This was a really nice idea, but I removed myself in light of recent events. Also bumping this thread in case anyone else forgot they listed themselves here and want to reconsider.
e: Thought I'd give the additional rationale that in doing google searches to try and match up my name/nick/location, this was by far the most accessible link.
I think this is the wrong way to go about it so I will update this map with the Ludendi HQ and ESA locations. We should not be afraid of trolls on the internet. The community have made the environment what it is today, doesin't mean we want it in the future!
I never put my precise address on the map, just my city. Online privacy has been important since the 90's. It shouldn't change just because facebook users think posting their exact locations every day is "fun." O_o
That said, I understand that there are other methods of getting people's personal information. I'm just saying you shouldn't make it easy for jerks to just happen upon your post saying "HERE I AM THIS IS ME!"
I think I may have edited something on the left side by mistake? It saved my name there in place of someone else's even though I never hit save.
Edit: OK it seems Google refuses to save my placemark, even if I click save to the map. I think I'll pass on this unless someone knows how to fix this. Screw Google.