, then throw forward, so no set-up required. It's risky, sure, but this run is only like 8 and a half minutes. If the move gets screwed up, or if he doesn't die and your guy in back can't grab the ball, just restart and try again. Or even finish off the really weak ones by having the guy in back attack him, for an immediate win if it works.

The runner did get into a very efficient rhythm with that attack, and was quite lucky overall with how many enemies were hit per throw. Also got lucky on manipulating Swami out of India's team on the first try (he's the hardest dude to kill in the game; all attacks do 1 point of damage to him, except certain super attacks will do 2). The problem is that doing Sam's attack the right way saves something like a second to 1.5 seconds EACH TIME he throws, which is a whole lot. It's easy to pull off too; just mash the direction you want to run while the ball is being passed back to him. He will run the instant the ball hits his hand and no sooner, every time.

I'm sure this runner is capable of the things I said, so don't give up on this one, please. I would love to see this game on SDA as it's one of my favorites, and so I want to see it done right, also. For an Easy mode run, it had better be near perfect though, since the other team basically just stands there and lets you repeatedly blast them in the face.


I then asked the runner for his thoughts:

Long Dodge Ball retort  Smiley
And cool on the dodge ball results.  I can assure it is some quality stuff.  Permit me to explain.  First, I respect the verifier's comments, they bring up some good points.  However, the terrain thing, I think he meant Kenya, not India.  India is stable, but Kenya has a lagging screen animation.  On the runnign thing, I don't run back, because I need to re-position with every throw by going up or down on the field, that is mainly how I get such good two and three hits per throw almost the entire run, luck is only involved in the computer not ducking.  When you throw the ball from the top or bottom of the field, you can sort of manipulate the opponent hit box.  IIRC, I had a couple hits that looked like they should have missed.  If I run back then forth to throw, I effectively stay in the same line or plane when throwing.  Even running back, positioning, then running forward is longer than walking back AND positioning simultaneously, then running forward.  But the computer also moves around between throws, I need to move also to ensure I can get multiple hits per throw.  Even when there is only one guy left, it can sometimes be neccessary to move up or down to ensure the hit.  Kind of like picking up a spare in bowling.  And with the jump throw, it can be pretty unreliable.  At times, the throw will just miss, for no reason.  Or the computer will duck, and yes, even with the ball comnig from above, they duck and you miss.  And with the direction mashing, I believe if you move after passing the ball back, then it will still land in the original area it was passed to and you would have to pick it up before throwing again.  I wonder if maybe that is a GBA version thing.  And finally, this run had the 1st round Swami switch.  This normally takes 5-7 tries before working.  This alone shaved 12-14 seconds off the run from the average.

Verifier's response

Yeah, I did mean Kenya. My bad.

I see what you mean about lining up shots better, and also the weird hit boxes when throwing at an angle. Quality over quantity I suppose.

My point about jump-throws still stands though. From what I can tell, if you do a jump-throw on a guy still stunned from the previous throw, it's a guaranteed hit, while being faster and doing a little more damage. The guy in back can't pick up the ball to pass back to Sam, but that's not an issue if it's the killing blow on the last guy. Also against England and maybe elsewhere, the match could have ended sooner if the guy in back had made the final attack instead of passing back to Sam.

I'll let the supreme luck with Swami cancel that out, and I'll change my vote to Accept.

A fairly easy one.

Same strategy utilized against every single team.
Every player has a special attack and Sam's special attack is hard for the CPU to block and avoid, as it allows you to steer it a tiny bit.

Every single team is blast to pieces within mere seconds.

Audio / video no problems.

During the playthrough, the player redo's his team and I am unaware why he does it, I can't seem to find the reason for it.

No cheating or anything, I am able to replicate everything he does, just not in the same time.

A few very very minor errors here and there, but np seeing this is a SS speedrun.

I'd say go for it.

Decision: Accept

Reason: It's a good run with few errors.
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