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Ah, so explain the infinite sword glitch, then...
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YautjaElder: 2006-07-17 07:29:55 pm
Speed is the key.
Crouch stab in front of the small chest (without hitting the chest), and in the middle of a crouch stab, press A to open it. You know you get the glitch when your sword has a white glow.

Edit: Here's a video demonstrating the glitch (this time done on a sign):
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TSA: 2006-07-17 07:46:21 pm
Ah, or a sign.  So I am guessing the Deku Tree route would be to get the map using that, then jump slash down to ledge through web, then sidehop with shield?  Or did we need to slingshot to get more height or something?  I think then you just do the trick on the slingshot chest.

Edit: We need either Goron Bracelet, Silver Gauntlets, or Bombchus to enter Dodongo's Cavern as it stands.  Getting Silver Gauntlets means you get Bombchus...(need them to get through that one room).
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petrie911: 2006-07-17 07:48:16 pm
Everybody loves Hypnotoad!
you can do that sword glitch off bombs, plants, almost anything grabbable, checkable, or openable.  I wonder if you could do it off C-up when Navi wants to talk to you...
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mwl: 2006-07-17 07:59:33 pm
Edit: We need either Goron Bracelet, Silver Gauntlets, or Bombchus to enter Dodongo's Cavern as it stands.  Getting Silver Gauntlets means you get Bombchus...(need them to get through that one room).

And getting Goron's Bracelet means learning Saria's Song. Someone brought up entering Forest Temple as a child, which is probably the only thing that would make the trip worthwhile, but we'd need bombs for that. So we're still stuck with getting bombchus in Spirit at the very least, if not the SG.
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YautjaElder: 2006-07-17 08:16:11 pm
Speed is the key.
Whoa, TSA, I forgot to mention that if you slash with your sword (including jumpslashing), you lose the glitch. You'll have to do it on the small chest with a recovery heart down there on the platform.

Edit: I will have to redo segment 9 of my run now, since TSA got the cucco jump on his first try. It will look bad in comparision if I wont do the same, even though I have a shorter segment.

I think I'll try to pull a GuanoBowl... in other words, jumping and flying to the pole.
Zelda Rulez!
Whoa, TSA, I forgot to mention that if you slash with your sword (including jumpslashing), you lose the glitch. You'll have to do it on the small chest with a recovery heart down there on the platform.

And TSA when you do sidehop to skulltula you don't only need sidehopping in air, that's not all. You need timing your jumping because when link take hit from skultula you need to wait about two seconds and then sidehop again, because link not take hit from skulltula again if you jump again right away Smiley

I think acryte can give you more information about this Wink
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TSA: 2006-07-17 09:08:03 pm
Ah, so no jumpslash.

So I guess Spirit Temple is a go...but should I get Gauntlets or not?  I thought if I get bombs, I didn't need the Gauntlets?
I thought we wanted to get the gauntlets as an adult Huh?
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Mad_Andy: 2006-07-17 09:32:30 pm
I'd suggest using this strategy for spirit temple:

Segment 6: Theves Hideout, haunted Wasteland, Enter spirit temple, save.

Segment 7: Child spirit up to chus, then Save.

Segment 8: Exit spirit temple, learn requiem of spirit, save.

Since we can get then the silver gauntlets as an adult faster than doing the 2nd half of child spirit we should do that. It will also look cooler getting into adult spirit without the gauntlets. Wink
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hiddenGamer: 2006-07-17 10:03:31 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Kazooie, hi I'm trying to experiment with glitches on zelda ocarina of time the samething is you, I know how to do the endless sword glitch and ground jump with a bomb. But how do I do those tricks with the endless sword glitch? Like how do I use it to enter the Forest temple as a child?

I like to know how it works, is it suppose to get you stuck in the wall or something?
I know you have to back flip and jump as soon as the bomb explodes but it usually gets me no where.

And other thing it was quite intersting to see some of your videos on youtube the glitch were you got yourself a megaton hammer, I tried that but it never worked.

Also I tried a lot to get through the temple of time with the crooked cartridge trick without the emeralds you think this is possible?
I think I'll try to pull a GuanoBowl... in other words, jumping and flying to the pole.

