My feelings on The Demon Rush
Game Page: Doesn't exist yet.
Verifier Responses
Decision: Reject
Reason: The run has a lot of room for improvement, considering the runner used such big segments and had lots of little errors in each segment.
Verifier Responses
Hey Mike, I've finished the write-up for the Spore run. All my comments are below.
In short, I would recommend accepting this speedrun. The A/V is fine. The run is speedy. And, there are no apparent cheats used. The run isn’t perfect, but no one can expect a Spore run (even a segmented one) to be perfect.
** Now, I understand that there were a few deaths throughout the run, three in total I believe, but I don’t think that the deaths ruin the speedrun in any way, except losing about 5-10 seconds overall.
Cell Stage:
- Great choice of the omnivore upgrade. I’ve seen other players pick speed boosts and defensive upgrades that don’t help nearly as much.
- Nice luck that the first guy you attacked came back for you to finish the job. I would have considered it a waste of time otherwise.
- DEATH. In my opinion, this is an entirely avoidable death. Two second loss.
- Perfect timing with the end of segment two (being attacked, so runner chooses to save and exit!)
- Upgrades all went swimmingly throughout the cell stage. I can’t imagine any better way.
- Sloppy attacks on some random creatures. He attacks and is killed. Loss of two seconds.
- Poor attack on red giant creature in the final tidal stage. Loss of two seconds or so.
- Overall, the cell stage was done as quickly as I have ever seen it done. This is not to say that there isn’t room for improvement! Well done.
Creature Stage:
- Good selections for charming, singing, and speed upgrades throughout this entire stage.
- I’m not sure what special ability the runner is using to summon the extra little helpers, but they are clearly a huge help in the early to mid parts of this stage.
- Poor timing on the meteor shower. Only if it could have happened while the runner was travelling from one point to another.
- Runner wasted time attacking the creature den immediately before he began saving all the time.
- Nice use of saves towards the end of this stage for the more difficult creatures.
- Why did the runner befriend only ONE of the angry orange creatures towards the end of the stage?? He appears to have wasted 5-10 seconds here.
- Like the cell stage, the creature stage was well done overall. I’d like some explanation for a few odd points, but other than that it was as quick as anything else I’ve ever seen.
Tribal Stage:
- Fantastic early play on the tribal stage. Quick, fluid... a very well executed piece of gaming.
- Could have been slightly quicker allocating harvesting to new adults after infants grow up.
- Perfect building choice.
- A little slow on making a new baby after setting everyone as fishermen.
- Poor save at 49 minutes. Wasted time getting back to his tribe.
- Nothing much to report on. The run is still going well at this point.
Civilization Stage:
- Good selection of parts for the vehicle.
- 56 minutes, I’m assuming that we don’t care whether or not the runner creates his own buildings? Reason being that he chooses a building out of the cue.
- A few minor mistakes with manipulating the interface. Time mark 1:01 for an example, among others.
-This stage is by far the quickest. Right around 10 or 11 minutes. Nicely done.
Space Stage:
- Beautiful space stage travel exploit at the beginning of this stage!
- Wasted time with interface at 1:14.
- Runner REALLY slowed down at 1:15 while using the travel exploit. Some time (maybe 5-10 seconds) wasted.
- Moving from solar system to solar system could have been done faster throughout the entire space stage.
- 1:19 he wastes about 4-5 seconds hesitating what planet to choose.
- 1:20 when placing objects he wastes a few seconds because he is too high off the surface of the planet. It is quicker the closer your spaceship is to the planet.
- 1:24 mushroom harvesting could have been done a lot quicker, but it was done well regardless.
- 1:32 runner accidentally drops the package he is picking up and wastes about 2 seconds.
- 1:55 just playing around and using up time.
- Nice push to the rod of life at the end, very quickly done.
- I may be wrong, but it really seems like the runner wasted a lot of time in the space stage. Time spent going from solar system to solar system and not doing anything. Doing actions that don’t increase points for upgrades or speed up the run in any recognisable way.
Closing comments:
Like I said in the beginning, I DO believe that this run should be accepted. There are areas for improvement throughout, but the run is reasonably solid. I think all the verifiers deserve kudos for having to watch the entire space stage... my god. It’s not the runner’s fault, it’s just so god awfully slow and tedious ha ha.
