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Dagger Shortcut: Only thing I can think of for the dagger early would be the poistioning. I tend to poistion myself so when I run up the wall I am pushed slightly by the slope on the block above you, then I jump across to the other wall and bounce back. That tends to get me up there more consistently.

Breaking the wall to the mess hall: Probably position yourself a distance away from the section of wall you break, kill 2 enemies, freeze one and hopefully Farah is dealing with the other. If not you'll have to freeze him too. Then as they are frozen move towards the wall and break it. If you have frozen them a decent distance away, by the time you get to the wall the auto lock onto the enemy should be broken and you should be able to face the wall and break it down.
Edit history:
UCpro: 2011-09-07 12:34:52 am
UCpro: 2011-09-07 12:25:17 am
Quote from mikwuyma:
I am really bad at performing the dagger early shortcut. I don't remember screwing it up so much when I was playing this game last year, but now I have zero consistency. Got any tips?

i don't really have any tips for this...what Reaver mentioned is basically what i do

Quote from mikwuyma:
I also have no chance of pulling off what you do in segment 4, since that trigger manipulation relies on getting the rewind trick beforehand. Sad I can at least put only one box on the switch and jump back up to the main platform, which saves a lot of time and stress in that area.

Are you talking about the trigger that loads the enemies at the bottom of this part?  I'm pretty sure you can still skip that trigger even without doing the rewind trick.  One way to be 100% sure is to fall down so you grab the ledge of that platform and just move along the ledge so you never walk on the platform....then climb up and continue on after you've gone as far as you can on that ledge (when you hit the railing on the decline part) ....does that make sense??  Should be able to get to the bottom of the room with no enemies loaded.

Quote from mikwuyma:
Waiting for Farah in the spot you mentioned before getting the second sword early works! The first time I tried it, I only waited about two seconds and I got one game over, but it didn't loop (I did get a blue spinning blade after I game overed though). The second time I tried it, I waited about 5 seconds and I was able to pass through just fine. Smiley

-Speaking of second sword early, I'm still just running through the water and wallrunning to get it. I don't have very good consistency, but I can usually get it in 5-7 tries, which isn't too bad to be honest. Especially when you consider how much time the trick saves.

A tip for doing the wallrun over the water for SS...go into that part with full sand tanks.  If you mess up the first time, just rewind back to about 2 seconds before needing to do the wallrun and then try it again.  With 4 full sand tanks you'll get 5 attempts (if you even need that many) in about a 15 second time frame.  If you still haven't gotten by then, you'll just have to run around a bit to reposition yourself, but if you have the timing down pretty well you should be able to get it within 5 attempts.

Quote from mikwuyma:
That one area where you have to destroy the wall before getting to the mess hall seems a bit inconsistent. I tried killing two sand monsters, like Reaver said, but that didn't seem to do much.

Use the method i'm using for my segmented run.  Kill two sand monsters, wall rebound attack another one to knock him down (has to be a blue one), and then dagger freeze the last one.  Do this along the right wall (the wall with the breakable section) around the middle of the room.  If you want to compile sands faster you could always kill 3 monsters and dagger freeze the fourth.  Or if you can, you could kill 2 and dagger freeze the last 2.  The reason i am killing 2, wall round attacking 1, and dagger freezing the fourth is because that is giving me the best odds of keeping Farah from running into the mess hall.  But since you won't be concerned with Farah running into the mess hall i suggest you kill 3 and then dagger freezing the fourth (do everything you can to get haste as fast as possible) ....this is what i will be doing for my SS attempts.

Quote from mikwuyma:
Rewind tricks are still really dumb. I'm terrible at timing them because the timing for them isn't very precise, and you have to time and let go of the rewinds earlier than you think you should. I doubt I'll pull off any for the marathon, but the one at the end where you have to press the button before the elevator is worth trying since there isn't much risk if you screw up.

