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Chamber 18 with 0 Portals? <_<;

Easy enough:

Motherfuck @_@;
Edit history:
djcj: 2008-02-11 04:27:31 pm
Since there is an own "Half-Life Tricks and Glitches" thread, ever thought about the same with Portal? I'd be interrested in that, since there are many tricks and glitches in Portal that were useless in a speedrun (like all these OOB places).

BTW: Thank you DemonStrate for not going crazy at the end of the levels, shaking around and shooting like a million Portals in the elevator room.
hey guys, just thought I might post this here because I am thinking of starting a single segmented run since I just got a new rig the other day. Just to show that it should be a nice run I completed chamber 15 in 24 seconds in a single segment...yes, no saves. As I cannot link because i cant remember my login >.< my username on youtube is KingpinSYD and it should be on the video list of my profile.
If we were you, we would quit now.
hey guys, just thought I might post this here because I am thinking of starting a single segmented run since I just got a new rig the other day. Just to show that it should be a nice run I completed chamber 15 in 24 seconds in a single segment...yes, no saves. As I cannot link because i cant remember my login >.< my username on youtube is KingpinSYD and it should be on the video list of my profile.

Here is the video he is talking about:

KingpinSYD - Ch15 - 24 seconds:
Go for it. I'd love some competition.
lol groobo, I am starting the epic journey tomorrow, oh and btw, check out this guy jyazu or whatever, accusing me of cheating for portal bumping...can someone tell him to lay off it since he is wrong? I seriously cannot be bothered argueing and in fact I got so sick of it I kinda raged at him and his videos lol.

Oh and groobo, are you running it again? or have I missed something because I would also like some competition :P. Should add me or something on xfire/msn. Just a thought, catch ya.
Edit history:
djcj: 2008-02-14 05:04:45 pm
can someone tell him to lay off it since he is wrong? I seriously cannot be bothered argueing and in fact I got so sick of it I kinda raged at him and his videos lol.

Delete his comment.  Roll Eyes


"Portal veterans", lol  Cheesy
If you're going for ss, remember that you need some kind of proof that it's really ss. Webcams are the way to go.
Do you think it would be okay just to record demo files and to proof it with a webcam recording that it's done in a single segment?
If we were you, we would quit now.
Do you think it would be okay just to record demo files and to proof it with a webcam recording that it's done in a single segment?

Yeah, thats how it is done. You record the demos so then you have them to play back for the actual video, and the webcam just for proof that it was single segment. Also, when you record a single demo like that, on map change the demos will split into _2, _3, _4... and so on for how many maps there are.
If you're using an older version of portal just like I do, you'll have to record your run with fraps. Demos are of no use then.
Edit history:
djcj: 2008-02-14 11:35:48 pm
Yeah, thats how it is done. You record the demos so then you have them to play back for the actual video, and the webcam just for proof that it was single segment. Also, when you record a single demo like that, on map change the demos will split into _2, _3, _4... and so on for how many maps there are.

I think you can see if you're actually playing or if it's just a demo playback. And Fraps splits the videos too. And how did the HL2DQ team proved that their run were done in 88 and not in 144 segments?

@groobo: I have the newest version (Steam account, so it's always up to date).
If we were you, we would quit now.
I think you can see if you're actually playing or if it's just a demo playback. And Fraps splits the videos too. And how did the HL2DQ team proved that their run were done in 88 and not in 144 segments?

@groobo: I have the newest version (Steam account, so it's always up to date).

Because they have 88 demos...
Edit history:
djcj: 2008-02-15 04:43:20 am
No, there are 144 .dem files. Some of the 88 segments were splitted in _2.dem files. How did they prove that those _2.dem files aren't own segments (sorry, but I just don't understand it)?
Best not to think about it.
Auto-saves, perhaps?
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DemonStrate: 2008-02-15 11:02:34 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
No, there are 144 .dem files. Some of the 88 segments were splitted in _2.dem files. How did they prove that those _2.dem files aren't own segments (sorry, but I just don't understand it)?

Like I mention eariler, _2 is the continuation of a demo when you change maps. The reason they have the _2 in there is for video consistency (when they were editing the video together). The _2's, however, were not used in the timing of the run, since the save that continued the level was made as the map was loading. If you would look at ANY of the _2's, you'll notice they are really small in filesize, because they are only like 2 seconds long.

record escape_01;
*Level is chaning to escape_02*
"Demo escape_01 complete"
save escape_02_start;
"Recording escape_01_2"
"Demo escape_01_2 complete"

So, you were recording a demo named escape_01 (the map name in this case). The level began to change to the next map (escape_02 in this case). You press a button on your keyboard that is bound to 'save escape_02_start' (this makes a save file called escape_02_start). Then, once the level loads, you let the game run for like a second or two, then press a button on your keyboard bound to 'stop' (this stops any currently recording demos). Then, when you edit the video together, whatever segment you started recording from the save escape_02_start, you splice together the demo of the _2 (in this case escape_01_2) with the demo of the segment you started from the save (I didn't start a new segment from the save, but it would probably be named something like escape_02 (just the map name)).