In short, I would recommend accepting this speedrun. The A/V is fine. The run is speedy. And, there are no apparent cheats used. The run isn’t perfect, but no one can expect a Spore run (even a segmented one) to be perfect.
** Now, I understand that there were a few deaths throughout the run, three in total I believe, but I don’t think that the deaths ruin the speedrun in any way, except losing about 5-10 seconds overall.
Cell Stage:
- Great choice of the omnivore upgrade. I’ve seen other players pick speed boosts and defensive upgrades that don’t help nearly as much.
- Nice luck that the first guy you attacked came back for you to finish the job. I would have considered it a waste of time otherwise.
- DEATH. In my opinion, this is an entirely avoidable death. Two second loss.
- Perfect timing with the end of segment two (being attacked, so runner chooses to save and exit!)
- Upgrades all went swimmingly throughout the cell stage. I can’t imagine any better way.
- Sloppy attacks on some random creatures. He attacks and is killed. Loss of two seconds.
- Poor attack on red giant creature in the final tidal stage. Loss of two seconds or so.
- Overall, the cell stage was done as quickly as I have ever seen it done. This is not to say that there isn’t room for improvement! Well done.
Creature Stage:
- Good selections for charming, singing, and speed upgrades throughout this entire stage.
- I’m not sure what special ability the runner is using to summon the extra little helpers, but they are clearly a huge help in the early to mid parts of this stage.
- Poor timing on the meteor shower. Only if it could have happened while the runner was travelling from one point to another.
- Runner wasted time attacking the creature den immediately before he began saving all the time.
- Nice use of saves towards the end of this stage for the more difficult creatures.
- Why did the runner befriend only ONE of the angry orange creatures towards the end of the stage?? He appears to have wasted 5-10 seconds here.
- Like the cell stage, the creature stage was well done overall. I’d like some explanation for a few odd points, but other than that it was as quick as anything else I’ve ever seen.
Tribal Stage:
- Fantastic early play on the tribal stage. Quick, fluid... a very well executed piece of gaming.
- Could have been slightly quicker allocating harvesting to new adults after infants grow up.
- Perfect building choice.
- A little slow on making a new baby after setting everyone as fishermen.
- Poor save at 49 minutes. Wasted time getting back to his tribe.
- Nothing much to report on. The run is still going well at this point.
Civilization Stage:
- Good selection of parts for the vehicle.
- 56 minutes, I’m assuming that we don’t care whether or not the runner creates his own buildings? Reason being that he chooses a building out of the cue.
- A few minor mistakes with manipulating the interface. Time mark 1:01 for an example, among others.
-This stage is by far the quickest. Right around 10 or 11 minutes. Nicely done.
Space Stage:
- Beautiful space stage travel exploit at the beginning of this stage!
- Wasted time with interface at 1:14.
- Runner REALLY slowed down at 1:15 while using the travel exploit. Some time (maybe 5-10 seconds) wasted.
- Moving from solar system to solar system could have been done faster throughout the entire space stage.
- 1:19 he wastes about 4-5 seconds hesitating what planet to choose.
- 1:20 when placing objects he wastes a few seconds because he is too high off the surface of the planet. It is quicker the closer your spaceship is to the planet.
- 1:24 mushroom harvesting could have been done a lot quicker, but it was done well regardless.
- 1:32 runner accidentally drops the package he is picking up and wastes about 2 seconds.
- 1:55 just playing around and using up time.
- Nice push to the rod of life at the end, very quickly done.
- I may be wrong, but it really seems like the runner wasted a lot of time in the space stage. Time spent going from solar system to solar system and not doing anything. Doing actions that don’t increase points for upgrades or speed up the run in any recognisable way.
Closing comments:
Like I said in the beginning, I DO believe that this run should be accepted. There are areas for improvement throughout, but the run is reasonably solid. I think all the verifiers deserve kudos for having to watch the entire space stage... my god. It’s not the runner’s fault, it’s just so god awfully slow and tedious ha ha.
