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If we were you, we would quit now.
I assume Bunny-hopping, although I don't know what the A stands for. BBH'ing is what I'd call it (backwards).

The game multiplies your velocity by 120% when you jump, but doesn't allow forward velocity to pass 120%. If you are backwards, and crouching, the game doesn't properly turn 'backwards' speed into 'forwards' speed, so it keeps multipliyng your speed as you keep jumping. And since there's no friction if you bhop perfectly... you can go ridiculously fast. The fastest place you'll really see it though is approaching glados, there's no other hallway big enough.

Yeah, thats basically it. We call it ABH, the A standing for Accelerated, for Episode 2 because when you couple it with sprint, youll accelerate exponentially while Back Hopping. I have a few theories on it, one of them being something that you cannot notice until you slow the game down (host_timescale). You actually hit the ground twice while jumping backwards in this manner, which must attribute to why this happens. I dont know anymore of the specifics than that.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
oh god i am sick of elevators, i hate running this game

its like 80% elevators and 20% gameplay until the escape... seriously
Waiting hurts my soul...
I guess that's true if you're doing for SS.  Is a SS required before IL table runs?
Edit history:
groobo: 2007-10-29 10:00:33 pm
OMG, I broke glados! I'm encoding the video right now. This trick probably saves about two minutes.

edit: video

Time to redo my ss run ;). Maybe I'll get it under 18 minutes.
Waiting hurts my soul...
That looks interesting, although I don't know how much of a break that is since I haven't played the game yet :(.  I think I might just break down and buy it this weekend... we'll see.
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Siyko: 2007-10-29 10:19:02 pm
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
hahaha wow.... nice

how reliable is it to get her to drop all the orbs? It just takes 3 bullets anywhere on the body i'd assume?
how reliable is it to get her to drop all the orbs? It just takes 3 bullets anywhere on the body i'd assume?

Yeah, but after taking some bullets move aside when doing a ss run instead of running straight into the room because sometimes she gets hit only once or twice and you end up restarting if that happens.
Awesome find, Groobo.

Spam time.

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groobo: 2007-10-30 04:55:14 pm
It just got to me that there's no way to prove that a run was done in a ss, because you can move for a short while during the loading screens (even if you couldn't, faking a ss is way too easy). What do you guys think?
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
Faking a SS is always possible in any PC game, but an experienced eye can tell more obvious fakes - it would just take an experienced player to verify the run. If you approach a loading screen at a different angle or slightly different position, and spliced two vids together, it's hard to imagine that it wouldn't be noticable.
You can record a demo file to proof that it's a proper SS.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
You can record a demo file to proof that it's a proper SS.

HL2 splits demos on level change. You can then fluff with the demo content to make it seem like single segment demos, but not actually be so.
Siyko: In case you're still running this game in a ss, here's a tip: before recording, when you get to the main menu for the first time, manually load those maps where fraps usually stops recording at (testchmb_a_15 and escape_02). You can disconnect and start a new game from there. This should solve the fraps problem. And btw, my best attempt atm is a super high 18m run, like 18:59 or so. We should aim at 18:50, I'd be surprised if anyone would get a lower time.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
How are you getting the robot upstairs? The best way I have to do it is get to teh room with the door, open the door, open a portal on the side, and take 5 or so seconds to aim a super-precise shot on the walls of one of the chambers, which you can go into and pickup the robot - do you have a better way?

I haven't done attempts recently - I overplayed a bit ago and now I'm taking a break - it'd be so much easier to run if it weren't for all the elevator time.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
You could record a webcam video of yourself playing showing the screen and all your mouse and keyboard movement.  That would be really hard splice something like that together without a noticeable skip.

This would just verify it, also record a demo or fraps for a better quality video.

I'm pretty sure I could make two segments and demos, one before and one after a level load and there would be no noticeable skip.
Most digital cameras have a video option.  You don't need great quality, just proof that you did it in one go.  Set that up behind you and do your magic. Wink
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
why isn't this an issue for other PC games? Couldn't the same splicing be done in any game without good demo recording and with loading screens?
Someone should ask one of the mods (if and how there's a way to prove a run was done in a ss, well there's a hl1 ss run up on the site, right?), really. I was bugging Mike way too much lately, someone else would have to try and get a reply from him :P.

Siyko: Here's how I get/set up the turret during a ss run.
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CMiller: 2007-10-31 03:53:05 pm
I noticed you didn;t use this little trick in your SS run groobo. It saves a small amount of time in chamber 12, instead of having to fling yourself up to the cube.
Swedish Fish
Lots of nice finds.  This thread is always a pleasure to read.
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groobo: 2007-10-31 04:35:08 pm
CMiller: Nice find. I tried to do that trick a couple of days ago, but couldn't find the correct angle and thought that it's impossible.

Anyway, I'm waiting for someone to ask one of the mods how we can prove that a run was done in a ss, before wasting hours of running just for it to get rejected.
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Siyko: 2007-10-31 04:30:47 pm
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
haha grobbo, for some reason your sequence break video became very popular... it must have been linked somewhere. Inter-fame!

And thanks for the next vid, for some reason that completely didn't occur to me.
Flash Portal Speerun:

Anyway, I'm waiting for someone to ask one of the mods how we can prove that a run was done in a ss, before wasting hours of running just for it to get rejected.

I'm not sure how faking it would be possible. When you save your game (on the 360 anyways), a "saved" dialoge pops up, so you couldn't just edit from save points. You'd have the "saved" overlay at wierd times so it'd be obvious. And as far as the loading points go, it seems to keep your exact position on most of them. that'd be pretty hard to align correctly.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
and btw grobbo, if you want to save another 1/2 second.. a robot wont ever shoot if you're holding it, so you can pick it up from the front to carry it.