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Shooting the boss is easy, as can be seen in my old runs. Go to sniper mode, point the left lower tip of the crosshair at the boss, then shoot. (In case you didn't know, there's a version of MDK that permits you to save anytime, it's easier to practice that way.)
The gog version permit to save. I know it easy, I done it in training at 80% (other time it's on the little ball around for one or two shot).

But in SS I succed at 10% because it's when I started to be tired in fact. hard to focus all the time after 30 min of one run and 2 or 3 false start before XD
Just got a 36:23 at ESA while practicing, sadly without a recording. Run was alright, Mirror Room on Stage 2 prevented sub 36 overall, but I'll get it eventually.

My run on the yellow stream will be in roughly 23 hours from now (Friday, 1st August, 1:45 am CEST), depending on how the schedule will turn out at that point. Smiley
No record at all? Cry

I was not able to look your live what time have you done?
Oh damn, 36:23 with bad nuke RNG and (I assume) Windows version? Shame there's no video but that's still amazing, congrats!

By the way, there's a new trick in level 1 (shoutouts to VBEA for discovering it) in the area after the vast one, with 4 enemies and mortar. No idea if it's actually faster, but still... Tongue Before the cannon notices you, it can be destroyed with a single shot in sniper mode.
Edit history:
Spocky: 2014-08-10 03:12:21 am
If you follow the Kabuto strat is not usefull (I didn't kill the turrets). But this is hard to do it in SS (In fact I never succed).

If you're able to do it in a few time it'll be worth Smiley

edit: I tried this trick. It's work well with a no zoom sniping. Need some practice of course. Futhermore you save some "super ammo". So definitely worth if you killed it in 1 shot.

Nothing really new here, only better execution and oddly short loading times (on my previous PB they were 16 seconds longer)... If there's ever some more active competition we could consider having both times with and without loads shown on leaderboards.

Also found out the cannon trick in level 1 isn't really useful, at least on easy mode. Having to switch weapons once more makes a difference, when you can just use chain gun and destroy it just a while after getting to the aiming spot.
Very well executed! Tried hard to spot something to point out but couldn't! IMO this is already SDA worthy.
Your run is amazing!

Really nice to watch. You can have a better time but due to better ennemy pattern and more luck on some place.

As Kabuto said, you should propose it in order to replace my run. Of course if you wanna try to beat your time wait a little Wink .

SUB 36! All that with longer loading times, missing level 2 and 4 cutscenes and almost losing the run in the last room Cheesy Most likely I'll still try to improve it a bit.
I've look some part of your speedrun. Still a really good execution. If you're looking for some second save, when you're waiting for a nuke door to open, you can switch your sniper weapon. For exemple in level 1, when you wait before the turret and the for guys to be shot by your mortar you can equip it and also just before the boss. It's just a few time saved but it's still that.

Congrats for your run Smiley