When i start doing SS attempts, i probably won't be doing any rewind tricks either.  Probably only in the couple spots where if you don't get it, it won't hurt that much (like you mentioned).

btw, i'm back from a nice long vacation and will be getting back into segment 6 attempts soon.  I will post a decent attempt once i get a 0:43 at the bridge collapse save.  Still shooting for a 0:42 before i move on to segment 7, but that will be pretty difficult.  I'll have a better idea if that's doable once i get a decent attempt finished.  FYI, i did about an hour of recording for this segment before my vacation and got nowhere.  Probably only 10% of my attempts will even make it to the second sword Sad
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-07 05:25:37 am
mikwuyma: 2011-09-07 05:23:54 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I finished my test run, and I'm 90% confident I can do this game for the marathon. My final save was 1:54, and that was with a terrible final segment with two deaths (I hate bats) and the worst pre-boss fight ever. Seriously, how does the torpedo attack whiff SO MUCH. I'm pretty sure I lost at least a minute and a half to two minutes on the final segment alone.

The reason why I only said 90% confident is that there are three parts that concern me.

1. Dagger early - I honestly think I just have to grind this trick out a lot before I get consistent at it. I also noticed that my highest chance of success was when the divider pushed me to the right a bit, just like you said Reaver.

2. The jump where you have to hit ring and roll into the bed (it's in UCPro's test segment 3) - I just need to play around with this more and figure out the best angle and positioning to jump is.

3. The button right before the elevator - Unlike UCPro, I can't do the rewind trick consistently. There are times I've been very close at executing the trick, but I seem to run up an invisible wall instead. Actually, speaking of the rewind trick, in your consistent rewind method video, how do you do the little spin after the third rewind in the video? Does that little spin actually make any difference?

If I don't rewind trick, I basically have to pray the enemies don't hit Farah too much as I'm hitting the buttons and pushing the block in place. I don't have time to knock down enemies except before I hit the first button, or after I push the block down, but usually when I push the block is when I know Farah will survive.

Now I could just kill all of the enemies there, but that's so lame. Out of my three concerns, this one is definitely the worst.

Honestly, if I can just get those three things down, I should be golden for running this at the marathon. I don't remember anything else giving me as much trouble as those three things. I'll try not to disappoint you this time UCPro.

Okay the stuff in previous posts.

The enemy trigger: I don't really know which platform you're talking about, sorry. Sad

Getting to the mess hall: I did what Reaver said, except I did it in the middle of the room, and it worked out just fine both times I did it. I'll try the kill 3 then freeze one method though. That is probably better for a single-segment/marathon run.

Some notes about the rest of the practice run.

-UCPro's scaffold jump method is very consistent! Unfortunately, I have to kill myself when I go inside the door, because going right to trigger the loading zone is inconsistent for me at best. Even with the death, I should still save 15-20 seconds from the scaffold jump.

-I might not do the jump at the very beginning of the cave where you jump to the left of the balance beam because it doesn't save much time and I sometimes screw it up.

-I never tried the waterfall rewind trick because I wanted to finish my test run in a  couple of days, not a couple of weeks. Tongue

-I was able to get the rest of the shortcuts in the cave, including the one where you jump off the balance beam to the ledge right in front of the save point, then jump off that ledge to the next balance beam.

-I played around with the rewind trick to escape the sewers about 10 or so times, and I got it once, off of two rewinds. Shocked Better get it in two rewinds for your run UCpro. Wink There's obviously no way I should even try it for a marathon run, unless if I want to waste 5 minutes saving two minutes. Tongue

-It seems like I can consistently get through the hall of learning, including the jump to the rope. I need to go through the hall more times, but it seems like that jump isn't too difficult as long as if you position yourself properly. It's not too bad dealing with the enemies once you know you should only kill 5 and can knock down the last one with a torpedo if he's getting bothersome.

-The wall jump to set up the observatory shortcut is actually not too difficult. If I don't get the jump first try, I almost always get it by the second or third try. BTW, is there a way to do the wall run without adjusting the camera? I always have to take a second to adjust the camera before wall running.

Also, I tried that really precise jump UCPro demonstrated. I'm not going to bother with it.

-The prison shortcuts (what few there are) are pretty easy.

-During the dream sequence, I'm pretty sure you take the wrong routes to get to the doors UCPro. I go through fountain to go through the door on the opposite side, then go 3 doors to the left (be sure to run on the walls), then 2 doors to the left, then finally 3 doors to the right to get to the second floor (again, be sure to run on the walls).