I've done it in everyone of my videos for my speedrun so far. You'll notice that it does this at the very beginning of each of the videos because I put up the videos on a per map basis, so the start of each map has the _2 of the last segment of the last map at the beginning, just so the video would look fluid. Otherwise, you'll always start out slightly farther ahead from where you last were, because when you save the game, you are slightly farther ahead from the last map load, and the _2 is able to keep those frames that would otherwise be lost, especially if you were moving really fast between a map load. This is all because everything isn't instantaneous for the demo recorder. You drop some frames at the beginning of the demos, because its getting all the values for 'the world' and, if you are pressing forward during the loading, you'll already start out farther ahead from where you were.

From the HL2DQ comments:
For every level transition we included a special _2.dem demo which is automatically generated while recording during a map change, to help bridge the gap between loading a new level and the autosave which occurs a few seconds afterward. However, they do not count as their own segment as they were not necessary and were only included for video continuity.
Ok, Im sooo done with bonus map runs, I just did chamber 15 in 22 can find it in my youtube profile KingpinSYD. Oh well i guess I will get started with the whole game now (single segment).  Judging by demonstrate's vid of chamber 15 I would say that its best doing each chamber all in one segment, because you lose more time than you would think.

Okay, now I see.
But what you mentioned earlier, playing demos, acting like you're actually playing and recording all with a webcam as a fake proof... Well, first of all, on a demo playback you won't see the fade in and the scripted animation as if you were going out of bed. And then, you can do the same thing with a DVD recorder or Fraps too.
I'd like to ask if there has been any finding of being able to transport objects throughout the map via portals, as they don't slip out when the portal is changed. 

So like, you can put an object in two portals, then shoot say the orange portal again, and the object will move with the orange portal.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I haven't done that, however, I have glitched out the game by stacking everything in Chamber 16 into a corner and put a portal on the ceiling and the floor.

I kept shooting the portal into the floor to help coax it out the top one (I was -very- bored.)  and eventually it seemed to..heave?  Then it exploded and all the objects shot out of the top portal.

Except they fell through the ground entirely.  I no clipped and checked, they were legit destroyed.  I don't think I have any of the video's anymore, but I recall specifically in chamber 18 I started it and an office chair fell out of the ceiling of the hallway you are introduced to, except the bottom half of the chair was underground.  I could pick it up and push it through walls a little bit, and then I tossed it into the wall and it went through it.

Got me a little scared for awhile, took like 2-3 restarts to get rid of the effect.  Would start every level and everything would just fall through the ground.
If we were you, we would quit now.
I'd like to ask if there has been any finding of being able to transport objects throughout the map via portals, as they don't slip out when the portal is changed. 

So like, you can put an object in two portals, then shoot say the orange portal again, and the object will move with the orange portal.

It hasn't been tested too heavily (or at least by me) because their wasn't a practical use for it in speedrunning. I think it won't work though, because something can only exist on one side of a portal at a time.
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Time: 2008-02-16 02:13:05 am
Well, I've been doing it on Android Chamber (don't remember the number), and have come really close to getting objects past the destruction field. 

I've been able to do the glitch with just shooting portals, and have managed to do it with a camera, turret and box at the same time. Too bad I wasn't in the elevator room. 

Honestly, if we could do this, then no one would have to deal with that turret trick and what seems to be a large annoyance, as we could just allow it to go right into the room itself.  Then, again, I'm not sure if getting a live turret is possible, as I've only done it with dead turrets.

I'm not sure there's any practical use for it during speed running as many have said, but having an object carried around with you at all times might come in handy somewhere. 
Edit history:
DemonStrate: 2008-02-16 02:17:50 am
If we were you, we would quit now.
Well, I've been doing it on Android Chamber (don't remember the number), and have come really close to getting objects past the destruction field. 

I've been able to do the glitch with just shooting portals, and have managed to do it with a camera, turret and box at the same time. Too bad I wasn't in the elevator room. 

Honestly, if we could do this, then no one would have to deal with that turret trick and what seems to be a large annoyance, as we could just allow it to go right into the room itself.  Then, again, I'm not sure if getting a live turret is possible, as I've only done it with dead turrets.

I'm not sure there's any practical use for it during speed running as many have said, but having an object carried around with you at all times might come in handy somewhere. 

Oh, you mean to another map? I thought you meant so that an object will sort of exist 'inbetween' portals, so if you keep shooting portals, it'll still be in a portal. If you want to get objects past the e-field, I already have a video of it.

I literally did this 2 months ago. Check it out: