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Nintendo Rox a Lot
Hello everybody!
I'm doing a Speed Run on SWRC but i dont know any trick for this game!
I was wondering if any of you could help me on that!
Do any one here know any trick for this game? Some think like killing Super Battle Droid fast, or... you know, clibing the rocks to skip areas etc...
Plz help me!
(i'm planing on runing only genosis planet)
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It's-a me, Raven!
Funny you should pick this one up - I started replaying it yesterday.
First things first - good luck with the run!
As for Super Battle Droids, I find circle-strafing with melee attacks the fastest method of taking those out. Make sure that you make good use of sniper/anti-armour positions for your teammates when dealing with huge fights. Use door-breach maneuvers, not hacks - breaching is faster. Plant explosives yourself; also, when accessing computers for some reason, do it yourself.
One exception to this "rule" could be the final battle inside the Trade Federation Control Ship on Geonosis. Set up two snipers, have your third squad-member hack the computer, and deal with the SBD's yourself. Don't forget to take out those irritating ceiling-mounted turrets first!
As for weaponry, I find the melee attack and the pistol to be the best choices. The pistol is pretty accurate, and it can put down a Trandoshan in 5 shots (or 2 headshots); the melee attack is just devestating. The Trando shotgun is pretty fun too at close range. Of course, you'll most likely be running by most enemies, but when you need to shoot some, make sure you make good use of (for example) explosive barrels nearby.
Needles to say is that droid dispensers shoul be taken care of ASAP in case you can't bypass'em. Normal droid dispensers aren't much of a problem, you can set the explosive yourself. But SBD dispensers? I suggest the same technique as in the Trade Fed. ship detailed above.
That's all I can think of for the moment; hope you find it usefull.
Nintendo Rox a Lot
Thank you very much raven, this hints will sure help me!

Speed runing in this game is dificlt cause some times you need your squad, but they get stuck in every enemy, so you cant run all the time, you need to lose some minuts killing SBD and stuff some times!

Hey raven, what do you thing is a good time to finish genosis?
It's-a me, Raven!
I'm not much of a speedrunner myself, but I'm pretty sure you're gonna have one hell of a time trying. I don't think later levels can be done very fast anyway... I just finished the second mission (the one with the lost-and-found republic cruiser); it's tedious and hard to do. You have to clear three hangars of droids, droid dispensers and then destroy the shield generator; then you have to make your way to a gunnery station and slice three (yes, three) terminals while under constant assault, each terminal taking a minute. Geonosis is less hard though...
But all things considered, this is a pretty darn long game! And you're right, you can't just run by with those trigger-happy squadmates of yours. You'll have to engage the enemy; best thing to do is to rush in with your squadmates providing covering fire, and you using melee attacks to take out normal BD's. Single SBD's can be swarmed or circle-strafe-melee'd, but groups of SBD's are a problem - think SBD dispensers... Hard Sad
It's-a me, Raven!
I just finished a big portion of the Kashyyk levels. They're pretty easy - until you get to the point where you need to destroy the bridge: there's TWO SUPER BATTLE DROID DISPENSERS!!!!! That's right. Next to a small armada of normal droids, you get to play with 4 SBD's at a time. I lost my squad; later on I managed to revive one, lured the SBDs to my starting point, and ran all the way over to the other side to take out one dispenser. Then I revived the other members and took out the other dispenser while my commandos were using the turret there. Took me over 15 minutes... The Spider Droid that followed was easy pickings compared to the relentless SBD assault...
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Oh, cool! I've wanted to see someone run this game. Are you going to run it single-segmented or or Multiple-segments?
It's-a me, Raven!
I'm not running it (I suck at speedruns :'(), but in my experience it should be segmented. Every mission (there's three of'em) has about three major sections, and each such section is further split in seperate stages. I'd opt for major sections, resulting in about 9 segmnts.
Edit history:
CaioNintendo: 2005-12-22 08:39:14 pm
Nintendo Rox a Lot
Every mission (there's three of'em) has about three major sections, and each such section is further split in seperate stages. I'd opt for major sections, resulting in about 9 segmnts.

In each planet (the "missions" you said) there is about 5 missions (the "sections" you mentioned), each mission has 1, 2, 3 or 4 levels ("stages")! I'll do it multi segmented, one for each mission!