-I have good news about the invisible sword trick. It works, and there's an even faster way to do it! Cheesy In fact, if you try slotered's method, you'll find out it doesn't work in the Gamecube version (you will do the flips, but you won't slash at the end). Instead you should jump off the door (hit a twice) and mash attack. You should destroy the door during the third or forth hit of your slash combo. With this new method you don't have to go back to the enemies after triggering the cutscene.

-There's really not much to say about the final area except ladders + bats are the most evil combination ever. I did discover that you can slash twice at the top of the second ladder, then jump to the third ladder, get near the top, slash twice and you'll kill enough bats so that they go away. Or at least, that sometimes happened. :-/

Oh BTW, your estimate for a single-segment was in the low 1:50 range, right UCPro? That sounds about right. I wouldn't be shocked if sub-1:50 is possible. I'm also looking forward to the next segment, though 10% sounds like an awfully high percentage of attempts making it to the second sword. Tongue
Edit history:
Reaver: 2011-09-07 06:06:32 am
Reaver: 2011-09-07 06:01:51 am
Quick note on the dream sequence bit if no one has noticed it, you can tell which door to take by turning the volume up and listening for splashing sounds when you are next to the right door.

Low 1:50's sounds good for an SS run. I don't think it would be a good idea to use the rewind trick in an SS. There are 3 spots in the game where it saves the most time: One where you rotate those platforms with Farah and climb down to the bottom of the level (UCPro's segment 4). The second is the caverns section where you glitch onto an invisible ledge which you walk along to reach the rope and climb out through the well. The third would be that wallrun up to the button before the elevator section. I think the majoirty of other places its used saves some time, but not enough to risk it instead of taking the normal route in a single segment run. A lot of the other timesavers dont require the rewind trick at all. Like you said, why waste 5 minutes trying to do a trick that saves 2 minutes Smiley

EDIT: There are probably a few extra timesavers going the normal route that haven't been posted or noticed yet, mainly because they are skipped using the rewind trick. I've got some free time on Friday so hopefully I'll put together a vid showing the ones that I found. 
Edit history:
UCpro: 2011-09-07 07:13:53 pm
Mike, the platform i'm talking about with the enemy trigger is at 3:40 in my segment 4.  You'll see i hesitate a little, this is because i'm being carefull to avoid the trigger.  But like i said in my last post, you can just hang off the ledge to go around that area.  I can post a video showing how to do this section for a SS run if you'd like.

For the load trigger after the scaffold jump, i figured out how to get it consistently.  After doing the scaffold jump, walk around the pole next to where you climb up (walking around it similar to what i do everytime in my 'consistent scaffold jump' video).  Instead of going off the edge though, turn back around and then go back into the mess hall and it will be loaded.  Again, i can make a video of this if you want.  It works every time, and you won't need kill yourself.

No real technique figured out for the wallrun after the wall jump in the observatory. I remember it being a little tricky back when i worked on my practice run.

Yeah, i know i took the wrong route during the dream sequence.  Actually, my practice run is pretty crappy in terms of the routes i use and different techniques i used.  I remember finding a number sequence (maybe in a walkthough on gamefaqs?) that told you what doors to take....something like take the 4th door to your right, then upon entering again take the 3rd door to you left, etc..... I don't remember the exact route.  Beyond my planned segment 7 i haven't really worked on this game too much.  Kinda taking it one step at a time as i'm working on my segmented run.  Don't be shocked if a lot of new stuff comes about as i get further in my run Smiley

Nice to hear the invisible sword shortcut works on the GCN!  I haven't played around with that at all, so i'm happy to hear it works.  That's gonna save a ton of time!  Would you mind posting a video of that if you're able to?

Nice to hear you have a little free time to look for stuff later this week Reaver.  Any chance of being able to show any hall of learning stuff?  I have A LOT of good ideas for that section when i get to it, so i'm sure i'll spend quite a bit of time looking for shortcuts or new routes there.  But it would be great to see what you came up with first before trying my own ideas.

As far as a good estimate for a SS time, i think a low 1:5x range would be a good target to shoot for at the marathon Mike.  I know that when i begin work on a SS run i'm going to shoot for a low 1:4x time, but again i'm not 100% sure how realistic that is.

