RPGLB is getting pretty close now, and although we may be here primarily to meet people, have fun, raise money for an awesome cause and praise Our Lord and Master the Demon Chocobo, there are things that need to be done for all of that to happen. So it’s about time to kick off volunteer signups. To help keep the additional information organized, I’ve set up a simple google form. I have disabled editing, so if anything changes or you messed something up, please let me know.
The form can be found here: http://goo.gl/forms/ozw8aAJCUn
A quick summary of each position:
More specific instructions will be provided at the event.
Don’t worry about any days you might not be attending or when your run is; I’ll take that into account.
If you wish to contact me privately, go ahead and do so either on this forum or via twitter @AlecK47goesfast.
Finally, it bears mentioning that there is one other “position” not mentioned on the doc: the Cleanliness Detail. This event is being held in a home, where a real family actually lives and everyone is expected to do their part to make sure it doesn’t become a complete mess. If you are awake, present, and not currently running or commentating a game, you are on Cleanliness Detail. There isn’t a strict rule as far as how much cleaning is necessary, but make sure you pick up after yourself, and if you see something that needs cleaning, just go ahead and do it. And if you have questions about how to clean something, where to find a cleaning supply you need or where to throw something away, ask!
Edit: The volunteer schedule is here
The form can be found here: http://goo.gl/forms/ozw8aAJCUn
A quick summary of each position:
Tech: setting up for each run, both physical setup and layout; changing Twitch game descriptions; adjusting stream details and audio balance as necessary; maintain stream quality; setting up; and Donations work (see below).
Donations: processing donations; screening comments and sending them to the host as appropriate; fixing issues with donations; creating new challenges and incentives as necessary and appropriate.
Hosting: reading donation comments and announcements; not interrupting commentary flow; Donations work (see above) as time allows.
Kitchen help: assisting Denton or whomever else in making wonderous comestibles that will inspire Kreygasms from all.
Donations: processing donations; screening comments and sending them to the host as appropriate; fixing issues with donations; creating new challenges and incentives as necessary and appropriate.
Hosting: reading donation comments and announcements; not interrupting commentary flow; Donations work (see above) as time allows.
Kitchen help: assisting Denton or whomever else in making wonderous comestibles that will inspire Kreygasms from all.
More specific instructions will be provided at the event.
Don’t worry about any days you might not be attending or when your run is; I’ll take that into account.
If you wish to contact me privately, go ahead and do so either on this forum or via twitter @AlecK47goesfast.
Finally, it bears mentioning that there is one other “position” not mentioned on the doc: the Cleanliness Detail. This event is being held in a home, where a real family actually lives and everyone is expected to do their part to make sure it doesn’t become a complete mess. If you are awake, present, and not currently running or commentating a game, you are on Cleanliness Detail. There isn’t a strict rule as far as how much cleaning is necessary, but make sure you pick up after yourself, and if you see something that needs cleaning, just go ahead and do it. And if you have questions about how to clean something, where to find a cleaning supply you need or where to throw something away, ask!
Edit: The volunteer schedule is here
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