Raven, some times is useless to revive squadmates... i dont know about that time you mentioned, but if you are close to the end of the level its better to leave then, cause they magicaly apear alive in the next one!
But i'll think on runing other planets only after i finish geonosis!
It's-a me, Raven!
Just finished the game. I used the in-game campaign map to single out the sections:
Extreme Prejudice
Infiltrate The Droid Foundry
Destroy The Factory
Advance To The Core Ship
Infiltration Of The Core Ship
Ghost Ship Recon
Recque The Squad
Attack Of The Clones
Saving The Ship
The Rescue Of Tarfful
Obliterate The Outpost
The Bridge At Kachirho
The Wookiee Resistance
Search And Destroy
The Final Strike
I'm pretty sure there's more singled-out areas within each of these sections (as marked by the >>>> <<<< around doors that force a new area to be loaded); IIRC, for example, there's one such area for each of your squaddies you have to rescue.
It's always handy to have a squadmate around. They draw fire, they deal damage, they can have unlimited heavy weapon ammo - what more do you want!? Wink
If you know what to do, where to go, and what to expect when you open a door, you can do quite a few rooms pretty quickly. I usually rush in, pistol or rifle blazing, melee-attacking anything I bump into; I give orders, placing squaddies on sniper- or grenade-positions; I have squaddies do the other stuff like slicing terminals or placing detonators while I engage the enemy (to draw away their fire from the demo-expert). Last time I used this tactic, they didn't even get off a second round from the SBD dispenser, and only two new driods from the normal dispenser (thanks to my trigger-happy teammates, who cleared out the existing driods, making room for new deployments).
Even still, I suggest you use some more segments. About 8 or 9 should do:
Geonosis outside + droid base
Geonosis ship
Ship recon
Ship rescue
Ship defense
Kashyyyk merc base
Kashyyyk bridge
Kashyyyk after Tarfful
Nintendo Rox a Lot
Hey raven, i found out that grenade are the best tatic, but you have very few of then!

And when i said i was doing one segment per mission i meant that ones you listened! So there would be 15 segments!
But, i'll repeat, i'm only planing runing one planet (geonosis), is it alowed?

And i have another doubt, when you finish a mission (not a planet) and go to other you keep the amo from the last one, but when you finish a mission, quit and load the next mission from the champain map you start with the defalt amo!
So for each segment i load the mission from the champain map, is there a problem with that? i mean, is it alowed?
Cause if i continue with the grenads from the last missions i would have no one to the rest of the run, and i cant deal with lots of droids in smal roms without a single grenad!
It's-a me, Raven!
Grenades aren't bad, but don't go relying on'em. SBD's tend to put up a shield that reduces their effectiveness. Between squaddies shooting and me stabbing, I never had the need to use explosives on normal BD's with one single exception somewhere in the Trando Merc Base (start of Kashyyyk).
Indeed, if you "load" your games by using the campaign map, you'll be in the middle of a mission at full health and ammo (as far as I can tell anyway). That would screw up the continuity, and most likely won't be allowed - each segment has to follow up perfectly. Three rifle rounds won't make a huge difference, but 3 grenades and a launcher round will.
As for the segments themselves - you can use the auto-save function perfectly. If you make no quicksaves or manual saves, the autosave will be the only save available, "guaranteeing" your continuity. I'm pretty sure you can do Geonosis in 3 segments: outside, factory, ship.
Edit history:
CaioNintendo: 2005-12-23 01:18:41 pm
Nintendo Rox a Lot
Actualy, when you load a champain map you just refil your amo, cause in every mission (not level) you start with full health!

But if it isnt alowed, i will finish my "dirty" run and start the real one! ^^

And about the grenades in SBD, try the eletrick one!
Edit history:
Raven75: 2005-12-28 11:32:16 pm
It's-a me, Raven!
Back from the holidays!
Deleted a few of my previous posts, as they were 1) inflating the thread 2) obsolete.
I checked GameFAQs and tried out the nades. Thermal Detonators are regular "frag" nades. ECD's, the "ion" nades, are effective against both organics and droids, but I reserve them for droids - it doesn't just do damage, it paralyzes them too. Throwing one of these babies and closing in with the melee attack is the way to take out SBDs. Those flashbang nades I never use. The final ones, the green ones, are Sonic nades. They're killers. They're supposed to have a proximity/10 second mode for placing them on walls, but I just chuck'em at SBD's. Two nades will take one down - more if they're close together.
I ran through Geonosis for fun, and managed without dying (albeit on easy mode). Didn't even have to reload for any reason what-so-ever - with the exception of a dinner-break. Even the final room with the one-minute terminal-slicing was a breeze - have two snipers and a slicer, take out the turrets, then freeze the SBDs with ion nades. Don't take'em out too fast, because they'll just respawn. There's spare ion nades lying around.
Too bad I don't have a cable to link my PC's graphics card output with my DVD-recorder; I might be able to record an attempt at speedrunning Geonosis if I did...
What difficult do you plan to do this in mate???

