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I won't be home until very late.  I'm sure the connection to the file DCed when it wasn't finished.  I'll resume it later.

And no Deku Tree work tonight.  Sorry.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
This is how it works...

I havent seen all of seg. 2 yet but from what i did see this should be the best yet, very nice job TSA, i can see you've been practicing like mad on this:)

He may get a chance to have Segment 3 done tonight.

And no Deku Tree work tonight.  Sorry.
Food goes in here
Ah, thats too bad. I hope you dont lose any of that "motivation" come tomorrow.:P

Edit: oh, nice im gonna use all my friends' names with that owned thing now lol
Ok, I laughed my ass off when I watched that. What is that doing the "You got owned, owned, owned" thing? All I know is that my left eye is watering from me laughing so hard at that.

I knew that someone with "Dr. Tran" in their avatar would appreciate something like this  ;D.

The owned thing is about half a year old...  My original plan was to post on a guest account named "mike246gotowned" with an email "" and then quote my post, and post that link right aftwards.  But unfortunately guests can't post links :(.

Back in 2002, there were similar things where they would insert names into articles describing pedophiles, mass murders, etc.  I believe this works on the same premise.

I guess I should get back on topic...  I'll edit this post if I find the article urls that I was speaking about.
Just wanted to say that in the room where you get the slingshot if you slowly jump off the ledge with the slingshot on it and barely graze the platform, without grabbing on to it, it will start to fall. Knowing this you could just go underneathe the platform and be warped back to the door. This could prevent the whole issue of having to shoot the ladder down and walk/roll to the door. Not sure if this is any faster than using the ladder but I think it is.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Just wanted to say that in the room where you get the slingshot if you slowly jump off the ledge with the slingshot on it and barely graze the platform, without grabbing on to it, it will start to fall. Knowing this you could just go underneathe the platform and be warped back to the door.

You mean have the block fall on top of you?
Assuming that works it makes no sense to do in a speedrun....

First of all..since you are ignoring it the first time you're climbing the vines.
After you get the slingshot why don't you just roll on top of it to the other side instead of going underneath it?
You mean have the block fall on top of you?
Assuming that works it makes no sense to do in a speedrun....

First of all..since you are ignoring it the first time you're climbing the vines.
After you get the slingshot why don't you just roll on top of it to the other side instead of going underneath it?

And yeah, just have it fall on top of you. Of course we ignore it the first time getting to the slingshot but it may be faster to get it to fall on top of Link instead of shooting the ladder down and climbing it. I was completing the dungeon the other night and had it happen to me. Lent the game out earlier today so I can't really time it myself but it does work. And if it doesn't turn out to be faster at least we ruled out that way.
Verdict: ConfusioN's method is slower.

Climbing the vines to reach the chest takes 6" more than using the falling platform. After Link gets hit by the falling platform, it takes another 3-4" for the room to "reset."

Shooting and climbing up the ladder also takes 6". Plus, no time is wasted because Link can move while the ladder is still falling.
It wasn't fully uploaded.  Resumed upload.
Edit history:
AKA: 2006-06-21 08:55:48 pm
He's back!
I've finally watched all of it and yes its considerably better than the last two, but you were definitley two seconds slower in reaching the tunnel compared to me and lost a further two seconds due to the two minor mistakes in the boulder area. You're ruppee manipulation after the training area seemed better than mine and the exit from it was much better, but I don't know if landing and backfliping off the fence is faster compared to what you and I would normally do since that move by me was unitentional. How much time are you gaining in the from shop to Mido compared to me? since I don't want to risk that early on. You could of backwalked instead of side stepping and there was a notable hesatation when you were about to backwalk after the deku scene.

This seems fine since its sub 2:10, but from watching it I know its more than possible to beat it by 5-7 seconds, but don't get into that teritory. I don't know the exact time but its somewhere between mid to high point of 2:09.

One tip for segment three which I mentioned eariler?

The way I was doing the webslash was giving me odds of 50/50, but if you go further left and do the same move you can still move while the web is about to break, so that time can be used to get closer to the wall and get a more acute angle as well. That method now means that I can do it with a 90% accuracy.
The original leever.
TSA, this run is so good it looks almost TAS like, I dunno how to put it in words other than.

You, TSA, are the god master of all people to ever play Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
I thought this new Segment 2 was very good..If you ever plan on doing it again I'll look into researching more about it.
The time lost is to minimal to look into right now.

TSA, this run is so good it looks almost TAS like, I dunno how to put it in words other than.

You, TSA, are the god master of all people to ever play Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

It's official the Leever has returned. Grin
Speed is the key.
I've been practicing the second segment of my 100% run today, and it's coming along nicely... it's just the rupee manipulation that's giving me a headache, but I'll get it... eventually.

