It's really interesting to get to know what everyone you've been talking with looks like. It's better than that no-face person in your imagination. Everyone should post(that means you too Strangeness). If not, then you'll go to bed WITHOUT DESERT OR TV!
You EXPECTED me to be a grinning moron in a suit being held by another man? What does that say about me? Or do you mean my earlier picture where I didn't looked like Satan with Sideburns?
I don't know why you're taking it in a negative way. Your the person who looks most like me. You have the same sort of face shape and build. Unless its the camera, then my skin isn't nearly as pale as that though
The word is "you're" not "your" in this case. You keep making this mistake.
If it's that big a deal why don't you go and modify yourself. Your the chief admin, and further still you know our passwords because this site doesn't have password encriyption.
If it's that big a deal why don't you go and modify yourself. Your the chief admin, and further still you know our passwords because this site doesn't have password encriyption.
You did it again. I used to do this when I was new. I learned the right way. Show some respect.
One week while I was on holiday (at a caravan in Wales if you must know) I decided to learn how to juggle.
Unfortunately I only had balls used for French 'boules', which are a decent size but kinda heavy (especially since I was about 9).
I started just throwing them around in the correct hand movements with little success. Shortly after I could throw all three up and catch them I managed to place myself at the start of a long field and run down it juggling (it was the only way I could compensate for my tendency to throw them forwards).
By the end of the week I could juggle slowly, rigidly and with high chance of mistakes, but didn't accidentally throw them in some random direction anymore.
Now I'm very proficient after a very small amount of extra training and can juggle three objects of your choice (to a reasonable weight and no smaller than half a scrunched up kit-kat foil-wrapper), as well as doing many different tricks (unless I'm juggling with a club-like object).
Juggling with five balls is surprisingly similar to three but I can't do tricks... four is just irritating.
So you see, it's not that hard to do if you just one day decide to learn how to juggle (I strongly recommend proper balls though, or beanbags).
Not entirely sure what prompted me to say it in that much detail, I have an essay to write and I really don't want to...
yeah, i have had a couple people try juggling, and i have been teaching them. someone i am teaching to juggle right now likes to walk while juggling because you throw them out starting at the beginning.
today i tried juggling 7!!! i was able to get 13 catches at best and 18 being my best. im suprised how well i am doing already. i cannot do 6 very well at all, since it is basically juggling 3 balls in each hand!
It's really interesting to get to know what everyone you've been talking with looks like. It's better than that no-face person in your imagination. Everyone should post(that means you too Strangeness). If not, then you'll go to bed WITHOUT DESSERT OR TV!
Pictures are nice, but I tend to forget the picture and you become your avatar to me. If you don't have an avatar, you are your name and there is no image in my mind correlated with it.
Sorry to burst in on the juggling parade (wow, that worked out so perfectly. Juggling... at parades.... No? Yeah......), and to make it sound ridiculous as it's coming from the former spam master, but I believe a great man once said, "you can post pictures, but don't go off topic. I won't have a board like GameFAQs where they can freely discuss whatever they want," or something like that.
In fact, several posts I made in bad German were deleted because of it. If we want the thread to stay open and if we want to continue looking at how handsome all of us are, I suggest we stay on topic. And by the way, no one has to post their picture if they don't want to, Strangeness included. Keep asking her to do it, and she might go "Diddy Kong Locking" on this thread. Granted, that would lend itself to a certain amount of awesomeness, but I want this thread to stay open because I want to see what these people look like: - acxy500 - Radon - RandomEngy - Spider-Waffle - FLM - henkie ^_^ - Phauxe
Pictures are nice, but I tend to forget the picture and you become your avatar to me. If you don't have an avatar, you are your name and there is no image in my mind correlated with it.
Well, now I know nate is a white guy with curly hair. And here I though he was this burly tall black dude with "ride or die" tattooed on his back.
And you don't even have a name, you're just Jim's friend.