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Wow I had no idea you could get a camera that could record a decent quality 30fps for so cheap.

You could prolly get even cheaper off ebay or craigslist

Well, depends on your definition of "decent".

Most webcams that claim 30 fps can only do so at 320x240.  At 640x480 they can only do 15 fps.  The ones that could do 640 @ 30 fps and still look good are most likely in the $30-$50 range.

Even so, the cheapest webcam you could get like a Logitech Quickcam or something would probably suffice for verification purposes.  Even tho the framerate is low and the resolution is too it would still be hard to fake it.
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Psonar: 2007-11-18 10:02:30 am
Long live SF64!
I'd sell my logitech quickcam for the cost of shipping - it's got decent/aweful quality, but it'd work for what groobo wants....

....even though I think the extra camera verification thing is silly....we went through the same discussion with my Star Fox 64 All Medals run which involved two console resets - I offered to tape myself resetting the game to verify that it wasn't spliced, but in the end, nate sade VHS recording was enough to show that it was original.  Incidently I did also do a webcam recording of just the TV screen so that I could post it online  for quick viewer feedback, but basically they were willing to accept my run even though it could have easily been faked by running it in 3 segments, splicing them, then recording it back onto a VHS tape.

Groobo, you've proven yourself in this thread and to SDA in general to be an honest gamer.  I for one don't understand the whole webcam thing, but whatever, it's not my run.

So groobo, where are you from? (why am I thinking Germany...?) It wouldn't be worth it to ship a camera to you if you're not in the US.
I'd sell my logitech quickcam for the cost of shipping - it's got decent/aweful quality, but it'd work for what groobo wants....

Thanks but I'll just get my own 50$ webcam. I play with the lights off in my room and I heard that anything worse than the one I'll be getting can't handle bad lightning. Plus, the cam will be located a little far from my monitor.

Anyway, look at the case from the bright side: I'm forced to improve the run and I'm sure that I'll beat the 18m mark. Also take in note that it's not a matter of me being trustworthy because the facts speak against me. Recording myself while playing will solve the problem.
Hm...can someone tell me how I should encode the segmented runs? I tried to encode it with Super, but then i cant cut the segments has to be encoded with 30~50 fps, otherwise it looks bad.
And should I record the run on demo or directly with fraps? The demos still don't look good....
I think the fact that you're actually willing to buy a webcam for further verification is verification enough.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
I think the fact that you're actually willing to buy a webcam for further verification is verification enough.

I trust grobbo as much as anyone, but the point is, there is at least one part of the run (the portal icon disapeearing between 18 and 19) that shows evidence against a SS, without a reason (yet) for it happening. It would be irresponsible to SDA to inherently trust someone within a community to publish their run for everybody without some extra layer. Grobbo understand this, and is willing to go that extra step to prove himself, which we have to let him do.
I know, I know, I was just saying.
The BaldurManiac
I am almost against a second verification.. but I believe he deserves a second chance.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Okay, I am tired of scouring Google trying to find an ABH script for AHK. Can anyone lend a guy a hand here?
Bind MWHEELUP +jump.
Walk, jump, turn around, press crouch, don't press any direction key and then scroll your mouse wheel every time you are about to contact the ground.
GetKeyState, state, Space, P
if State = U; The button has been released, so stop the loop.
; Otherwise:
Send, {Space}
Sleep, 1; i.e. 30 ms delay between clicks. Adjust this value as needed.
Swedish Fish
hmm,  when comes the insanely fast segmented run?

Is anyone working on it?
Waiting hurts my soul...
I'm not sure segmented would be that much faster.  The run is pretty fast by itself.  I still need to play this game..  Cry
A seg'd run should at least get under 16:30. I get flooded with pm's on my youtube account from people  working on segmented runs, though I doubt any of those will be that fast.
I am working on a segmented run, I have done it until chamber 13 yet, time is 8:10 (groobo has ~8:56 at that point(without saves))
I am working on a segmented run, I have done it until chamber 13 yet, time is 8:10 (groobo has ~8:56 at that point(without saves))

Would you mind releasing a WIP?
I've got escape_02 down to 1 minute (groobo's was about 1:25, for reference).  I Fraps'd one clip, was 1:02 on pretty high video settings, as turning them down didn't help fps with Fraps running.  Could see it being 56-58 seconds, maybe lower, you never know.  Going to try some other things today, if I don't beat it I'll post the 1:02 clip later.
Hail Discordia!
So I take it the segmented run has potential to go as low as ~16:00? On the other hand, does a segmented run have more sense than, say, just IL table by each chamber?
I have uploaded the run so far here. I didnt optimize the transitions and the quality is originally better than that. If I forgot a trick, tell me Cheesy
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usernameguy: 2007-12-05 07:34:17 pm
Well, part of the reason it's faster is, you're cutting out the loading screens.

But 9, 11, and 12 were impressive.  Doubt that a couple of them could be done in a single-segment.

EDIT: To answer an earlier, possibly rhetorical question: there's definitely a difference between segmented and single-segment Portal runs.  Segmented runs can afford the risk of throwing cubes; single-segment can't, really.  I don't know if that justifies another category or not.
If we were you, we would quit now.
Check out my youtube videos i uploaded recently. Mainly note the shortcuts on Chamber 17 and on Chamber 19.
Hail Discordia!
To answer an earlier, possibly rhetorical question: there's definitely a difference between segmented and single-segment Portal runs.  Segmented runs can afford the risk of throwing cubes; single-segment can't, really.  I don't know if that justifies another category or not.

You misunderstood; the question was whether to make a segmented run a separate category if there's going to be an IL table regardless. The difference between a segmented run and IL table is pretty much negligible, the latter even allows far more freedom for the competitors.
Edit history:
usernameguy: 2007-12-05 08:01:17 pm
I suppose that depends on whether we have a reliable way to to time IL - is that the door closing?  the loading screen?  depends on the level? (Probably the latter.)

But yeah, you're right.  There's no real difference.  It's not like your hit points are different after each level.

EDIT: proposal for timing measurement:
  • the first chamber is from the time the orange portal opens to the time the elevator door closes
  • chambers 2 through 18 are from when the door opens to the exit door closes (screw the ones where you're trapped, you're stuck with that time)
  • chamber 19 is from when the elevator door opens to the loading... message
  • the escape levels are from loading... message to loading... mesage
  • the last escape level is from loading... message to death blow (obviously)
And you must leave the two portal gun upgrade chambers with the upgrades.

EDIT2: I suppose there'd be a difference between an IL table and a single-segment run if there were some way to leave the upgrade chambers without the upgrade.
@Rob1n: You should improve like every level in that video. You're slower than me (in my ss) on the first map and you matched my time for the second one. So without the tricks you used (which I didn't in my run because of one reason or another), you didn't even gain 10s when it should be at least 30.

@DemonStrate: WOW! I'm going to test how often I can pull that off, right now (the "portal bumping"). Also I knew about the first shortcut you show in 19-2 but at first I somehow thought it's super slow compared to the regular method.
Timing would be between loading screens, same as for any other PC game. (At least, any other game without it's own timer)