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Serris: 2014-02-06 12:06:06 pm
Serris: 2013-10-25 05:37:42 pm
Serris: 2013-10-24 11:07:53 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 08:42:36 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 07:50:29 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 07:24:18 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 07:17:18 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 07:05:59 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 06:59:29 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 06:50:22 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 06:40:22 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 06:04:51 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 05:54:54 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 05:36:14 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 05:07:27 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 02:28:17 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 01:37:30 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 01:36:06 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 01:27:43 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 01:25:10 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 01:24:53 am
Serris: 2013-10-24 01:24:08 am
Serris: 2013-10-23 10:51:28 pm
Serris: 2013-10-23 07:31:13 pm
Serris: 2013-10-23 04:38:20 pm
Serris: 2013-10-22 08:05:25 pm
Didn't see a general thread, hopefully it fits the board.

FC: 3780-9123-4507
Safari: Ponyta/Ninetales/Charmeleon

Thread title:  
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SkuttyB: 2013-11-08 05:28:44 pm
FC: 0817-3980-6985
Safari: Onix/Nosepass/???
Edit history:
Laplacier: 2013-11-10 05:40:56 pm
Laplacier: 2013-11-09 08:21:39 pm
StarSong Hype
FC: 4356-0053-5711

I've got starters and a couple 4-5 IV breed fodder.

EDIT: I can also spread Pokerus, just trade me a Pokemon with a name indicating you want it.
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JackintheBox333: 2013-11-11 04:34:23 am
JackintheBox333: 2013-11-11 04:33:50 am
Professional Shaq Fu Speedrunner
FC: 4957-2299-4688

EDIT: My Safari is: Sandshrew/Marowak/Gastrodon (West sea)

I've got access to a Ditto and Ninetales safari.
Laplacier. you have Trapinch/Dugtrio/Palpitoad

Jack, you have Sandshrew/Marowak/Gastrodon (West sea)
He who jumps most
My FC: 4811-7428-3263
I'm pretty sure I have a fairy safari with Spritzee in it
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CavemanDCJ: 2014-01-14 11:12:06 am
Totally Radical Awesome Game
I was wondering if there was a thread for this.
My FC is 0662-4246-2154

I don't know what my safari is, but I breed alot and have pokerus.
I also wouldn't mind a battle Smiley
Now that Bank is properly available, I'm only missing these:


Can't transfer the first two because I got them back in Sapphire with good old Action Replay, along with every Kanto mon because I didn't want to wait for RBY remakes ;( ... my Shaymin is from japanese Diamond void glitching and can't be transferred because you weren't supposed to get it before Platinum (which I don't have), and Platinum Shaymins have another flag for the Forme change item that makes them eligible for transfer (Diamond Darkrai made it through fine), and I wasn't playing during the Meloetta event. I've got everything else and several legends multiple times, so if you're interested in Dex exchanges or actual trades, let me know. No hackmons please, they ruin the immersion Tongue
Professional Shaq Fu Speedrunner
Yeah my Pearl Darkrai and Shaymin didn't transfer because the item to unlock the encounter was never released for English versions of the game. The lazy Action Replay pokes I made to test with didn't transfer either. The shiny Shaymin I wrote into my box though with an action replay code? Transfer's A-Ok!

I don't get it.
Edit history:
Serris: 2014-02-06 12:47:46 pm
That's weird, considering there was no event for japanese versions either, as far as I know. There's no void glitch in english DP, but if you got to Darkrai's location with tweaking or whatever I don't see why you wouldn't be able to transfer it after legitimately catching it there. Darkrai doesn't share Shaymin's additional flag check.
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Greenalink: 2014-02-10 03:26:50 pm
DS Dictator
Yeah my Pearl Darkrai and Shaymin didn't transfer because the item to unlock the encounter was never released for English versions of the game.

Interesting, I heard that you couldn't transfer a shiny Jirachi from a Gen 3 GC game (Pokémon Channel in PAL or Colosseum bonus disk in NTSC regions).

I guess Platinum's Darkrai had an extra barrier of capturing one because you needed a key item from the event to even encounter/battle against it as it doesn't appear if you got there without the key item via Tweaking Glitch. 

There's one test I would like to find out without risking to disable my account & that is the impossible HG/SS Nosepass that knows Head Smash.
Thanks to the Ditto Rage glitch, it's possible for the male parent to pass down the move Head Smash to a new born Nosepass.
The developers knew it was impossible to teach Nosepass Head Smash without glitch abuse, so they removed it on the list in both B1W1 and B2W2.
StarSong Hype
I don't know about Nosepass and Head Smash, but other invalid Egg Move combos seem to get detected correctly. I couldn't get a Bisharp with both Sucker Punch and Quick Guard (possible in X/Y but not B2W2)
StarSong Hype
If you need a Starf Berry I'll be distributing some in the coming weeks (120 Hour growing time). Just managed a 200 streak in Super Triples.
Totally Radical Awesome Game
So now that pokebank is out, I have 6iv dittos coming out of my ass.
Anybody want one?
Sure, what do you want in return?
Totally Radical Awesome Game
Well, I have a literal box of them. I'm not exactly hoarding them, give me a bidoof or something, I don't care.

But, since you asked, X mega stones would be nice lol.