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Hail Discordia!
Just watched the run. Very cool trick with Gunter! A bit sad that the run quality was so inconsistent at times; really feels like you have all the skill it takes, just not enough time and/or concentration to iron out small mistakes yet.

I would say 39:52 is definitely publishable, but please don't abandon the game until you've had at least sub-39, preferably even sub-38! This is such a great game, so overdue for great runs.

Btw, Kabuto's segmented was around 34 minutes I believe; with your new trick and better luck manipulation on level 2 it could be pushed to around 33 or so, correct? Is anyone planning to do this in foreseeable future?
The trick that I found on the last level permet to win 50sec on it so the improvement is possible. But when kabuto's timed his run, he didn't count the loading screen. This explain the big time difference.

Sub 39 is totally possible. I need luck on the 2nd level and try hard ^^. I still make run on it of course. Now I'm thinking to make non reset run only to train on all levels :).

The quality is bad on my twitch because I'm using wi-fi. I need to buy some wires but money as usual ^^. The local recording is better you'll be able to see it on the public verification board when it'll be published.

For the segmented run it's not for me. I rather prefer SS Smiley
I've started running this game a while ago and would like to ask a few questions...

- Has anyone ever encountered the glitch with suicide bombers dealing enormous amount of damage? It already happened twice to me. I'm wondering if it's random or can be triggered somehow, since it would be very useful in level 1 for cutting some seconds from the stream part. Video below:

- Is there a good way to stream the Windows, software-rendered version of the game? OBS either captures it with very distorted colors or with black screen. I've already streamed DOS version ran on DOSBox, however it has different loading times (12-13 seconds faster than native Windows version), occasional problems with tearing and is quite heavy on resources, making good quality video capturing impossible.

By the way, I've beaten Spocky's time on easy - 36:37:
Edit history:
Spocky: 2013-10-30 03:49:07 pm
Hello Zawj.

Never seen the suicide bombers glitch before. It's probably when nuke explosion and a suicide bombers but yes it's really a quick wai to improve it.

To stream it, I've used D3DWindower and a screen capture on OBS. It's really cool.

I look some part of your video. It's really good. I don't know why but kurt look running faster in your version than in mine. Which version did you use? Have you use the running movement from the mouse?

I've used the classic version (not the 3DFX one)

Anyway congrats :).

Edit: I've compared the begging of our runs. (less than the first level). Your loading time seems to be faster than mine so this can explain some difference on timing too.
Never had any luck with D3DWindower but I'll give it a try, thanks.

I've used GOG's software rendered version as well, the others crash on level 3 for me, seems to be a common problem. Mouse movement was mapped only to looking around. Maybe it looks faster because of different camera angles and manipulation? That would be really weird if the speed varied so much between machines.

Yeah, my loading times seem to be a bit faster - about 6.5 seconds total over your run.
The 3DFX crash on level 5 for me :).

Seems to be no difference perhaps just a impression for me.

Have you your time from each level?

I will compare our run closely to see if you use different strat or not and try to beat your time of course Wink .

I'll make a top runners time in the first post soon Wink
Sure, here are the splits:
Level 1: 5:02
Level 2: 11:53
Level 3: 17:42
Level 4: 25:52
Level 5: 32:37
Level 6: 36:37
I press split after hitting the stream wall the last time, when screen starts fading out (level 5) and when cutscene starts (level 6).

Could you share your D3DWindower config file, by the way?
I take my split at the save game? screen for me. You earn more than 1 minutes on level 2 and level 3! Use of the grenade tricks You made better than me (I haven't think to use it to avoid the animation). After it it's some time on each split. The 6.5 seconds are not relevant right now due to difference between our two time. I think will speak about it if our time are really close.

I've looked the begging of your run. I think you can perform it a lot in fact. Their is some mistakes you can avoid.

I'll make some screenshot of my D3DWindower soft when I'll be at home (I'm at school right now, It'll be in 6 hours Approximatively). I'll also put the top at this time.
Just paste the hook.ini file.
C:\GOG Games\MDK\MDK_soft.EXE=MDK_soft

Perhaps you'll have to modify some stuff.

