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Norrin_Radd: 2008-06-07 02:11:39 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
When I was a lad I actually got stuck for MONTHS trying to figure out what to do with the plank of wood. Did they ever tell you that you need to put it into the BACK of that tree? I tried the front and sides millions of times. But the back?! AHHRG!

To stay on track, I really hope to see this run! Any ETA?
Freelance slacker
I'm pretty sure you can put it into the front of the tree, you just need to go into the menu and use the item, sort of like how you have to go into the menu and select Search to grab the Force Sword.

There's no ETA because I'm still just testing things. So.. months. Months and months. Don't hold your breath.
I haven't read most of the thread. but here's my two cents: Grab Karna at Creed's, Make her a VICR for the extra defence, or if Sarah has Heal 3 at that point, obviously make her a MMNK, and get Randolf. Use Kazin as a WIZ for desoul. If you want, ditch him for Chaz, because Tyrin will hold you back until he gets Freeze 4 really, whereas Kazin gets Blaze 4 early enough, and Chaz can quite easily get Freeze 4 by the Galam fight. If you really want a PGNT, use Jaro, as he's good enough, and it's better than waiting for Rick/Eric to get the wing. If you want an archer, give a pimento to Rhode and use him, or make Elric a SNIP. I'd suggest not using Slade, as he's not up to Scratch for a Speed Run, even on Normal.
Quote from getter77:

Hardest mode?  Easiest?  Random perceived "sweet sport" in between?  Pretty huge decision, IIRC as to how this will all play out with your sanity and success.

I am fairly certain that there is almost NO difference between difficulty levels with the exception of 'Super' in which I believe the attacking force gets more double hits, critical hits and a 20 percent attack bonus in contrast with other difficulty levels, so the advantage or disadvantages of choosing a difficulty level (other than Super) is probably negligible...

also wanted to show my support for this effort.  Shining Force 2 definitely deserves a good run! 
Hey I love sf1 and any thing that was after that could be loveable in my Video Game Arsenal so I support this run all the way and look forward to watching your speed run. Grin
100% runs=great to watch
I think different difficulties modify the EXP gain rate from fights....IIRC something to the tune of during the first battle at level 1 it perhaps becomes impossible to gain 40 something in a good whack/kill....depending on what it is set at.
Quote from getter77:
I think different difficulties modify the EXP gain rate from fights....IIRC something to the tune of during the first battle at level 1 it perhaps becomes impossible to gain 40 something in a good whack/kill....depending on what it is set at.

No, I think that the first battle is pretty much the same for all difficulties.  It's impossible to get 49 experience from the first battle, period.  (regardless of difficulty chosen) 
The only differences between the lower three difficulty levels is the AI increases as you go up.  You'll notice things like enemies evading more often, or targeting much better with their mass-effect spells (Blaze, Freeze, etc).  The highest level was originally meant to add to the Attack and Defense scores (and possibly HP as well, though I couldn't find a source on that), but apparently at the last moment those changes were either accidentally or intentionally left out.  I would say do the "Hard" mode.
Quote from Ishmayl:
The only differences between the lower three difficulty levels is the AI increases as you go up.  You'll notice things like enemies evading more often, or targeting much better with their mass-effect spells (Blaze, Freeze, etc).  The highest level was originally meant to add to the Attack and Defense scores (and possibly HP as well, though I couldn't find a source on that), but apparently at the last moment those changes were either accidentally or intentionally left out.  I would say do the "Hard" mode.

Yes.  On the higher difficulty levels, the computer AI's margin for error decreases a ton.  They will attack and exploit weaknesses in defense and rarely make "stupid" moves as would be found on the lowest difficulty setting.  They will usually go after magic users and those with lowest defense and hit point settings... even when it seems to be out of their way and they could've just as easily attacked a 'tank' like Jaha. 

I still think there is some kind of attack bonus on the highest difficulty setting.  It seems like enemies take off more damage on SUPER.  Interesting thoughts on stat bonuses, but for now I disagree. 

I also think it would be a good idea to do HARD because the pace of battles will be quicker.  The computer will become more aggressive on the higher settings and the number of moves it takes to end a battle will probably be considerably less, in effect minimizing battle times. 
Karna would be the only one that you could Power Level. MMNK + Boost every turn, she will gain a lot of levels. Sarah will be too slow to follow, and if you keep heal for just the moment you need it, you will be low leveled with Sarah.

With Karna, you gain a level every 4-5 Boost. With Sarah, it's every 10-11 heals.

You may want to keep long ranged character, they may have a lower attack, but you'll have some trouble hitting every time you select a character. With long ranged character, you'll be able to shoot from a distance. You can even put a strong defence character in front and keep 2 long ranged character hitting.

In the fact that you are low leved, I think that the character that join you will be stronger that your force, so you may have to rotate character. Karna join at level 24 unpromotioned, so she will probably be stronger than Sarah.

In the battle before the harpy, if you kill one of the clerics, you will get a "blizzard ?", an item that does 15 damages. It could be a life saver on Sarah.

For the chess battle, I think that you should go in the middle of the board. The king will come foward, and you'll be able to kill it fast.

I think that promoting early is not a good thing, unless you have a weapon that you can't equip, you should promote with higher level. Spell are affected by total level and not promotion. And exp is better before the promotion. I don't remember if Bowie needs to be promoted to equip the Achille Sword. This seems to proove that promoting early is not a good thing

Fraya might be a good healer, I don't know how many healer you will need but with aura,Karna could probably do the job.

Peter will be your most valuable character because he is the stronger. And because he's flying, he can attack from any side. You should probably give him the power ring. Also make use of the rings ability to power up your character, and be sure to repair them when they get cracked.

You can get a powerwater early in the game, but I don't know if it will be a great difference for the lost time. (Located in the Shrine)

Good luck with your run Wink I'll be sure to follow and try to give you advice as I did with DarkKobold Tongue
Anything going on with this?  Looks like this and the tas have stagnated a bit, but hopefully there's still a plan for them? Smiley
I feel a necromantic bump for this should be okay since I chatted with mithical about this during the Awesome Games Done Quick.  I'm thinking about trying this myself now, but it will take some time - I will let know when I have more info
Someone still going for SF2? Im trying to run it right now (as often as i can^^) and it would be nice to have someone to share some thoughts with.
So if someone is still Running or wanting to run Shining Force II give me an msg at Twitch (im ThorimGauser there).

Also: Does someone know of an completion time? has someone already completed an speedrun so that i can have an Time to compare against?:

thx for youre time.
Been a looong, long time fan of speedrunning and latley I've been think about trying it out for myself. Shining Force 2 has always been one of my absoulte favorite games so I've been trying to gather up as much information about speed running it as I can as I think it would be something I could enjoy.
Now to my question. The glitch DarkKobold uses in his TAS, which is also disscused in this thread were you are able to have a character move an extra tile, how is this done? Can't seem to find any solid information about it, and I feel I've looked pretty much everywhere!

Have a great day dudes!
I only read recently about that glitch but i ran it glitchles but i will try to redo it.
I Also have to see if its possible on the steam version (its kinda hard to get an Genesis + game from the USA to germany^^)

If you still want to start you can contakt me so that we could share some information.

have an nice evening