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sshplur: 2004-12-13 08:10:40 am
it come across me the other day how deep game nick names can be.

me mate was explaining how he got his name, which was close to his life history: it involved Need for Speed and his first computer.

since then i've been curious to know how deep other nicks are to other players. i've had stacks but really only had three strong ones between multiplayer games.

so if u'd like, would anyone care to share the story behind their nick? no matter how shallow or deep it is i'd really like know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

i'll spill my first nick and maybe the other two if interest increases, so here goes.

had it for a while as a CS player, nicking the neat T from another player  Grin why i never used this in quake should be obvious enough. indeed it was after the infamous AQ2 bot cuz it was the reason i played online games in the first place. Quake's always had a strong subtle humour and this was no exception. who wouldn't laugh if you witnessed ur mate leapin off a 3 story building ("good-bye cruel world!") only to be fly-kicked back in by a bot?
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sure. ive got some time. besides, im always curious as well to some people

ssd stands for slash_star_dash or /*-

i came up with it a few months ago when i was submitting a time attack to bisqwits. i looked over and saw it on the numeric keypad and entered it. later, in the forums, someone called me SLASH STAR DASH so i adopted it as well.

others i have on the web are (god i hope i dont end up getting stalked somehow):

jaegar369: any MGS fan knows Grey Fox's real name is Frank Jaegar/Yeager. the 369? well, on my phone those are the letters that spell out FOX. coincidence they are in such order.

wickedestchild: Castlevania. level 3. the BG is Wicked Child. i loved that song. a remix i heard a LONG time ago was called WickedestChild and really sounded nice. so i adopted this from that.

lostboyscalling: the origin is from a song done by Roger Waters of the same name (except there are spaces inbetween). i can't remember the exact reason i chose that.

thats all i have at the moment.
My nickname is Swedish for almond. At first it was Mandelmassa which means marzipan, but it felt too long so i just cut it in half!

Random pick actually. I've had  a lot of random "artist" names over the years, roberaf, krutar, t etc. Mandelmassa was simply the one I happened to have when I found quake and SDA.

I've thought about changing it more than once... But how could I do that now?
had that in my CS days. was in a local clan and PiGZy was the nick that stood out the most than L']['K.

basically named after the pig monster from the Monkey Magic series i watched as a kid. loved that series. recent broadcasts prove i still do! anyway, it was the standout nick from the other stacks i had.
Hey Ho Let's Go
Stubby or Stubgaard, taken from my last name, simple as that.
I'm addicted to games
Remember when you were ticked at me calling you Stubby?  Grin
Hey Ho Let's Go
Heh, yeah  Smiley
I first started programming at age 7, and my first program was called "Graviteh". I wanted to call it something out of gravy train or something, i did, but ended up with gravity EH.

i programmed the most basic web browser EVER.
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KennyMan666: 2005-03-11 08:40:11 am
I've had a bunch of nicknames over the years, my first ever being Mr. BIG. I'm not really sure where I got it from, but it is second only to my current for longest time used. I changed it to Virus, and then I changed it too many times for my own good... until May 2001, when I came up with KennyMan666, which I have been sticking with ever since. I was signing up at a community, wanting the name Kenny, but it was occupied, so I thought for some moments, and suddenly it appeared before me: KennyMan666. Kenny from Kenny McCormick from South Park, Man from... yeah, good question. I don't really know WHERE that part came from. And 666 because I needed a number ^__^

And on a side note, Mandel, din signatur äger. =P
Hehe yay! Grin
Wasted, Not Worried!
My nickname came from a stuffed animal on my friends bedroom floor.

It was a skunk with a strip of fur put into 3 large spikes, and my half hawk just happened to be the same way that day, and I was wearing a white shirt with black jeans.

He yelled skunk and it just stuck.
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Kubelwagon: 2005-03-20 04:20:04 am
I got mine from Empires: DMW. One of the german cars is called a 'Kublerwagon' which was eventually
shortened to 'Kubelwagon'

No idea why i decided to use it as a nickname Huh?
does this have to be game related? My nickname in games is usually moose. I dunno i guess i was always just saying it and using it as a name for fun until it started to stick. In real life my nickname is Patricio and i have a friend nicknamed fish cause i miss pronounced his last name in third grade. Hehe
nibble nibble nibble.
I was the fat kid in 8th grade when we were giving each other food names in the percussion section in band. I was roastbeef, and since every one else snickered at it, it might have been cause i was lard boy. I guess the Dr caught on when i decided to get a doctorate. ...woot.
Mine started off as War Hog from one of the best playstation games ever: Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX which i played religously for quite some time.(War Pig was one of the default high score name so i modded it a bit.)

That name stuck with me for some time. I then tried to move onto Apocalyptic Pig but in all honesty i thought it was just crap. After that i wanted Death Jester from the old Secret of Mana games but that was always an impossibility and a friend of mine used to use Apocalyptic Jester, which i didn't want to steal which led me to my current one.

Apocalypse + Calypso = Apocalypso
Random element thrown into an everyday word.
Do you know the Muffin Man?
I always tell people that the inspiration for my name came from one faithful day when I buttered a muffin before putting it into the oven and it caught fire. Baloney of course, but many people still attempt to repeat the event even today.

In truth, the name came from pure silliness. When I was 12, I used to be part of (dead now, but it was the ultimate pokemon site after pogo). My job was to rate fanfics, run the forums, and op the chat. My name at the time was ShadowTrainer because I loved ghost pokemon. When gold/silver came out, I created a character called SahdohTwainah using the Teddiursa sprite and we would have weird comics to do with him and his friends :p.

Anyways, I went back to pokemasters after about half a year of abscence, but I noticed that there was a new ShadowTrainer in town. My real name is Murray and I've grown up loving being unique in every which way. This was the pinnacle point in which I decided to come up with a name that no one else would think of.

First attempt flopped miserably, breins (a play on brains), was already taken. I believe I was in grade 9 at the time, and being Canadian, I was learning french and for some reason, the word fenetre (meaning window) was in my head that day and I somehow came up with MrScaryWindow. Not quite the same effect. Half an hour later, it became MrScaryMuffin.

Now, after that I went through a few other names: PinkElephant^Hunter, FuzzyCow_ShepardPie, et al. But for some reason, I kept going back to MrScaryMuffin. It was the original and my personal favourite. So I kept it and it is all I use nowadays.
Did I shoot 3 times or once from different angles
    Dar is my name's initials or acronim whatever you'd call it. David Alejandro Rodriguez. And Fox is the codename given to the strongest soldier in Fox Hound.(Grey Fox from Metal Gear) so that makes Darfox8. Oh, and 8 is my fav. number. Tongue
nibble nibble nibble.
Hey! We got a full name; now we can find him! Go team go! :shoot:
Did I shoot 3 times or once from different angles
Please, do you know who many David Alejandro Rodriguezs there are. I hate my name. In any role call I have to sit through, there's like fifty Davids, Rodriguezs and Alejandros they call before they get to me. Angry

So try and find me cause you'll have to kill a crap load off innocents to get to me  Grin
nibble nibble nibble.
YaY! If video games have taught me anything, it's that innocents are expendable! Anything that coughs up money or energy...or blood is game! Yay for wholesale slaughter!
My first nickname I used in games was a "Swediefied"(or whatever :P) version of Soldier Boy, Såldja båj, which was really silly. I was about 10 years old by that time. Later on I changed it to Soldjan cause it sounds plain better.

And in the 7th grade I changed it to Eddeman (my IRL nick) which was inspired by some really stupid swedish humor by rally, where they imitated Gunde Svan and called him Gundeman.

Eddeman actually evolved from "Edel" in first grade, then changed to "Ed" in 4th grade. It's from my last name Edelryd.

All done Tongue
Xenohunter- I just came up with this one day while playing AvP

XenomorphX- This came out of my love for the Aliens movies/games/books.

Darkflame- I use this the most because it is my name on my site and I think it sounds cool 8)

Psychochild- Oh boy, I have to explain this?  Well, obviously, at the time I was a minor and getting into heavy internet gaming.  Starcraft, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, things like that.  And, I am a spastic little S.O.B, Which makes for some very... interesting moments in these games.  I would constantly put myself into some sort of suicidal position, and like some monkey on crack, BAM!  That's when the fur flies.  God forbid if I actually had caffine and sugar running through my system... ugh. 

It got to the point where it went from "Hey man, wassup?"  when I joined a game or entered a chat to "Ah ****, here comes that ****ing psycho..."

Needless to say, it stuck with me.