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from PAListan

i couldn't found a thread with this question, so i start a new one.

As you can see in the Older Consoles Board, i'm running Gex 64 EtG and plan to do a segmented Run besides of a SS Run.
When you Start the Game, you can turn off the Voices, which safes so much time in the whole run.

The problem is: If you don't reset/turn off the console, you don't need to make this settings again... even if you load a new or old savefile.
You must only turn off the Voices (in the settings) again, when you turn off the console.

So my Question: When i do a new Segment, must i do turn off the Voices before or after loading the Savefile (so it counts into the final time)?

(sorry for my english...i hope you can understand)
Thread title:  
Fucking Weeaboo
If manual timing is used, it counts from after the save file is loaded until the game is saved. Typically though if you can set audio options in a menu outside of the game itself, you should do it there to save some time.
Edit history:
exe: 2013-06-04 04:51:26 pm
exe: 2013-06-04 04:48:03 pm
exe: 2013-06-04 04:46:23 pm
exe: 2013-06-04 04:46:18 pm
from PAListan
First, thanks for your help =)

In the N64 Version of Gex64 there is no Main Menu. In the PSX version there is one.

So you must do all the Options directly in the game (on N64 Version).
When i start a SS attempt, i'll turn off the Voices in the Settings (after i pressed start to go into it) first.
It's the same way, i'll start the segmented Run with. But then there is a problem: When i won't turn off the console after saving the game and load the game in the same sitting, then i don't need to deactivate this again.
But i can decide where i'll turn off the voices: before or after i load a savefile...and this can be a little timing difference.
Fucking Weeaboo
So basically you can load a save file, change the audio setting, then soft-reset the game back to the title screen and it keeps that setting as long as the console stays on, correct?
Edit history:
exe: 2013-06-04 05:06:07 pm
from PAListan
Yes of course...but there is no typical titel screen. When you Start the Game, there appears Bootlogos first and after this, he start directly into the Game.
Then i can go to the Options (by pressing start) and Save/Load the Game, start a new game, do some settings like camera settings and turn off the voices.
If i complete a segment -> safe it -> don't turn off the console for days and then load the savefile, i won't turn off the voices again.

Sorry for my bad english...i try to explain it as good as i can Sad
I can make a Video tomorrow which show you my problem.
The Dork Knight himself.
If that's the case, then do this: Turn on the console and go into the game. Setup all of the options you need, reset the console, then load your game. Make sure you record from power-on so the verifiers don't think there's any shenanigans going on. The unneeded footage of you changing the options can simply be cut out from the final encodes.
Edit history:
exe: 2013-06-05 09:02:35 am
exe: 2013-06-05 09:02:02 am
exe: 2013-06-05 08:59:05 am
exe: 2013-06-05 08:44:12 am
from PAListan
Thank you guys for your help.

Reset the console is the same as turn off the console. But i've forgot to tell you something and i'm very sorry for this:
When you start the game, there automatically appear a little bit different Option Screen, as the one appeared if you press start.
So maybe Sir VG mean this when he said "titel screen"?

I make a video of it, to show you the Options i have:

@0:15 this option screen appears. Then i'll set the "Voices off" and start a new game.
@0:29 I save the game with the name "?" and load it 2 times after it. You can see, that the option is already on "Voices off"
@1:27 I reset the console and then you can see that i go to the Options first and it shows "Voices on" and don't turn off this settings here, because i'll show you that this is the same when i load my savefile "?".
@1:50 I load my Savefile "?" and the Voices are also on, because i didn't change it after the reset.
If i'll turn the "Voices off" and then load the Savefile "?" then the Voices are off and this settings will stay for the whole time...  until i reset the console again.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
That thing you called 'Options screen' is what everybody else would probably call 'main menu'. Since it is from there that you select a new game or load an old one. Timing will not start until you have selected your save file.
Edit history:
exe: 2013-06-05 11:19:45 am
exe: 2013-06-05 11:19:41 am
exe: 2013-06-05 11:19:41 am
from PAListan
Yes, this seems to be right :/ my mistake.
I was a little bit confused, because it doesn't look as a regular MainMenu.

Thank you guys and sorry for stealing your time '^^