Just so you know, the landing on the pole part of that isn't that hard. What I mean is when you grab the Cucco and jump off the side, it is very easy to land on the pole. The hard part is changing direction immediately when you land on the pole and jumping so that you can get over the fence, because it is sort of hard to tell exactly when you'll land on the pole because it looks like you won't make it sometimes..
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I've tried that cucco jump too, its extremly difficult, its easier to get through there using a bomb and a roll sword slash attack.
I just wish that getting below the bridge in that small ramp area...I wish there was a way to damage boost or jumpslash and end up on the other side of the gate - not back up on the would save a good few seconds.
Not to mention bring the difficulty down considerably.
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Acryte: 2006-07-18 05:07:08 am
Zelda Scientist®
The problem with just using a straight sidehop is that it doesn't work. YOu have to use a diagonal sidehop forwards and then immedieately hold back on the joystick and shield. That way you go forwards into him but you also don't hit him... and you also don't go sailing sideways past him without hitting him at all. Also, getting into forest as a kid takes longer than the minuet cutscene, and is very tricky. Also, you can't skip the maze w/ the groundjump + then superslide w/ hover. AND, you are smaller so you need more bombs to get over stuff w/ that smaller backflip and lower height. Pluse, there aren't that many bombs you can grab to get into there in a timely manner and fill up for the block room stuff. You might be very low from getting in and you'll also lose time on the restock from the jars. You might even have to drop multiple segments so you can collect enough bombs from the jars to suffice. Child forest is cool but I don't think it is a good idea.
Where's the video of the Gerudo Gate thing?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Acryte, could you make me a video on how to get in the forest temple as a child, I just want to do it for fun, I dont care how you do it , even if you show using crooked cartridge I just want to get into the forest temple as a child.

and what about Water temple could you show me that?
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Acryte: 2006-07-18 05:49:35 am
Zelda Scientist®
oh man... that's gonna suck for me but ok.
secondly, do you mean water temple as kid (uses a backflip and goes into a void) or just with the hookshot and no iron boots (legit and cool)? I have a vid of the 2nd one I can upload if you'd like.

TSA - do you mean the gate thing as in the sidehop to get on the mountain? just climb the ladder and properly angle the sidehop. then sidehop through the wall over onto the ground on the other side.
Holy ****ing shit. I'm a little behind now. What can happen in a few weeks.

TSA, you have beaten my deku tree time ^.-  Though you had probably already guessed this. I'm pleased to see you trying to get more out of the run than you seemed to be before. This is going to be a work of art instead of "just the first one to do it". Of course the time is going to be beaten. But not as easily as I thought it would be before. I no longer expect it to be perfect. It's an impossible thing to ask and I'm sorry that I did demand this from you earlier. I had no right to.

As for my own progess.. All these new tricks to master.... it's dazzling. I simply can't keep up. Except to hear from me again in several months T.T I will never stop practicing.
Working on Segment 6.  If you die in the desert, the windy dust stops...interesting.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
oh man... that's gonna suck for me but ok.
secondly, do you mean water temple as kid (uses a backflip and goes into a void) or just with the hookshot and no iron boots (legit and cool)? I have a vid of the 2nd one I can upload if you'd like.

TSA - do you mean the gate thing as in the sidehop to get on the mountain? just climb the ladder and properly angle the sidehop. then sidehop through the wall over onto the ground on the other side.

yes I mean purely getting in there as a child I tried back fliping at that house I never get in he never back flips backward , all he does is backflip sideways, yeah I would appreciate if you did upload some videos on that stuff, if you can thank you.
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
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TSA: 2006-07-18 07:40:00 am
Segment 6 done - I will admit, I did not "backwalk" the entire time...heh...but in the attempt I was doing, I was getting close, but the timing is very hard to do without having sure-fire references (it's all soft counts, no hard counts like sidehop #s, or points of reference when going forward).

So, I get everything really smoothly, but just not all I may redo this if I come close to a "mark" and I need to shave some more seconds.

Also...just a head's up...the sun was "rising" as I entered Spirit Temple...about a good 5-10 seconds into the sunrise before I entered...should I be able to make it to Hyrule Castle in time?  If I can't, then I will do Dodongo's Cavern after Spirit.

I'm compressing uploading, but both Segment 5/6 may not be up till tomorrow.

Hopefully I can get Spirit done tomorrow, too, that way I got that leg done before I head to Comic-Con for the weekend.

So, I guess after Spirit Tomorrow, I just have:

Hyrule Castle, Dodongo's Cavern, Zora's River, Zora's Domain, Jabu-Jabu and then Temple of Time.

Man...getting close here to end of Child Link...cuz Dodongo and Jabu are broken to heck.
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Manocheese: 2006-07-18 07:41:24 am
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Well, isn't it always a certain time of day when you get the Requiem?

EDIT: Wow, 1000 posts already. Just a couple thousand more before we catch up with the last topic. <_<