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spineshark: 2011-12-11 04:38:27 pm
spineshark: 2011-12-11 04:37:59 pm
spineshark: 2011-11-14 07:09:55 pm
spineshark: 2011-11-14 03:20:52 am
spineshark: 2011-11-14 03:20:40 am
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Dec. 11: Now obsolete! See below if you're interested in random shit.

So. My 360 is broken again. It's probably the power brick again. I could fork over $40 to replace it and just go through this cycle every six months...or I can sell all my random stuff, not have to move it again, and come out with some money that I could also totally use right now.

That's where you come in. Buy as much as you'd like. Make offers if you're so inclined, but for the most part I'm not eager to go much below these (that doesn't mean "don't do it." I'm amenable to making agreements, especially on stuff I know is easy to get otherwise). Shipping to US is $4 for the first game, $1 for anything else you want concurrently (negotiable if you don't care about boxes). I can ship elsewhere; it's just a little more. Games are complete with original packaging in good condition unless otherwise noted. Most were bought new.

I have a North American console, so all these games work on NTSC/U machines. If that's not what you have, you might want to make sure you'll be able to use these.

So here we go!

-xbox 360 games-

Fighting games:
Marvel vs Capcom 3 - $5 (not really expecting people to care with Ultimate coming out tomorrow, but who knows) HOLD
Super Street Fighter 4 - $10
Tekken 6 - $10 HOLD
BlazBlue CS* (patches to CS2 for free, although that's going to get outdated or something sort of soon) - $10

Cave shmups:
Mushihimesama Futari (Platinum Hits): $30 HOLD
ESPGaluda II (Platinum Hits): $35 (literally played this disc once =/) HOLD
May also decide to sell my MMP/PS LE, not sure yet

RPGs and stuff:
Mass Effect (platinum with bonus disc) + ME2 : $25 (or $15 and $12 individually)
Resonance of Fate: $10* HOLD
Nier: $10*

*if for some reason you have PS3 copies of these and want to trade I'd love to work something out
Thread title:  
I'll take the Mushihimesama and Espgaluda off your hands. =]

PM me with your paypal and stuff.
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mikwuyma: 2011-11-14 11:55:26 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I'm interested in Resonance of Fate, and it looks like it doesn't have region protection which is like every other Sega game (I have a j-360), so either pm me or hit me up on aim with your paypal info.
Waiting hurts my soul...
huh, how did I miss this thread... and Mike already got the game I'm most interested in. Oh, well... If you still have both Mass Effect games around beginning of December, I'll probably pick those up.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
I'm going to the post office tomorrow. Thanks guys who have already bought stuff.

I'm perfectly happy to hold onto anything people want a little more time on, but I'm probably going to be looking at something else to do with anything else that isn't spoken for in about a week.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
Small new wave:
PS2 ICO (disc only): $15 shipped
PS3 Demon's Souls (Japanese text): $12 shipped. It's a long story, but now that I'm practicing for the marathon on an English one...
SNES EVO: The Search for Eden (cart only): $35 shipped. I haven't been able to make sure this works for quite a while, but it did last time I had a SNES at hand.
360 MMP/PS LE (disc and CD opened, DLC unused): $105 shipped. This is a little lower than the price I got quoted on shmups but who the hell knows, I wasn't able to find any that had been sold in a while.

Also, Zenic: I still have ME 1 and 2 if you're interested. And if not, for anyone else who is.
Waiting hurts my soul...
I'm actually going to pass on those unless you have them after the marathon, so many prizes I want to try for and I'm not sure I'll have enough for them in the first place. Hope you understand. Thanks.
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dballin: 2011-12-11 08:28:35 pm
Balls jerky
that's retardedly cheap for EVO so yeah please give? I'll take that risk.

Sorry to everyone else that wants it.
新世紀進歩的羽扇子 音楽
That is essentially what I paid for it, plus or minus a couple bucks.
Balls jerky
Aight then. Let me know how to give moneys.