Pre-verification notes
At first, I thought Spore didn't have a definite ending, knowing that this is a Maxis game (same makers of The Sims) up until I remembered about the race to the very center of the Universe where the Spore player can receive the Staff of Life.
These time stamps in QuickTime player are for noting specific occurrences such as death, strange glitches, etc.
By the way, you don't have to read the ENTIRE thing but I'll tell you there is ALOT of saving and resuming back to the game. @_@
Cell Stage
00:00:18 Spore creature starts out as a Carnivore.
00:00:55 Creature calls its mate to evolve. Gains the Herbivore mouth to become an Omnivore.
00:01:12 Player saves the game.
00:01:25 Player resumes the game as an Omnivore.
00:02:54 First Creature death in Cell stage as an Omnivore.
00:03:30 Player exited the game then resumes game (at 00:03:43) to call its mate for next evolution.
00:04:01 Spore creature gains cilia for speed.
00:04:32 Creature calls mate to evolve. Creature gains another pair of cilia for speed.
00:05:20 Second death in Cell stage. No apparent change.
00:06:36 Creature stage enabled to evolve legs and go to land!
00:07:13 Creature Stage begins gameplay!
00:07:15 Player saves the game.
00:07:34 Gameplay resumes in Creature Stage.
00:08:06 Uses Summon Flock ability to aid Creature in befriending other Spore creatures. Apparently, Summon Flock ability calls in a nearby flock (either social or aggressive depending on stance) other than your own flock.
00:08:33 Meets up with Mate to evolve. Creature loses cell stage cilia(s), Herbivore mouth, Carnivore mouth and tail.
00:09:11 Creature returns to world with an Omnivore mouth, arms, charm appendage and wings for speed and charming other Spore creatures.
00:09:22 Player uses Summon Flock ability to get another flock of creatures to aid in charming more social Spore Creatures.
00:11:10 Player saves and exits the game to the Main Menu.
00:11:32 Game resumes. No apparent changes.
00:11:36 Creature calls mate to evolve. Gain rank 2 Omnivore mouth for better singing.
00:12:38 Player toggles Summon Flock again to call in a social flock to befriend more Creatures.
00:14:36 Creature meets up with its Mate once again to evolve. Creature gains a rank 3 Omnivore mouth.
00:14:53 Player saves the game.
00:15:17 Gameplay resumes.
00:15:34 Player casts Summon Flock.
00:18:51 Creature mates with Mate to evolve. No changes.
00:19:00 Gameplay resumes followed by save and go to Menu.
00:19:18 Gameplay resumes.
00:19:28 Creature calls Mate to evolve. Creature gains level 4 Omnivore mouth.
00:19:41 Gameplay resumes.
00:20:05 Summon Flock ability selected.
00:23:27 Player saves to main menu.
00:23:47 Gameplay resumes. No apparent change in stats.
00:24:26 Player saves to Main Menu. Again.
00:24:47 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains another ally.
00:25:28 Player saves to Main Menu. Again!
00:25:46 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains another ally.
00:26:06 Player saves to Main Menu to ensure Creature's success is saved.
00:26:26 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains another ally.
00:29:18 Saved to Main Menu.
00:29:38 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains more allies.
00:31:45 Creature finally ready for Tribe Stage.
00:32:15 Tribal Stage begins. No evolve changes from Creature Stage.
Tribal Stage tutorial ended and saved to Main Menu.
00:32:49 Gameplay resumes from Main Menu.
00:34:33 Game saved to Main Menu to ensure success is saved.
00:34:53 Tribal Stage gameplay resumes.
00:37:51 Game saved to Main Menu.
00:38:13 Gameplay resumes.
00:46:11 Saved game to Main menu.
00:46:28 Gameplay resumes.
00:48:51 Fireworks consequence ability selected to befriend a potentially hostile tribal village.
00:49:13 Game saved to Main Menu to save game success this far.
00:49:35 Gameplay resumes.
00:52:00 Next Spore Stage selected for Civilization Stage. Game saved after Tutorial.
00:53:22 Civilization Stage gameplay begins.
Creature civilization is Religious (not Military nor Economic).
01:03:25 All cities on the planet taken over by Religious conversion thanks to the Consequence ability.