I'll work tommorow for me on training this run. I think with your strat the sub 36 could be possible and even less Wink
Damn, no luck with this config as well, I guess I'm stuck with DOSBox for streaming then.
Edit history:
Spocky: 2013-11-01 04:25:44 am
Have you modify the SuModule0 line? This is the place of D3dHook.dll library present in the same folder as D3Dwindower

Edit: I've try some of your strat. It's faster in fact. But I need to train them to make a really good time without mistake
I've edit the first post right now to have a top time shown.

I haven't the time to train my run right now. So you'll keep the best time for at least 4 months I think (or it'll not be me who beat your time). Can only made some level if you want to make some multisegmented run with me ^^
Oh, thanks. I wish there were more than just 2 names there.

Looks like that tool isn't gonna work for me. Yup, I've changed that line as well.

I was thinking more about trying the hard mode than a segmented run, but we'll see Smiley
A hard SS will be really hard I think. Dommage are impressive. Also the path have to change because of the amount of ammo.
I was thinking to make one too but hard with if I can't make a easy ^^.

I hope to have more than two name too or having other categories too Smiley

If you want to make a multi team in hard we can discuss it in PM Wink
You can add my attempt as well if you like ;-)

IMO it's not the amount of damage dealt in hard mode that's a problem but the lack of ammo (you get less ammo in each drop). This makes many time-saving tricks impossible.
Edit history:
Spocky: 2013-11-20 01:30:36 pm
Have you the all time of your run included parts between level? Otherwise I'll write your time for each level Wink

Edit: I've just noticed that all time are not shown on your youtube description. Did you have them for each level?
Let's revive this thread. \o/

I got a sub 40 today as my ~13th attempt, which felt pretty ok. I lost a ton of time at 5 and 6 and almost choked away the sub 40 during the last airstream, but I should be able to gradually progress now towards 37, which is my goal for now. Also there's a ton of micro optimizations I can do throughout. Your runs (great job on those) helped me a great deal so far but there's still a few things I want to try out.

Twitch VOD for anybody interested:
It'll probably be just an old time very soon as I plan to do runs again tomorrow.

If all goes well I'll be running MDK any% at ESA in Sweden. Smiley
To have a really good time, you have to train the jump throwing object glitch. It's why Zawj have a really good time compare to me. You also need some luck on the mirror room except I've you found how to have it quickly ^^

Hope to see a MDK run on a marathon <3
Alright, 36:58 today, got a perfect(!) mirror room. Apart from that there are still a few things I have to practice. Always seem to need at least three attempts for the airstream-boost in Level 3 and I'm also not to confident with the one at the last bossfight, even though it's a bit easier.

From first glance I'd say that there's around a minute to save on execution, but it could be more, since it had a few _very_ silly mistakes in it. I'll definitely work towards sub 36, mostly offline though since I won't be able to stream next week or so.

I know the problem with the possibility or not to stream. I only can when there is no one on my house and it's really not often. But a 36:58 time is really good.

The air stream boost of the final boss (I call it end boss glitch but anyway) is a lot more easier than the level 3 airstream-boost.

I'll look your PB when I'll have time.
Amazing run! You're already so good, with better luck on some jumps I'm sure that run would've been very close to sub 36.

Looking forward to see more runs Smiley
Edit history:
Spocky: 2014-03-30 12:28:54 pm
Spocky: 2014-03-30 12:28:48 pm
I haven't look all the run but the mirror room is crazy. It's the perfect one. It save a lot of time. I never have a so good one.

As Zawj said, with some training you'll have a better execution and with this kind of room a sub 36 is possible.

Anyway, by looking your run, I wanna restart to run but no time for SS so would be MS, more easy for me to do part by part Smiley

Edit: I'll post your time on the first page with the run Wink
Nice runs and so much look with the mirror room!

I don't know whether you considered this but you can save a lot of time in the boss room of level 4 if you have 6 sniper booms left by there, you can then shoot the boss right from where you enter the room. Might save like 15 seconds in that room (but I don't know whether it's worth it in total, as the item drops I collected back then (in the frozen lake you lose your first "snowboard") are random)
As kabuto said, it's save time but it's random. So it could be try to have the snipers booms but if you haven't you have a backup strat anyway. I didn't do it because I miss a lot of time the boss or some grenades from the plane just shoot me ^^

So you have to try and see if you can do it or not