EDIT: here's the path for the doors in the dream sequence (taken from a walkthrough guide)

Right, then for the solution. I've numbered the doors in the room 1 to 7.
Door #0 is the entrance. From there, count clockwise. Each time you enter
an incorrect door, you will go back to the start. When you enter a right
door, you'll appear at another one. First, enter door number 4 (from the
entrance, run clockwise and enter the fourth door). You'll be warped to
door 2. Now, enter door 7, you'll exit from door 5. Next, enter #3. After
you came out of door 6, enter door #1. You should now move up one floor.
To summarize, follow the following pattern on the ground floor (the numbers
between brackets are the door you exit from):

The second floor is pretty much the same, only now there are 9 doors (10
if you include the entrance). First, enter door #4 (again, count clockwise).
You'll exit from door 7. Now enter #9. You will exit from door 1. Finally,
enter door #5. This will trigger the famous bath-scene. Enjoy, sickos >_>
Well, it's a highly overrated scene anyway, it doesn't show you anything.
After the scene you'll go on with the game, but let me first summarize the
second door puzzle:
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Enemy Trigger: OHHHHHHHHHHHH, that makes sense. I'm guessing I can still do the rest of the level normally, since I won't have the rotating bridges in the same position as you, so I can't just jump down and kill myself to trigger the next checkpoint.

Wallrun after the wall jump in the observatory: Tap the c-stick to the left a bit (if you use inverted like me) and the camera will turn a bit to the left and snap into place, then hold right and wallrun. It takes a second to adjust the camera, but it's a very consistent method for me.

The rewind trick to hit the button: Do I need to follow the specific pattern of movement you follow in the consistency video? I've been trying that and been getting close, but not quite when it comes to the rewind trick. Also, I'm guessing you should be holding R the entire time you're rewinding?

About the time, sub-1:50 I can see, but I don't see low 1:40's unless if I'm missing something big or someone finds a consistent method to rewind tricks. Then again, my practice run was very sloppy.

I don't have a save near the invisible sword section, but I'll be sure to record the trick and upload it to youtube once I get there in another practice run (shouldn't be more than a day or two). You've made so many videos that I've referenced that I'm sure I can at least record one for you. Tongue
Quote from mikwuyma:
Enemy Trigger: OHHHHHHHHHHHH, that makes sense. I'm guessing I can still do the rest of the level normally, since I won't have the rotating bridges in the same position as you, so I can't just jump down and kill myself to trigger the next checkpoint.

well, actually you'll do that whole part exactly like i do in my segment 4...except you won't be doing the rewind trick.  So, the platform i rewind trick too, you will just get to that platform the normal way, then pull the lever like i do.  Then continue on like i do, and skip the enemy trigger....then jump to the platform with the trap, turn around, align yourself, and then jump down onto the edge of the railing (make sure you have sands stored up in case you miss this jump, as it is a little tricky).  Then run down to the main platform at the bottom, which will cause Farah to fall down and die.  Then push retry.

Quote from mikwuyma:
The rewind trick to hit the button: Do I need to follow the specific pattern of movement you follow in the consistency video? I've been trying that and been getting close, but not quite when it comes to the rewind trick. Also, I'm guessing you should be holding R the entire time you're rewinding?

All i can say is keep took me forever to figure out the best pattern for wallrun rewind tricks, and what i have in that video is the best solution for timing the rewinds that i found.  I think i did it 5 times in a row in that video iirc?  It's just a feel thing really...i can't really explain it, you'll just know it when it starts to click (hopefully it will for you Smiley )

Quote from mikwuyma:
About the time, sub-1:50 I can see, but I don't see low 1:40's unless if I'm missing something big or someone finds a consistent method to rewind tricks. Then again, my practice run was very sloppy.

i haven't done anything with SS timing, so my low 1:4x is just a guess.  Around 1:43 is what i was thinking.  I'm hoping to be at around 1:26 at the final save for my segmented run, so my SS time guesses are based off of that.
Just found this new route.  Nice little timesaver that is 8-9 seconds faster than the route Satvara found.... (never mind the goofy ledge grab 2 seconds into the video Tongue )

Edit history:
Reaver: 2011-09-08 03:49:41 am
Nice find.

Yeah with the rewind tricks are hard to explain when to rewind exactly, it's more of a feel when to press rewind.

I would say high 1:4x is more reasonable for SS, but please prove me wrong Cheesy
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-08 04:09:08 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-09-08 04:07:33 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
My single contribution to popsot running, with annotations. Cheesy And yes, I know it's sloppy, I'm just trying to demonstrate the glitch.