Game saved and next Spore stage selected for Space Stage.
01:04:12 Space Stage begins.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:07:43 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:08:05 Gameplay resumes.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:09:43 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:10:03 Gameplay resumes.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:12:32 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:12:55 Gameplay resumes.
Player visits the planet required for mission and advance the story-line.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:15:23 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:15:42 Gameplay resumes.
Player fulfills some missions to earn advancements and achievements for necessary upgrades.
01:21:39 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:21:59 Gameplay resumes.
01:25:05 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:25:26 Gameplay resumes.
01:27:03 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:27:24 Gameplay resumes.
01:34:26 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:34:47 Gameplay resumes.
01:37:29 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:37:48 Gameplay resumes.
01:42:49 Game saved to Main Menu.
(At this point, I'm pretty bored and would recommend making a condensed version of the video minus the game pauses.)
01:43:09 Gameplay resumes.
01:48:17 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:48:36 Gameplay resumes.
01:54:34 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:54:54 Gameplay resumes.
02:22:12 Game saved to Main Menu.
02:22:32 Gameplay resumes.
Finally! Runner begins his journey to the very center of the Universe!
02:24:02 After encountering the Grox Empire for the first time, runner saves the game.
02:24:21 Gameplay resumes.
Runner begins the gauntlet run to the center of the Universe!
02:27:20 End-game cinematic begins!
02:30:20 Game saved. END
Post Verification notes:
This run has two death so this is a run with deaths. Duh.
I think the runner could've done better in way of efficiency but
for now, I give this Spore speed run a thumbs up for anyone who
has the tenacity to do this better.
This could've been insane if this was done WITHOUT saving but I guess
the constant saving and resuming will have to do to ensure the run's
success in-game.
As a speed run verifier and a fellow gameress(?), I would like to whittle down
or at least filter out the constant save and resume game scenes for
a smaller file size and make watching the run a little more enjoyable.
At first, I thought Spore didn't have a definite ending, knowing that this is a Maxis game (same makers of The Sims) up until I remembered about the race to the very center of the Universe where the Spore player can receive the Staff of Life.
These time stamps in QuickTime player are for noting specific occurrences such as death, strange glitches, etc.
By the way, you don't have to read the ENTIRE thing but I'll tell you there is ALOT of saving and resuming back to the game. @_@
Cell Stage
00:00:18 Spore creature starts out as a Carnivore.
00:00:55 Creature calls its mate to evolve. Gains the Herbivore mouth to become an Omnivore.
00:01:12 Player saves the game.
00:01:25 Player resumes the game as an Omnivore.
00:02:54 First Creature death in Cell stage as an Omnivore.
00:03:30 Player exited the game then resumes game (at 00:03:43) to call its mate for next evolution.
00:04:01 Spore creature gains cilia for speed.
00:04:32 Creature calls mate to evolve. Creature gains another pair of cilia for speed.
00:05:20 Second death in Cell stage. No apparent change.
00:06:36 Creature stage enabled to evolve legs and go to land!
00:07:13 Creature Stage begins gameplay!
00:07:15 Player saves the game.
00:07:34 Gameplay resumes in Creature Stage.
00:08:06 Uses Summon Flock ability to aid Creature in befriending other Spore creatures. Apparently, Summon Flock ability calls in a nearby flock (either social or aggressive depending on stance) other than your own flock.
00:08:33 Meets up with Mate to evolve. Creature loses cell stage cilia(s), Herbivore mouth, Carnivore mouth and tail.
00:09:11 Creature returns to world with an Omnivore mouth, arms, charm appendage and wings for speed and charming other Spore creatures.
00:09:22 Player uses Summon Flock ability to get another flock of creatures to aid in charming more social Spore Creatures.
00:11:10 Player saves and exits the game to the Main Menu.
00:11:32 Game resumes. No apparent changes.
00:11:36 Creature calls mate to evolve. Gain rank 2 Omnivore mouth for better singing.
00:12:38 Player toggles Summon Flock again to call in a social flock to befriend more Creatures.
00:14:36 Creature meets up with its Mate once again to evolve. Creature gains a rank 3 Omnivore mouth.
