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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I was wondering what do with people with big egos. its pointless to say anything to them sence they feel what they say is always true and that no one is better then they are. and when you beat them at a game it always luck,cheap and only did this during game etc... I was wondering if you knew any good way to aprouch this and is there a way to get it less eratating. Because it seems what ever I do they always have a thing for it weather it be a excuse or something. Please give me back some feedback and tell me what you think thanks. :-/
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be the better man and ignore it, that's my advice...that stuff is childish
18 to the diablo2 holy grail
or crack them in the face, and if they complain crack them again Tongue dont put up with no crap. explain to them calmly that they are just a loser with no self esteem and they suck so badly they can never be any good so instead just have to try and put others down to bring them down to their own level so they feel better.

then crack them in the face a few more times till they bleed
or crack them in the face, and if they complain crack them again Tongue dont put up with no crap. explain to them calmly that they are just a loser with no self esteem and they suck so badly they can never be any good so instead just have to try and put others down to bring them down to their own level so they feel better.

then crack them in the face a few more times till they bleed

The way of someone with a big ego...  Wink
keep your friends close but your enemies closer ;)
Tease them with their own methods if they start jabbering such shit ^^

And always do the same things if they get annoyed of that (especially in fighting games XD). After some time they really are angry and stop jabbering that garbage... really I hate those loudmouthes with nothing in their sleeve!

Gamers who're yelling.... how was that with the dogs that bark won't bite? Wink
18 to the diablo2 holy grail
yeah they are mostly just all talk, show them you are all bite crack them in the mouth Tongue
Jack of all Trades
Or just ignore them while soundly beating them.
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Acryte: 2005-03-04 02:31:01 am
Zelda Scientist®
Beat them 10 times in a row.

If they argue, tell them that you just beat them 10 times in a row.

if they complain that you're being cheap, tell them to construct a defense. Or, tell them to do as you just did in the next match, you know, that absolutely unbeatable tactic, and then stomp them when they use it.

period. No more, you're just using the same move. Actually point out how many different moves you did during the match. If they say you're being cheap and baiting, then thell them to throw projectiles and force you to come in. Either that or it can be settled logically in terms of respect. If they say "no, you come to me" and you both just stand there (ie. against nubs in SSBM) establish rules such as, the one with less HP and lives receives the role of the escapee and if he so chooses, the other player must press the fight against him, no matter where he runs to (ie. the bottom of hyrule for example).

or just tell him that you refuse to play him until he's done making excuses, and that at any point in which he starts doing so, you will then quit the match. If they find any consolation in winning a match by forfeiture, especially when losing absurdly, then they are absolute disgraces to the game. While if they stop complaining then you have one the secondary battle... that in controlling the other person.

Example: Stop roll dodging with yoshi, he has the best roll dodge in the game, thats bull crap.
response: smash attack me when I roll in front of you.
Application: tell him to try it. then beast on him hardcore.
status: win.


example: 3 double 40 winks in one match! (true, true) that's bull crap. the move is overpowered!
response: 40 winks takes ridiculous precision and leaves you vulnerable upon missing for 10 seconds. Just hit me when I miss or hit when I come in.
Application: have them try to 40 winks you. DESTROY THEM AFTER THEY MISS (be young link and do 3 boomerang cancelled taunts before smashinf their face in. (note* milk bottle grab OWNs you!!!!)
status: win

trust me, sometimes it's not easy to not complain... (peach's down smash, Fair, and DEATH TURNIPs)
but it's all about being the good sportsman and taking it to 'em with a puff punch!!! Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
ignore them and laugh. take amusement in their ignorance. i have a few friends that use to be this way, but they got knocked down a few pegs after pissing a great deal of people off. its nice.

though, i do think being the one to beat the living crap out of them could be quite gratifying.
Wow, such violent people. Shocked

Cant we all just get along Cry
call them a scrub and tell them to read
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Hitaro: 2005-04-01 01:00:12 am
If it's beacause you're playing against some idiot, go play with someone else or the CPU.

If it's just some random question that came in your mind, just ignore them.
--If he/she/they say that "you're just running away", beat the crap out of him in some game.
--If he/she/they say that you're deaf, just say that you're ignoring them. (might lead to previous comment)

And if he/she/they are just plaing something and they say they're "good at it", challenge them to the game and beat the crap out of them.

Trust me (if you want to), cause I know a couple of guys at my school who often go to this site- (french)-and barely go past level one in ten minutes. I asked them if they thought they were good, but strangely (very, to me), they said no. *shrugs*
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gorush2k4: 2005-04-03 12:36:55 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Ok get this and please tell me what you think I should do.

Ok I was over at my friends the other day and we were playing MvC2 (Marvel vs Capcom 2). We were playing for a while and I was beasting the hell out of him ( aka Just beating the crap out of him), and after awhile He got really mad the reason I knew this was because he started to say

"You have no skills at all with all your characters all your wins are bullshit wins, Your so cheap at the game try and get some real skills, every Character you choose is gay (My teams were Magneto/storm/psy-lock Storm/Cable/Doom or Storm/Cable/Sent) later he said OMG god all you do it assist stop being a assist whore the only way you win is by assists.  I said 'Ya but there in the game. then he said that well they arnt going to be I'll ban them and then lets see how skilled you are I mean I don't use them why should you."  and he also banned Sentinal because of his Rocket-Punch Assist I mean wtf is that lol. But anyways what do I do hes says this shit constintly and not just him but his brother to. Its reall getting on my nervs and I cant crack them in the face because if they werent playing games they are ok. But its when they play games its when they act like 4 year olds. O ya they also ride the bus to school always saying Im the best no one can beat me. and if you say something they will come up with some bullshit answer. PLease help me if you can I cause this is really ticking me off.

(O ya gay for ex: on a game) is another word for cheap right  :-/