Also, I did another test run with a time of 1:51 at the last save. Most of the time was saved near the end, though I was consistently running a minute ahead after I pulled off the checkpoint trigger and enemy skip in the rotating bridge room. Thanks UCPro!

Some notes:

-I'm getting better at dagger early and the jump to the bed in the Sultan's quarters. I'm still not super consistent or anything, but I should be fine with some more practice.

-Like I said, the enemy and checkpoint trigger skip worked great! The position and angle is very precise, but I'm pretty sure it's doable in a marathon since I should have full sand tanks at that area (or no less than 2 or 3 if I screw up an area).

-I don't really know how manipulate Farah to kill the birds like you did in segment 5, UCPro, even if I run around in roughly the same pattern as you. What usually happens is that she'll kill the first bird like in your segment 5, then when I run in place for the second bird, it usually hits me (or maybe it's the third), and I always have to kill the final bird myself.

-Even though I don't game over loop anymore when performing the second sword shortcut, I sometimes get a game over when I reach the columns, which wastes about 30 seconds. Once I reach the columns after retrying, the game resumes as normal. BTW, both times I hung around that wall spot for at least 5 seconds or longer.

-After getting the second sword, is there a reliable way to destroy the wall without targeting any enemies? I can sometimes destroy the wall in time before any enemies reach me, but if I fail, I have to waste a lot of time baiting enemies and knocking them down.

-The camera really loves not cooperating when I jump for the rope in the hall of learning. That's another trick I need to practice a bit. I'm not sure how I got it two times in a row without first-person view. I can almost always get it within 4 or 5 attempts though, which is all I get anyway. Tongue

-The button before the elevator is still a big problem area. I can't get the rewind trick reliably at all. Should I be holding R while doing the rewind trick, or just hold it after I rewind? What I do currently is try the rewind trick, and if that fails, go through area normally. The problem is neither method is reliable, and I really don't want to resort to killing all of the monsters there.

-It's actually not worth going for a second super slow-mo in the elevator if you kill a bunch in your first one. I think the most I've killed during my second super slow-mo is 4 or 5 monsters. You're probably better off using the sand for dagger stabbing monsters after the first super slow-mo.

-The bats during the ladder climb in the final area ARE SO ANNOYING. I think I have a reliable strat though. Climb up normally until you reach the peak of the second ladder, then swing your sword twice as the bats start to cluster together, but don't do it too late or else you'll get hit before the second swing. After the second swing, jump to the third ladder, then when you get near the top, swing your sword twice again. If you're lucky, then you'll have killed enough bats so that they go away. If they're not all dead, then jump to the fourth and final ladder, and swing once you're about halfway up the ladder.

I might stream a runthrough of the game this weekend. It'll be my first time doing a full playthrough single-segment, so don't expect much.
thanks for posting that mike!  looks like thats about 40 seconds faster than doing the light puzzle...awesome!!

happy to hear you got that enemy trigger skip down and are now able to skip pulling all those levers Smiley saves a ton of time doesn't it?

to get Farah to kill the last bird, make sure you are far enough from Farah.  In my segment 5 i got about as close as i could to Farah where she would still kill the bird (any closer and she won't shoot) just position yourself further away is my suggestion.

The way i destroy that first wall is the same method Satvara works the most consistent, i usually get through about 75% of the time without ever auto-locking onto an enemy.

Yup, i hold down R the whole time when doing a rewind trick for a wallrun.  I hold down R the whole time except for JUST before letting go of the last rewind for a rewind trick where i'm jumping off of a ledge (as seen in my last video post).

Let me know when you might stream this weekend...i'll have a little bit of free time i may be able to watch.  Saturday works best for me, maybe around 3 or 4 pm 7 pm EST if that works for you.  If i can't watch, can you record your attempt?  I'll for sure watch it (i'm sure Reaver would too) and point out tips or changes you could make.
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-08 09:56:28 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-09-08 09:56:26 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-09-08 09:48:54 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush auto-records, so even if I don't stream at a good time for you, it'll be saved on my channel.