00:14:53 Player saves the game.
00:15:17 Gameplay resumes.
00:15:34 Player casts Summon Flock.
00:18:51 Creature mates with Mate to evolve. No changes.
00:19:00 Gameplay resumes followed by save and go to Menu.
00:19:18 Gameplay resumes.
00:19:28 Creature calls Mate to evolve. Creature gains level 4 Omnivore mouth.
00:19:41 Gameplay resumes.
00:20:05 Summon Flock ability selected.
00:23:27 Player saves to main menu.
00:23:47 Gameplay resumes. No apparent change in stats.
00:24:26 Player saves to Main Menu. Again.
00:24:47 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains another ally.
00:25:28 Player saves to Main Menu. Again!
00:25:46 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains another ally.
00:26:06 Player saves to Main Menu to ensure Creature's success is saved.
00:26:26 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains another ally.
00:29:18 Saved to Main Menu.
00:29:38 Gameplay resumes. Creature gains more allies.
00:31:45 Creature finally ready for Tribe Stage.
00:32:15 Tribal Stage begins. No evolve changes from Creature Stage.
Tribal Stage tutorial ended and saved to Main Menu.
00:32:49 Gameplay resumes from Main Menu.
00:34:33 Game saved to Main Menu to ensure success is saved.
00:34:53 Tribal Stage gameplay resumes.
00:37:51 Game saved to Main Menu.
00:38:13 Gameplay resumes.
00:46:11 Saved game to Main menu.
00:46:28 Gameplay resumes.
00:48:51 Fireworks consequence ability selected to befriend a potentially hostile tribal village.
00:49:13 Game saved to Main Menu to save game success this far.
00:49:35 Gameplay resumes.
00:52:00 Next Spore Stage selected for Civilization Stage. Game saved after Tutorial.
00:53:22 Civilization Stage gameplay begins.
Creature civilization is Religious (not Military nor Economic).
01:03:25 All cities on the planet taken over by Religious conversion thanks to the Consequence ability.
Game saved and next Spore stage selected for Space Stage.
01:04:12 Space Stage begins.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:07:43 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:08:05 Gameplay resumes.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:09:43 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:10:03 Gameplay resumes.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:12:32 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:12:55 Gameplay resumes.
Player visits the planet required for mission and advance the story-line.
Player goes back and forth between Galaxies to gain the Frequent Flyer achievement and the necessary upgrades to advance the game.
01:15:23 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:15:42 Gameplay resumes.
Player fulfills some missions to earn advancements and achievements for necessary upgrades.
01:21:39 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:21:59 Gameplay resumes.
01:25:05 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:25:26 Gameplay resumes.
01:27:03 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:27:24 Gameplay resumes.
01:34:26 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:34:47 Gameplay resumes.
01:37:29 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:37:48 Gameplay resumes.
01:42:49 Game saved to Main Menu.
(At this point, I'm pretty bored and would recommend making a condensed version of the video minus the game pauses.)
01:43:09 Gameplay resumes.
01:48:17 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:48:36 Gameplay resumes.
01:54:34 Game saved to Main Menu.
01:54:54 Gameplay resumes.
02:22:12 Game saved to Main Menu.
02:22:32 Gameplay resumes.
Finally! Runner begins his journey to the very center of the Universe!
02:24:02 After encountering the Grox Empire for the first time, runner saves the game.
02:24:21 Gameplay resumes.
Runner begins the gauntlet run to the center of the Universe!
02:27:20 End-game cinematic begins!
02:30:20 Game saved. END
Post Verification notes:
This run has two death so this is a run with deaths. Duh.
I think the runner could've done better in way of efficiency but
for now, I give this Spore speed run a thumbs up for anyone who
has the tenacity to do this better.
This could've been insane if this was done WITHOUT saving but I guess
the constant saving and resuming will have to do to ensure the run's
success in-game.
As a speed run verifier and a fellow gameress(?), I would like to whittle down
or at least filter out the constant save and resume game scenes for
a smaller file size and make watching the run a little more enjoyable.
Sorry its taken me so long to get to this.
Video quality and sound are both good, no jumps or missed sections so far.
