Edit history:
Mitorequiem: 2013-05-17 05:41:55 pm
Mitorequiem: 2013-05-17 05:41:28 pm
Mitorequiem: 2013-05-17 05:40:06 pm
Link: http://pastebin.com/RmL3aTZd Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApLPxc7ItywhdFZLUFhqbWJHcGF2Yk1iRExCZzk2Znc#gid=2
Hi, Some of you may know about the upcoming "Mega marathon" Which is well if you read the pastebin(Please read it) you would know was suppose to start out as a small marathon but somehow got bigger.
The purpose of me posting this is well to build some hype on the forums and spread the word. Also we might be doing a bonus stream. Anyways, I was bugged to post this up on the forums and here it is. If you have any questions I answer my twitter more then anything Twitter.com/MitoRequiem also SRL irc is the next best thing to get in contact with me. Thanks and have a good day.
Banners: http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7523/megamanbannerboth.png http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8247/megamanbannerzero.png made by Twitter.com/Melangetic
Hi, Some of you may know about the upcoming "Mega marathon" Which is well if you read the pastebin(Please read it) you would know was suppose to start out as a small marathon but somehow got bigger.
The purpose of me posting this is well to build some hype on the forums and spread the word. Also we might be doing a bonus stream. Anyways, I was bugged to post this up on the forums and here it is. If you have any questions I answer my twitter more then anything Twitter.com/MitoRequiem also SRL irc is the next best thing to get in contact with me. Thanks and have a good day.
Banners: http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7523/megamanbannerboth.png http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8247/megamanbannerzero.png made by Twitter.com/Melangetic
Thread title: