well you can bunny MUUCH faster in hfr - e.g. i did a 10 sec ER on e4m5, and see phils HFR 100M run
so lots of maps could be done much faster, but IMHO once they start getting really jerky and technical they're not very fun to watch...
*edit* come to think of it i think a HFR 100% project would be pretty darn cool - you could save many minutes over the current overall time with perfect HFR demos
(of course thats just what sda needs, ANOTHER unfinshed project)
I second that Stubbz, even though I'm not in charge =)
Basically watching a cheated but perfect run (compared to a perfect hfr 0 run) that any newb could have done wouldn't impress me at all. It's all about the real skills, reflexes, aim etc.
Basically hfr is a totally different game that nobody has practiced for. Who can tell what an optimal hfr run would look like? I sure can't. Simply because we haven't done enough of it. Maybe some of you have run alot in hfr, but I bet we've just scratched the surface as far as the possibillities that lie therein. It's like a totally new game with hfr. All the techniques change etc etc.
More importantly I feel that those kind of run would only serve to give ourselves a bad reputation. Almost like we're claiming to be something that we're not.
hehe don't get me wrong, I know that it's not a real indication of your quake skills - but I think it would still take some effort to get PERFECT runs in HFR, which can look really cool. After a few tries on e1m1 last night with HFR 0.007, I got 52.3 EH (without using any of the crazy HFR bunny tricks) - it might be cheating but as long as you accept that, it's still fun to watch flawless aiming/bunnies etc
Note the "perfect compared to hfr 0/normal run". Like I said, we've just scratched the surface with hfr. Also be aware that not only does hfr reduce the speed of the game so it's easier to do stuff, it alters the very physics of the game itself. Keyboard pitch and yaw speeds are changed for example. You can do crazy shit in slopes especially but also on flat ground because of the altered "surface contact" or what you'd wanna call it. Also it's possible to accellerate in the air much better (think exit out of first pipe on e3m5) etc etc etc....So many things are different.