Would it be possible to increase the number of posts displayed per page in the forum? Trying to scan a 1000 posts long discussion 10 posts at a time is hopeless.
It's 15 posts per page, and adding more posts per page would only make you click on the next page left. Besides, if you're really interested in the discussion, it's much better to read it all.
It's 15 posts per page, and adding more posts per page would only make you click on the next page left. Besides, if you're really interested in the discussion, it's much better to read it all.
Whether it is 10 or 15 doesn't make a difference.
And yes, I do intend to read the entire discussion. But it's a pain in the neck to do so without good overview. Long threads are full of references to earlier posts or long runs of subconversations. I set posts-per-page to 50 or 100 on other forums; unfortunately, YaBB doesn't have that feature.
Anyway, I've solved the problem by writing a script to download all 100 pages and concatenating them to a single document locally.
And yes, I do intend to read the entire discussion. But it's a pain in the neck to do so without good overview. Long threads are full of references to earlier posts or long runs of subconversations. I set posts-per-page to 50 or 100 on other forums; unfortunately, YaBB doesn't have that feature.
Anyway, I've solved the problem by writing a script to download all 100 pages and concatenating them to a single document locally.
"good overview"? As far as I know, adding more posts per page doesn't change the overview much at all, it just makes the page longer...
Bah, at least you found something to fix your problem, that's all that matters.
Just stay away from the thread with the 109 pages...its just...wonky.
What thread is that?[/sarcasm]
Lol, but it kind of is a thread that goes nowhere. An entire page is made of 40% people arguing of either what's faster or just plain arguing, 30% of people congratulating someone on a new discovery, 7% people asking to post something that's already been discussed, another 7% of people calling others noobs for asking those questions or instead they repost a link to the video, 15% is just completely off topic, and finally 1% is actual progress.
Isn't posts per page almost completely dependent on how big the individual posts are. I mean, I could go on and on and on and on and then fill up a whole page...so what's the point?
I doubt that. Unless a post can only handle so much text until it just doesn't let you type anymore. I think I saw it happen once, I don't remember. Hey, write a short story and see how long it can go. (maybe not)
A while ago, replying to a topic would show all the posts. It was like hell replying in a OoT topic with a slow internet connection. Yeah, use print function.