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SDAVerification: 2016-09-06 01:35:51 pm
SDAVerification: 2016-09-06 01:34:44 pm
SDAVerification: 2016-08-23 04:08:02 pm
Game Page:

Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness (pc) (pc) [100 %] [Single Segment] [Character: Thief]

Decision: Accept

Congratulations to Paul 'The Reverend' Miller!
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Run Information

Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness (pc) (pc) [100 %] [Single Segment] [Character: Thief]

Verification Files

Please refer to the Verification Guidelines before posting.

Please post your opinions about the run and be certain to conclude your post with a verdict (Accept/Reject). This is not a contest where the majority wins - I will judge each verification on its content. Please keep your verification brief unless you have a good reason otherwise.
Edit history:
gammadragon: 2016-08-27 01:25:31 am
Might be magic...
Good execution, similar to the other class runs.

The lockpicking situation is unfortunate, but I can't think of a good legitimate way around it. There are a couple of things you can do to speed this up. Picking the Burgomeister's cell door can be done even while he is in the room watching you. The cell door is faster because it has only one dialogue box between picking attempts.

The other way (as mentioned in the run commentary) would be to pass on Magic and train Lockpicking instead. The three places magic is used is to Force Bolt the bush free from the rocks, the Glide spell in the swamp and freeing up the elderberry bush branch. None of those are indispensable, but Glide does save a lot of time in the swamp. I wonder if it's more than the time spent grinding lockpicking? I calculated about 2:45 spent grinding. Using Acrobatics instead of Glide, it took me about 1 minute to get to the last swamp screen and another minute back after, though admittedly stamina then becomes a concern during the fight at the end, so it might not work out that well.

Other than that everything seems to be pretty optimised. It's a shame that poor Igor had to die horribly for the sake of shaving a few extra seconds off the run. His noble sacrifice will be remembered!

Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
His noble sacrifice will be remembered!

No it wasn't!  He was in the celebration room in the end!  Even the game forgot!
Might be magic...
Quote from mrprmiller:
His noble sacrifice will be remembered!

No it wasn't!  He was in the celebration room in the end!  Even the game forgot!

That's just his spirit haunting you. Quest for Glory: Shadows of Igor (Extra Guilt Edition)
I realized "Shadows of Darkness" is a cool name but a little bit... cheesy maybe?

It also occurred that you could train one of your kids (which I remember you having?) to be your co-driver and read your copy protection answers for you if you return to this game later. They're one of the "bottlenecks" for sure.

23:00 when you are preparing for a night out with the picklock, could you leave resting until you're actually outside? If the few actions (going to your room, leaving by the window) consume time, you may be "overkilling" getting to night-time if you rest in the gnome's room. Also, has the gnome no need for privacy?

I half-remember you saying you can't do the climb out the window in the daytime right?

28:20 - Why don't you first exhaust your HP and use a pill to be able to continue instead of wasting time using the rest command multiple times instead of this way round?

No mess-ups with the gangplank at the gypsy wagon this time! nice.

40:15 - You actually have a "somersault" button?
42:30 - Are these shocks totally random? Could you have died?
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mrprmiller: 2016-09-02 02:44:52 pm
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
It also occurred that you could train one of your kids

That'll probably be doable pretty soon.  Cheesy  My oldest is getting there.
you may be "overkilling" getting to night-time if you rest in the gnome's room

I'm not sure I understand, but it might be because I can't envision the alternative.  The gnome's room isn't reachable beforehand, and I'm resting in there so I can engage the Domovoi immediately afterwards.  The gnome isn't available until after you meet him, and you have to meet him at night.  The Domovoi doesn't appear until after midnight, i.e., "You're getting tired."
I half-remember you saying you can't do the climb out the window in the daytime right?

Why don't you first exhaust your HP and use a pill to be able to continue instead of wasting time using the rest command multiple times instead of this way round?

That would be doable, but in this scenario, I expected to have to do both.  I've actually died in this route locking picking my character to death.  I've also had it succeed with ONE HP remaining after all of the healing.  This lock is very, very random.  I would kill for the Open spell here.
Are these shocks totally random? Could you have died?

Yes.  And very much yes.  The worst feeling in the world is being so far ahead of pace and then losing it in the second to last room... twice.  LOL
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
i'll do this one too when I get a moment.
pr: forget the "overkill" part then, I didn't realize you needed that for the Domovoj.

the 28:20 part again:
What I'm saying is isn't it automatically better to first consume any and all HP pills because their input is shorter than resting?

Judgy: ...or do you feel up to the 4+ hour Shadow Hearts run? Cheesy I'm going to guess that's beyond your scope. This has two already if you didn't notice. Umm... wait whoops.


now it has two. Cheesy
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
A/V: Good
Cheating: None
Gameplay:  Have watched the run, seen a naked girl, listened to some epic music in the scientists lab, heard the trumpet sound more times than I care to remember... It's Q4G and MrPRMiller FFS!! that should be enough for anyone, but in addition to this I will express my feelings that the run is good, very good. also the answers to questions above clear up anything I was concerned about.

Decision posted.
What's that gemma?
Oh, I missed out on reviewing this.  GJ anyway!
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
Cheesy  Thank you, all!  I was wondering where you've been, Crow!
What's that gemma?
I'm surprised that they did code a way to get the key despite failing to save Igor, and yet didn't make saving him mandatory for getting all 500 points.  Is this a thief-class-only thing?  Would a Fighter have to save him?  How about a Paladin?
Edit history:
mrprmiller: 2016-09-08 01:35:38 pm
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
That is a very, very good question.  I suspect (pure instinct) Igor's death is linked to the actual burning of the Gypsy, so if the Gypsy is free, the death scene doesn't occur.  In other words, the Gypsy dies when Igor dies.  I'll test it sometime, but that's my guess.

If you could somehow find a way to free the Gypsy without saving Igor as a Fighter, you could get the key to the Crypt this way.  Although, funny enough, I believe I could pick the lock on the Crypt with the skill I have there.  You technically, as I've demonstrated, never have to see Dmitri again which results in an endgame if you do not save Igor.  The ONLY way I can see that working is with an imported Fighter with Open or a Fighter who takes Picking Locks at character creation, which would get you into the Thieves' Guild to get the stuff you need to get the Gypsy out.

Whether finding a dead Igor saves the Gypsy is another question, but I don't see a speedrun application if you cannot meet Magda at the Gypsy camp, which requires freeing Davy.
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Crow!: 2016-09-09 02:27:04 pm
Crow!: 2016-09-09 02:19:36 pm
What's that gemma?
IIRC the thieves' guild is inaccessible to non-thieves in QFG4 even if you have the lockpick skill.  This is in stark contrast to QFG5, where simply having the Lockpick skill - even if you added it during one of your imports - makes the game assume that you completed the Blackbird scene in QFG2.
Everyday is puppies and sunshine...
I just tested it with a new game Fighter, and Lockpick DID make the Thieves' Guild accessible.  I wasn't sure because I knew it worked for Paladins with imported stats, but wasn't sure if it was a combination of Stealth and Lockpicking, or if it was Stealth (that didn't make sense to me), or something like that.  It's Lockpicks that makes the guild accessible.