Cigar Man
Google now has a cool My Maps feature that allows users to edit maps. I started an SDA Speedrunner Locations map that anyone can edit. You just need a Google account. Once you're logged into your Google account, go to the map and click the "Edit" button. You can then right-click anywhere on the map and select "Add a placemark" to indicate your location. You can zoom way in and put the placemark right on top of your house if you want to. You can also list your SDA runs in the description box or do what Heidman did and link to your user page on SDA. If you haven't done any runs, you can type something like "No runs on SDA yet."
This map can be a resource for SDA members who are looking for a nearby fellow-speedrunner to do a two-player run with (and maps are neat in general).
This map can be a resource for SDA members who are looking for a nearby fellow-speedrunner to do a two-player run with (and maps are neat in general).
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