each time the sound gets screwed its a new segment.
It's a very good run but I still dislike the xcessive use of segments.
The penalty for segmenting should be much higher, like 5-10s per segment.
Well, I didn't get any penalty on that map. Those were all autosaves. Basically, If i would redo this run, I think I could get it to be nearly all autosaves, so I don't lose any SDA time. I think the max amount of man-made segments I need would be... around 7 or so, just because some maps are really difficult to do otherwise or the autosaves are not in a useful spot.
Also, This guy named Jaso has just put up a video of a faster method of doing Chamber 15. He got 24 seconds without portal bumping. Check it out:
How can you possibly justify 5-10s per segment? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this, Mr. HL2DQ. Are we trying to make our runs slower, or what?
He got 24 seconds without portal bumping.
That could probably go as low as 22 if someone were extremely nitpickish.
2. The aforementioned command sv_bonus_challenge would be a great tool to use if you didn't need to preserve next level loads. This is because it IS the timer used for challenges. Here is a listing of what it does: sv_bonus_challenge 1: Portal Counter sv_bonus_challenge 2: Step Counter sv_bonus_challenge 3: Time Counter sv_bonus_challenge 0: No Timer (Default) The problem is, at the end of the level, it will not load the next level. It will just move the elevator up into a room with nothing in it. So, if you were doing timing on a per map basis, as was discussed earlier in this thread, use sv_bonus_challenge 3. Also, you have to type in this command, and then load the map. It will not work if you already loaded the map.
This empty room is weird.
By the way, I used that timer for chamber 19 and it remained even at the escape chambers. But after putting the last orb into the fire pit my game crashed. :-/
I found a weird glitch. At the rocket turret room the rocket is going through that window without breaking it:
[quote] How can you possibly justify 5-10s per segment? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this, Mr. HL2DQ. Are we trying to make our runs slower, or what?
Less segments = more skill imho. And it should be treated as such. On the good old quake done quick days only one segment were used per map and I feel like that is the way it should be.
This is getting off topic so if you want to ventilate your attitude problems any further, send me a private message.
How can you possibly justify 5-10s per segment? I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this, Mr. HL2DQ. Are we trying to make our runs slower, or what?
Less segments = more skill imho. And it should be treated as such. On the good old quake done quick days only one segment were used per map and I feel like that is the way it should be.
This is getting off topic so if you want to ventilate your attitude problems any further, send me a private message.
I like TAS better, so I like to have the best speedrun you can possibly make. I'm sorry to say, but this game autosaves like every 10 seconds of gameplay (there are many autosave triggers scattered about), and it would be stupid to not take advantage of them. I understand where you are coming from though, but I don't what speedruns to see the 'skill' someone has; I watch them to see how fast the game can be completed, what exploits they found, or what ways they skipped parts of the game. Those are the things that interest me. I was interested in HL2DQ because it was TAS-like, and thats where my speedrunning began. I've watched tons of TAS's and speedruns, played Counter-Strike for like 6 years, and I've worked on speedruns for parts of HL2DQ, Half-Life Source, Half-Life 2 Episode 1, and my own personal works in Half-Life 2 Episode 2, Condition Zero Deleted Scenes, and Portal.
The point is, I'm sure that I could do this speedrun on a per map basis, but, as long as a faster way exists that couldn't be feasible without segmentation, then i'll segment it. Example: A portal shot that is pixel perfect, but you would spend more time trying to line it up on a per map run than a segmented one, so it would then become inefficient. For shots like that, I make sure I know exactly how and where to move my cursor so i can hit it as soon as the save loads. You cannot really get that kind of quality from per map segmentation. Also, as i mentioned before, using autosaves = only logical choice.
Its an unfinished project. The HL2DQ team worked on it between the release of Episode 1 and Episode 2. I have the demos and they still work, so I might upload the farthest we got with the fastest demos we have. All the threads on the HL2DQ boards got deleted because bots overran them with spam, so I don't have any of the info on the runs other than the time per segment and who ran them. I had the best times for a couple of the segments. :).
Thanks, but I don't have the game so they're kinda useless to me. ^^"
Shit, double post.
I'll capture it and make it into a video. Is there an acronym for a work in progress (WIP) that is dead? Cause I'd name it that then, since it was a WIP, but died.
I'll capture it and make it into a video. Is there an acronym for a work in progress (WIP) that is dead? Cause I'd name it that then, since it was a WIP, but died.
How about UWIP: Unfinished Work In Progress? Or CWIP: Cancelled Work In Progress.
I uploaded some other videos. I got a way to beat Chamber 2 without using any portals, if you were going to work on a minimum portals run. Also, I've got a new strategy to do the beginning of Chamber 15, if I was to rerun my speedrun of that level. Check it out:
I think a quick minimal portal run would be quite fun to watch. Single segment would probably be way too slow considering the exact placement sometimes, so I'd only imagine it being segmented. I never even thought about it until you just brought it up... I don't know why.