EDIT: Yeah, that skip doesn't save as much time for me as it does in your segmented run, but it still saves at least a minute because you're skipping so many cutscenes and triggers.
cool, i'm probably going to do a good couple of hours of attempts for segment 6 this weekend....not expecting to finish it, but hopefully i can get a 43:xx save for  a decent attempt to put up for progress.  I'm tired of the baths and mess hall sections Sad ... feels like i've been staring those sections in the face for couple months.
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-09 08:06:10 am
mikwuyma: 2011-09-09 07:55:55 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I looked at your segment 6 videos again, and I noticed a small time saver you don't perform. After you break the wall right before the mess hall, you can wall run along the left wall. It's not much time, but it still should add up to a second or two and I'm sure you want to save all of the time you can so you never have to do the segment again.

EDIT: Watched the way Satvara broke the wall after collecting the second sword. That's the exact method I use. I guess I was just unlucky that one time.
Edit history:
UCpro: 2011-09-10 01:26:38 am
the reason i didnt wallrun there is because wallrunning seems to make Farah follow me into the mess hall more than if i don't wallrun.  Actually, i don't think wallrunning saves TOO much more time than just normal hallway running.  I've actually been curious to time the difference between the two, just to really know how much faster wallrunning is.  I'll probably put together a timing comparison video within the next day.

Oh, if you end up running the game at the marathon Mike, could you try to schedule it for the 4th or 5th....i'd like to watch you run it live (i'm going to be in India from the 6th to the 16th).  If it can't be scheduled then, not a big deal Smiley ...i'll just watch it when i get back from my trip Smiley

EDIT:  so it turns out wallrunning doesn't really save time.  It only looks like it is much faster than normal running.  Wallrunning in this video was only a couple frames faster than normal running (166-171)...and that was over a long distance.  So, turns out there is really no need to add wallruns to try to improve speed, because it doesn't.

Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-10 02:00:34 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Interesting. Did you try out longer wall runs? I've also been curious about rolling.

EDIT: One thing that I noticed in your reliable rewind video for the button is that when you perform the final rewind, you rewind very quickly. Every time I rewind for the last time, I rewind a lot more slowly than you, do you know why that happens or if that's related to getting the trick consistently? (yeah I still can't get it)
Quote from mikwuyma:
Interesting. Did you try out longer wall runs? I've also been curious about rolling.

EDIT: One thing that I noticed in your reliable rewind video for the button is that when you perform the final rewind, you rewind very quickly. Every time I rewind for the last time, I rewind a lot more slowly than you, do you know why that happens or if that's related to getting the trick consistently? (yeah I still can't get it)

camera angle has a lot to do with the effectiveness of getting the rewind trick to work (not sure if you read me mentioning that in an earlier post).  Are you doing the trick with the same camera angle that i use?  Another fairly consistent method for the rewind trick is to do it like i did in my segment 6 attempt i posted at the top of page 11 (when i use the trick in the baths).  You use 2 sands...use the first sand tank about half a second after beginning the backflip off the wall, and end that rewind the moment the prince's feet go back on the wall.  Then use the second sand tank after the prince has completed the backflip (but where he is still fairly high in the air)....end that sand tank aprox. where you ended the first one.

sometimes the rewinds go back slow, sometimes fast.  Either way works for me.  Maybe you should stream yourself practicing the rewind trick so i can see how your doing it.  It's hard to tell what you may be doing wrong and what you could be doing differently.
Wiggle wiggle
I'm doubting longer wallruns would help. The animation slows down near the end of the wallrun, hence why he's doing short little ones to avoid that. Similar to a Castlevania backdash in that regard.
wow, so i just got a decent segment 6 attempt....actually, its better than decent, it's really really good!!  Smiley  the time at the bridge collapse save is 43:26 and i had about 30 seconds of possible improvements through the whole segment.  Not too bad for only an hour and a half of recording Smiley

i'm encoding it now, will probably have it up on youtube sometime tonight.  Can't believe i got this so soon.  Definitely going to improve it...42:xx really might be within reach!!  I had 2 big mistakes (both shouldn't have happened) that added up to about 25 seconds of improvements.  Another big improvement that might be possible is finding a way for Farah to follow me faster after leaving the mess hall section (still need to practice this more)....she was a little slow in this attempt, and i'm thinking another 5 seconds or so could be saved with that.  All the other mistakes in the run were just 1 or 2 second mistakes (and there weren't many), so it really was a nice attempt!

Again, i'll have the run up soon....
here's the decent segment 6 attempt....

really good attempt. time at the save is 43:26. i could probably get 42:xx

here are the areas of improvement...

0:26 - a little bit of trouble getting through the scarabs (stupid bugs). almost 1 second lost
1:06 - enemy popped up in front of me. 1.5 seconds
1:25-1:36 - Clipping issue. Happens if i don't get the rewind trick to stop me far enough into the room. Also had an unnecessary roll. 10 seconds
2:04 - enemy in my face...this sand creature always seems to get in my way. 0.5 second
2:17 - pulled it out farther than i needed just to be safe. 0.5 seconds
2:58 - unnecessarily hit on an enemy after breaking through the wall, and then i got caught a little on another enemy. 1.5 seconds
4:29 - scarab fight was below par. probably 3-5 seconds
5:40-6:03 - worst part of the run. Normally i can get though this no problem, A little bit of bad luck, and just bad play on my part. 15 seconds
8:53-9:14 - Farah was slow to follow me and make it into the room from outside. Need more practice to see if i can make her follow me quicker. 5 seconds???
10:35 - camera angle wasn't like it normally is after the cutscene ends, and it screwed up my jump, so i accidentally jumped up. 2 seconds

so, potentially around 35-40 seconds of improvements.....
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-11 01:27:27 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
4:15ish: I'm 99% sure I'm not going to try that jump at the marathon, but do you have any tips for performing it? It would look cool if I could get it.

How was the scarab fight below par? Is it because you kicked instead of slashed, then got hit?

5:40-6:03 - Autoaim. Sad At least I'm not the only one who suffers from it.

10:35 - I always get that camera angle, funny. Hold down and to the left to jump. Also, I'm pretty sure that jump only cost one second, not two (yeah, I know, picky).

Have any tips for nailing that jump right after the sleeve tearing cutscene?

Also, I'm probably going to stream tomorrow (or I guess today, heh) around noon or early afternoon. I'll post the stream here.

0:26 - I tend to run on the opposite wall. You run into them less that way.
1:25 - Have you tried just jumping in that position to see if he will grab the ledge, or the ledge railling?
5:40 - Could you not save time by letting that guy hack away at Farah?
5:43 - Autoaim - Slash at the sand monster you want to fly at first. Even if he blocks it, it wastes less time than flying further away.
10:20 - No rewind trick? Sad

Given the length of the segment and the amount of tricks involved, if you get anything in the 42:xx region I'd keep it unless it has a really, really ugly mistake.
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-11 03:53:14 am
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I have to agree with Reaver, this segment is difficult enough as is.

EDIT: When I said noon or early afternoon, I'm talking about EST.
sorry Mike, i'm busy all day today and wont be able to watch live...but i'll watch it later.  I'll also respond to yours and Reavers comments later as well....busy busy atm!!
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-09-11 05:03:27 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-09-11 04:36:31 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-09-11 04:36:09 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Streaming now.

Sorry about that UCPro, but you can watch the recordings later.

EDIT: Okay my first run was the worst run ever, and we will never speak of it. Then I did about 10 or so rewind attempts on the elevator button and managed to hit 3 of them, which is really good for me. Shocked And then my next run was a 2:03, which is not very good, but at least I completed the game and there's at least a lot of room for improvement. The game also managed to freeze once, and I'm pretty sure I lost around a minute and a half from that. Sad What is funny is that my final save time was a 1:51, while IRBaboon's is a 2:02. I know each save takes at least 10-15 seconds, and I save around 15 times throughout the run just to make sure I can get through the game in case if it freezes or game over loops, but I doubt that's more than 3 minutes (if even that long). What's probably the cause of the time discrepancy is rewinding for mistakes.

In general, I lose time from being sloppy throughout the run, and making sure I hit certain checkpoints so they load (which I shouldn't because most of them will hit anyway unless if it's bullshit fluke), but the biggest spot where I lose time is hitting the button before the elevator, because I just killed all of the enemies there to make sure I could get through.

Don't worry, I'm not done working on the game. I definitely want to get below 1:55 for the marathon (barring stupid mistakes) and I'll link to the stream footage later, including the rewind attempts.