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He's been gone for nearly 6 months now and it's a little disconcerting. Does anyone from the GDQ staff have an update on his mono?
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haha, but seriously, where is mike uyama?
I hope he is doing ok. He looked like he was doing good in those couple pictures from AGDQ. Hope he didn't get worse since then.
that Metroidvania guy
Don't worry, we are in regular contact with Mike and his family, and he is getting better. However, the doctor has recommended that he continue resting for the time being.
Sad  I had tried to call him a couple of weeks ago.  I hadn't realized he was still suffering...
Well I got some good news.

Mike is alive and seems to be doing fine. Someone linked me to which is a site mike has been posting on almost daily since before agdq2015. He links to some videos that are uploaded to his youtube account so it is actually him.

I am a bit confused at why he was well enough to post there but not here, where people were actually worried about his health. At any rate I am just glad he is well enough to communicate with the marvel heros community at least.
No pain, no gain
It's been a while since I've seen Mike around, but if I'm judging from personal experience, I can understand. At times, things can be incredibly stressful, and stepping away to do something else for a while is relieving. Posting where you get tons of people wondering about a marathon is very different from posting on something that's just for fun. Even if he posted in fun threads here, there's still all the weight of the marathons.

So, yes, I understand why he might be gone for now. I still would like to know how he's doing, though.
Crawlathon WR, get down on my level.
He has medical recommendation to rest, stop working and avoid stressful environments. GDQ is his job, and that work (particularly with his position and responsibilities) is incredibly stressful.

We have been in contact with Mike as recently as a day or two ago, in private. We gave an update on his condition and that it is slowly improving. That continues to be the case. He will remain on medical leave until he is capable of returning to his job.

We ask that you please respect Mike's privacy during this time.
Quote from Cool Matty:
He has medical recommendation to rest, stop working and avoid stressful environments. GDQ is his job, and that work (particularly with his position and responsibilities) is incredibly stressful.

We have been in contact with Mike as recently as a day or two ago, in private. We gave an update on his condition and that it is slowly improving. That continues to be the case. He will remain on medical leave until he is capable of returning to his job.

We ask that you please respect Mike's privacy during this time.

I dunno bruh. Playing an online video game is probably more stressful than making a post stating that your not dead tbqh :/
You're right, you guys are certainly making this a comfortable place for him to return to.  I definitely can't imagine this environment causing him any additional stress that would further delay his recovery.

Give it a rest.  Let the man recover.  In the meantime, have faith that SGDQ is in good hands.
Isn't SGDQ under romscout anyway?  If you want to bug someone about SGDQ specifically, you can bug romscout at
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
well for what it's worth I hope Mike is feeling better soon and that he is relaxing in whatever way suits him.

Get well soon Mike thumbsup
6 months of recovery? Who's he seeing, Doctor Doom!? Only joking, all the best, Mike.
raising the stakes on being bad!
good to know mike's getting better, was worried when i didn't see him at all at AGDQ 2015.
Can't wait to see him running around like a headless chicken come AGDQ 2016, seriously thought it'll be nice to see him again even just in passing while doing a volunteer shift at the tech station.
I know I can speak for all the volunteers that mike and rom both are great and either one going missing is saddening as they treat us so nice when we pull our shifts.
Anyone that knows to look out for the volunteer and make em' feel like they belong is ace in my book.
get well soon mike cant wait to see you next event. :>
So does he still have mono or...?
Well, he showed up to the finale of AGDQ, so he's alive at least. Hopefully that means good for his health, if he's able to spend time outside of medical treatment.
For those who were volunteering, we saw him around here and there on site during the week. I will take that as a good sign. Smiley