When I enter the tunnel I am about 1,5-2 seconds ahead of TSA.

When I exit the tunnel (after sword), I'm about 3,5-4 seconds faster.

It's the stuff beyond that that's giving me trouble... gonna practice more tomorrow.

You can also expect videos of my strategy up to the tunnel tomorrow. Smiley
Yeah, I can pick up a good 1-2 seconds on the way to the hole by doing what AKA did most of the time, but incorporating my sidehop up the ramp (no rolls).

In the boulder, simply remove the 3 mistakes.  That was 2 seconds or more.

Outside after - two more sidehops to the stream.

At the Kokiri Girl - Sidehoppin so you land as close to the door as possible, like I did in my previous segment 3.  Saves at least a second.

So, 5-6 seconds can be shaved if this segment is executed as flawless for a human, not a TAS, and you get the rupee luck.

I'd also like to double check - AKA is running GCN, what about you Yautja?
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Don't forget that on the little Block that you jump attack on top of you can do this: Video
Edit history:
YautjaElder: 2006-06-21 10:14:58 pm
Speed is the key.
I'd also like to double check - AKA is running GCN, what about you Yautja?

Yup, GCN.

I'll be quite happy with myself if I can manage a 2:09. I'm kinda new to speedrunning OoT. Smiley

Don't forget that on the little Block that you jump attack on top of you can do this: Video

That's what I'm doing. Wink
Can't see the video, but it wouldn't happen to be you can roll in the water earlier by pressing Forward + A even when you are swimming, but very close to being able to stand?
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Can't see the video, but it wouldn't happen to be you can roll in the water earlier by pressing Forward + A even when you are swimming, but very close to being able to stand?

Intresting...but no.

The video was showing that you can Jump attack without taking out your sword beforehand.
The original leever.
I don't see where that could be helpful at most spots you have room to just swing your sword.
It could save a few seconds... but c'mon.
almost as useless as invisible link.
Edit history:
TSA: 2006-06-22 09:20:40 am
Friday I have off.

I will redo Segment 3, and then move on.  If by some miracle, the single-segment beats my Segment 2 time for that frame, I'll redo it.  We're all so close on it, I'd like to move on and try some other stuff now.  I have to re-ammend my route because Gerudo Valley is next...the hardest segment in the game...gate cucco jump, gate side slash jump, and traversing the Desert Wasteland...backwards...(yes, backwalking).
He's back!
If a TAS isn't capable of reaching the castle by nightfall by doing Gerudo first then I don't see how it could be at all possible. Second 3 will be very hard and you can't be serious about doing the cucco jump like its done in the TAS, unless you want to divert time by saving at the thives hideout.
Edit history:
YautjaElder: 2006-06-22 10:29:06 am
Speed is the key.
Friday I have off.

I will redo Segment 3, and then move on.  If by some miracle, the single-segment beats my Segment 2 time for that frame, I'll redo it.  We're all so close on it, I'd like to move on and try some other stuff now.  I have to re-ammend my route because Gerudo Valley is next...the hardest segment in the game...gate cucco jump, gate side slash jump, and traversing the Desert Wasteland...backwards...(yes, backwalking).

I'll just roll past the wasteland, too much is at stake there if I get the cucco jump perfect.

Plus, I have 2 skulltulas to grab and a bean to plant before I get to save. Roll Eyes

Okiyama: It's good that you're back and all... but that's total bs. That trick saves time, you don't need to slash with your sword before jumpslashing. If you fail doing it, you just slash with your sword, then jumpslash, so no time is lost.
omg you noobs lol , only can make runs with glitches lol  , and with that speed you never will finish

Edit history:
Staralfur: 2006-06-22 01:44:23 pm
hello there
omg you noobs lol , only can make runs with glitches lol  , and with that speed you never will finish


roflcoptor yeh wer lik totl n00bs lol, wi kant cumplet gams w/o t3h “sekoens braeks” cos dats lik aganst t rulz lol… wel yu tri 2 spedrn oot n sned it in dat wud b t3h funnies lol Grin gannon-banned kthxbai

[smilie barrage deleted]



Now I’ve got that over and done with, I watched the new segment 2. Looks smoother now. Good work TSA.
The original leever.
Second 3 will be very hard and you can't be serious about doing the cucco jump like its done in the TAS, unless you want to divert time by saving at the thives hideout.

I have the oddest feeling TSA will keep doing the backwalks until he gets it...

And also, Yautja I didn't mean to make anyone angry I just don't really see where that trick will be needed, but if there's somewhere that you don't have the room to slash, please excuse my rudeness.