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Edit history:
peter afro: 2014-07-07 02:26:46 pm
peter afro: 2014-07-07 02:26:38 pm
peter afro: 2014-07-07 02:26:22 pm
peter afro: 2014-07-06 09:28:33 am
peter afro: 2014-07-06 07:57:17 am
peter afro: 2014-07-05 09:36:34 am
peter afro: 2014-07-04 09:12:12 pm
peter afro: 2014-07-04 09:10:54 pm
peter afro: 2014-07-04 08:45:24 pm
peter afro: 2014-07-04 08:36:14 pm
Since Classic Mega Man Relay 2, I was thinking about hosting a relay for fan games. Not sure when this would be, it could possibly be next year.
Games I would have (Order not set)
Mega Man Rock Force
Mega Man Unlimited (Either any% or 100%, which ever gives more balacend teams)
Street Fighter X Mega Man
Rokko Chan
Rockman 4 Minus infinity?
Rockman 7 Famicom?
Mega Pony?
Nezumi Man?

Tell me if you would be intersted to run a game and/or commentate.
Sign ups:
Peter Afro (Rock Force, Rokko Chan,Nezumi Man)
Thread title:  
Awkard_meows please.
fuck you
This is not helping.
ok nerd
Do you want to run something?
ye lemme run shrek
THere is no mega man/shrek crossover that I know of.
mega man n shrek sexy time for ps4
Video proof or else.
cant do dat is piracy
Edit history:
peter afro: 2014-07-04 09:12:58 pm
Then you can not run it at the relay.
fuck you
Just learn one of the games in the list so you can join.
i'm a GOD
sakura trick rpg is pmuch a fangame, and so is powered up. lemme run those
Mega Pony?
Quote from yoshipro101:
sakura trick rpg is pmuch a fangame, and so is powered up. lemme run those

THey are not fan games so no.
Quote from Mega Pony?:
Mega Pony?

Mega Man/My Little Pony crossover.
I thought the concept of this run might be interesting but it seems the thread is mostly trash posts. How unfortunate. :/
Quote from KiddoCabbusses:
I thought the concept of this run might be interesting but it seems the thread is mostly trash posts. How unfortunate. :/

I know, this is annoying.
I suck at all those games (like, really really bad), but I'd definitely watch. I love me some high level MMU.
I can run Mega Man Legends 3
No one is interested in a shitty relay by a 14 year old
Edit history:
peter afro: 2014-07-07 09:14:26 am
Quote from Shrek:
I can run Mega Man Legends 3

That game got cancelled
Quote from Shrek:
No one is interested in a shitty relay by a 14 year old

If people are interested in The_Sid's relays, they should be interested in anything.