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Don't think!  feeeeeal
__    .-~'""`"~-.,  ,.-~"`"'''~-.
[_]        (  @)              (  @)   













  m  e    s    g            p   
y                          e
      -~'""`"~-.,  .-~""`'''~-.    r
n        ( @ )            ( @ )  e    o
  a      r        d 
s              r                    s


  s d    r    o      m      e    s   
      .-~'""`"~-.,  ,.-~""'`''~-.  y
    r      (@  )              (@  )  n  a
      '  e  g    r      e            s
__      .-~'""`"~-.,  ,.-~"`"'''~-.
[_]          (  @)            (  @)    Asperger's Syndrome


Thread title:  
(user is banned)
Edit history:
mikwuyma: 2011-02-09 09:48:46 pm
mikwuyma: 2011-02-09 09:48:21 pm
Don't think!  feeeeeal
The above is an artistic representation of my life up to the revelation that I have Aperger's, my epoc of relatively infinite understanding.  (before I understood virtually nothing of my nature and only had questions, now I understand it all)


The point of this thread is try to explain myself (I've offended a lot of people and have been described as infamous).  I've been misunderstood my whole life, this is my way of trying to explain myself.

The wiki-link gives insight into my nature, explains why I've seemed so empathy-less, and such a jack ass
question: what is the point of this thread
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-02-09 08:59:10 pm
Balls jerky
cool story bro
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Spider-Waffle: I know you apologized to me 20 minutes ago on AIM, and I accept your apology, let's put things behind us. However, I don't see how this thread explains anything, so I'm locking it before it gets out of control.