Cheers can't wait to see this game
It's-a me, Raven!
I don't actually plan on doing it per se, but if I'd score a cable, I might attempt a "run" for others to beat - call it a bait-run. I'm a power-gamer and I usually underestimate my own skill, so I'll be playing on easy mode. First I'll still have to find that dreaded cable, relocate my DVD-recorder and TV, and train a bit...
oh Ok.
It's-a me, Raven!
I just ran through Geonosis and a part of the RAS Prosecutor, nd I'm getting a feel of the segments I'm gonna have to use. The only two really hard parts I've encountered so far are the TradeFed ship bridge and the Trandoshan Elite - he kept killing me because I was standing next to an explosive barrel all the time (which I handily destroyed during my last attempt).
Segment 1: From "The Beginning" up to and including "Waking the Giant"
Segment 2: From "Belly of the Beast" up to and including "Resque the Squad"
Segment 3: From "Alone" (got only as far as Troika for now)
At this rate, it'll be a 4-to-6 segment run.
It's-a me, Raven!
Bought a PC-to-scart cable and tested it out - I can perfectly record from PC to the DVD recorder's HD. If I copy that to a DVD-RW and convert it to DivX somehow, I'm set... That, and I can make copies of the DVD to send in if need be. I did a testrun, en with a few stupid mistakes I must say I was satisfied.
Edit history:
Raven75: 2005-12-30 06:04:58 pm
It's-a me, Raven!
Somehow, my previous strategies are failing me when I'm recording runs - I'll be making the run in more segments. I'm guessing 9 of'em (three per scenario) plus one for that cheeky intro. I bought some DVD+RW's, and once I get me a decent DVD-to-AVI/Div-X program, I'll try and get a "teaser" movie up on my freshly created account. It might take a while though, I need a good proggy...
EDIT: Long live FlasK MPEG! Took me a while to get it going, but I'm attempting to upload the file as we speak. Should be up in a few hours (I have an upload speed limit...); will link ASAP!
EDIT: Can't get the bloody file uploaded to !!! It locks up at 99%, and I get a "connection ended by external host"-type of error. Need a new source to upload to...
Edit history:
Raven75: 2005-12-30 09:07:04 pm
It's-a me, Raven!
Mega-Upload did the trick. Sorry if you guys hate MU, but it's the only thing I could come up with after effed me up the rear end twice over. -- 45,9 MB AVI file, Div-X/MP3
My personal comments:
- During the mission briefing, 62's animation comes up too early (you'll see him tapping his helmet, shrugging, and turning around even before the Advisor's transmission starts falling appart).
- Got stuck for a moment due to sniper zoom at the "bridge".
- Fudged up weapon selection right after the "bridge".
- Hung around the berthing chamber rather lengthly - like 62 says, those bugs are tricky! That, and I'm usually too late to stab the Geonosians.
- Fudged up formations at the end of the berthing chamber.
- Got stuck for a moment on an explosive vat next to the shield control pannel.
- Should have gone forward-right when setting off the bomb on the jammer.
- Damn forced conversation at the level-transit!
- Since I wasnt planning on going any further, I went to the DVD-recorder to switch it of, but I changed my mind and ran back - that's why I start running late.
- Shouldn't have bothered with the Geonosin Elite. Twice.
- Fudged up when placing the bomb at the base of the column.
- Need to learn to keep running when switching weapons.
- Dito when ordering formations.
- Same for sniper locations.

I trained some more; starting from a new game, including those introduction sequences, up to the end of the Heart of the Machine (the second portion of my vid). I forgot to time it (stupid me), but I'm finding more and more small time-savers and tactics. I re-configged some of my buttons, and they're working out smoothly - they'll let me switch weapons, give orders or set up snipers while still moving better.
It's-a me, Raven!
1) *bump*
2) I got me a pic! Smiley

So do you have a time that you can complete it in yet or are you still working on it.? Do you have an estimated time then. Also if I was to beat your time could I do the run on Xbox???

It's-a me, Raven!
I'm still working on it. It's a pretty long game, I'm still finding little bits of improvement here and there, and I don't have all THAT much time on my hands - I'm a working man and all, plus I've got to visit family for the holidays.
I'm pretty sure that the X-Box version doesn't have many differences, so yes, I think you can use that version to try and beat my time. But then again, my runs would be naught but a enticement to be beaten! I'm not much of a speedrunner, so my times should be pretty easy to beat - if I ever get my run done, that is.
As for current progress, I've tried to run as fast as possible, and I got as far as the start of "Troika" - the RAS Prosecutor level where you finally regain a squad member. Doing that so fast gave me the courage I needed (the good old "I can do this!" feeling) to keep at it; I'm practicing the first half of Geonosis like crazy for now.
I've made another post with a test-vid - it's over at;action=display;num=1135980117 ; I'm planning to use that thread and leaving this one alone.