Cell Stage:
Has some good luck in multiple starts. Lack of control via mouse seems to let him down in multiple spots. Touching up controls could have saved quite a bit of time in a 'segment' of this length. 2 deaths, although in this stage, it means nothing. A few poor decisions, but they are outweighed by quick reflexs in some cases, and some good luck in others. At optimum, I expect this section could be 20-30 seconds faster at least.
Creature stage:
Unsure how to judge this. When I play, I go from cell to space in one sitting, and as such, when starting the creature stage, have less pieces unlocked, very few compared to this player. This may be a patching/regional/completion difference though. Makes a few minor mistakes around 3rd tribe, not enough to warrant a redo of the segment though. 17 and 18 minutes are unlucky, allies being scared away and attacking his posse. Wastes some time around 19:10. Nothing much. Changes tactics around 22:00, just scrapes through. Going for a 250hp and finally getting it around 29:00 pays off later, even though it takes a bit longer now.
Part 2:
Tribal stage:
Makes a lot of minor mistakes that would be nothing by themselves, but adds up. Poor macro and micro doesnt help the times, gathering the people for no reason, not making good use of time, people doing nothing. Case in point: 46:30. Some time is lost when creating the city hall, should have slowed down in the creator.
Civilisation stage:
Not much to say. Could have saved probably at least 1 minute through better management, but its not bad.
Final part & Summary:
Space Stage:
Lots of minor mistakes throughout. In a Single Segment, it wouldn't be enough, but in a segmented run its a niggling injury. Not much to say about the whole thing. Some bad luck, some good. Early part has more grind than an MMO.
All in all, runner did ok, had a plan for it and carried it out. However, I'm not a believer in gifting it a status of accepted just because there isnt one yet.
Each stage could be improved, saving quite a bit of time.
Cell stage: Reject
Creature stage: Reject
Tribal stage: Reject
Civilisation stage: Reject
Space stage: Half and half, but Reject.
Its not that the run was bad, but it was obvious to me where it could have been better.
Video quality and sound are both good, no jumps or missed sections so far.
Cell Stage:
Has some good luck in multiple starts. Lack of control via mouse seems to let him down in multiple spots. Touching up controls could have saved quite a bit of time in a 'segment' of this length. 2 deaths, although in this stage, it means nothing. A few poor decisions, but they are outweighed by quick reflexs in some cases, and some good luck in others. At optimum, I expect this section could be 20-30 seconds faster at least.
Creature stage:
Unsure how to judge this. When I play, I go from cell to space in one sitting, and as such, when starting the creature stage, have less pieces unlocked, very few compared to this player. This may be a patching/regional/completion difference though. Makes a few minor mistakes around 3rd tribe, not enough to warrant a redo of the segment though. 17 and 18 minutes are unlucky, allies being scared away and attacking his posse. Wastes some time around 19:10. Nothing much. Changes tactics around 22:00, just scrapes through. Going for a 250hp and finally getting it around 29:00 pays off later, even though it takes a bit longer now.
Part 2:
Tribal stage:
Makes a lot of minor mistakes that would be nothing by themselves, but adds up. Poor macro and micro doesnt help the times, gathering the people for no reason, not making good use of time, people doing nothing. Case in point: 46:30. Some time is lost when creating the city hall, should have slowed down in the creator.
Civilisation stage:
Not much to say. Could have saved probably at least 1 minute through better management, but its not bad.
Final part & Summary:
Space Stage:
Lots of minor mistakes throughout. In a Single Segment, it wouldn't be enough, but in a segmented run its a niggling injury. Not much to say about the whole thing. Some bad luck, some good. Early part has more grind than an MMO.
All in all, runner did ok, had a plan for it and carried it out. However, I'm not a believer in gifting it a status of accepted just because there isnt one yet.
Each stage could be improved, saving quite a bit of time.
Cell stage: Reject
Creature stage: Reject
Tribal stage: Reject
Civilisation stage: Reject
Space stage: Half and half, but Reject.
Its not that the run was bad, but it was obvious to me where it could have been better.
Decision: Reject
Reason: The run has a lot of room for improvement, considering the runner used such big segments and had lots of little errors in each segment.
Thread title: