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Hello everyone,
My Name is Harald, and i am from Germany. I watched several GDQs by now and after many months of considering, i finally chose to join the crew and start speedrunning myself.

At the moment i am practicing Megaman glitchless% on the WiiU Virtual Console (60Hz on PAL, yeah) and my best run so far was 27.59 (no records yet, but attested). I hope that i can improve the performance and consistency of the runs and hope for some advice and tips. Perhaps i will make other speedruns in the following time, but the Megaman series will always be my No.1 choice.

So, nice to meet you all here.
Hi everyone! I'm LinkaTheMew.

I'm here with the intention of starting to create a speed run for a not very well known game, "Bujingai: The Forsaken City". I loved this game when I was younger and having re-discovered it I want to hopefully begin creating strats for speed running this unique (although extremely corny) game!

Best of luck to everyone in their endeavors, hopefully mine will go well!
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Luna: 2016-07-10 08:43:08 pm
My name is Luna.

[About Me]

I'm Collin, a teenager from the U.S. who has a passion for video games!

[Speed Running Plans]

I wanted a simple nickname, so the word "Luna" came to my mind, and the name wasn't taken on this site, which made me surprised to be honest. Anyways, I just got into speed running, and starting with Rockman Glitchless% about a month ago. I watched Trevor Seguins run on this site, I have a 24:04, and the sites best time is 23:58. Once I get some recording supplies, I will try to beat Trevor's time and record it, I will decide if I want to submit to SDA or not. I'm not sure what I will do after when I beat his time.

Maybe I'll do Rockman 2 next...
Hey all of you!

I'm Dominik, a german speed runner of Chariot on PS3. Also i really like to produce electronic trance music (progressive, orchestral, uplifting), but my biggest passion is video games, especially i like to hunt for difficult trophies (so basically im playing every genre of video games). Last year i played Chariot with my girlfriend and out of over 300 games i've played, i found Chariot to be the best. After a while i got pretty good at it, so i was like yeah, just keep practising and maybe sometime you'll be good enough to attempt some world records. Since im a big fan of AGDQ/SGDQ i thought its a good idea to get into the community Smiley
Hi everyone! I'm an old-timer here and I basically just wanted to give everyone some pointers:
- with questions related to specific games that you want to run, post in the specific game thread, or create one (called just whatever the game is called) if the search doesn't turn anything up
- if it's of a more technical nature, start a thread under "Tech discussion"
- if it's about which game you could be running, there's been others asking the same, and the answer is always the same: "Run whichever game you like playing". Almost any game can be speedrun.
-follow the link on the front page to the knowledge base, which has a whole lot of information about... anything you might be wondering about

Awesome seeing so many newcomers in here! Hope everyone gets off to a good start.
All the world's a stage. -William S.
I'm a theater student in the US who has very little time to play video games!
But, I enjoy falling asleep to live streams of speed runners and hope to one day speed run ffx Nemesis.
For now I'll run casual offline and continue to lurk on speed running websites.

- Cheers!thumbsup
Heya to everyone out there!

My name is Mark.  I'm a video game and wrestling nut.

I got into speed running with SGDQ 2015, and finally decided to get into the community this year!

I'm currently speed running Pagan: Ultima 8, and looking at trying my hand with a few other platformers, mainly the Megaman and Super Mario series (on emulator for now, until I can scrape enough together to grab them on console and get a decent capture card).  I'm also looking at a few other DOS-based games to speedrun if possible.
Kawaii is he said the little weed.
Greetings and salutations my fellow interested speedrunners, I am Sarventos!

I have been following agdq/sgdq for the last 3 years and have decided to finally join the wonderful community that is SDA!

I am currently speed running Fire Emblem Awakening because It's just one of those games that just bring a smile to my face!
Hello !

New here ! I sometimes want to do a speedrun of Super Ghoul'N Ghost (pro mode), but...too poor !

I like to watch speedrun too !
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DrinkingFood: 2016-07-23 08:57:00 pm
DrinkingFood: 2016-07-23 08:51:39 pm
Interested in running MonHunGen
Howdy, I'm Daniel.
<---Gaming tag's there ofc
I'm fairly new to speedrunning in general, but I've watched AGDQ and I've been gaming since birth so the terms aren't new to me
Curious if anyone is interested in running Monster Hunter Generations/MHX. A quick search of this forum didn't bring up any relevant results so I'm assuming it doesn't currently have a speedrunning community.
The idea would be Any%, New Game+, such that we can use DLC item packs and bonus items from MH4U data. I'm starting the routing on it in case I can get this to go somewhere. Is there somewhere I should post my findings?
DrinkingFood: Hi! Also try and a search engine for finding runs for a specific game. You can post findings in a new thread under the relevant section (new platforms?) - and if you don't feel intimidated (it's actually very simple if you use existing pages as templates), you can also start a Strategy Guide for the game for more systematic depositing of information.

Have fun!
I've been watching the archives of the GDQ marathons ever since I heard about the first blindfolded Punch-Out run and watched the live stream from both GDQs this year and SGDQ 2016 finally got me to take the plunge into speedrunning something myself.  I'm starting with MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy and am still in the "get good at the game" phase of things.
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LRock: 2016-07-30 09:06:22 pm
Hello, everyone. My name's Lenny, gamertag LRock. I'm fairly new to the community. I've been steadily watching runs ever since AGDQ 2014, and I've become a massive fan of all things speedrun; from the execution to the datamining to the thrill of the chase, I just can't get enough of any of it.

The first speedrun I ever clocked was a little under 2 years ago for Resident Evil 2: Leon A, at a time of ~1:25:00, which is a time I plan to improve on some day. I also recently accomplished a new PB of 23:20 of X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse during a live podcast this past Wednesday, and I'm currently working on improving my time on Batman Returns for the SNES. With any additional momentum, I'll be looking to add more games to the library.

I hope to get to interact with the lot of you one of these days. Until then, keep on running!  Smiley
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Syn_the_Demon: 2016-08-04 03:45:36 am
My name is Tom...but i go by Syn. I just barely joined sda mainly because i love what you guys do...adgq and sdgq. I am 35, married to the love of my life, and i have two kids. My main hobbies are video games and making perler sprites...and Also my kids. I want to start speedrunning maximum carnage and seperation anxiety...i can only play on an emulator right that will just be used for practice until i can get a super Nintendo and those games. With that said...i noticed separation anxiety is not currently on the list....what does that mean? I currently work at good ol Wal-Mart...but my current and future plans are to become a successful YouTube and on twitch as well. I do stream on twitch and have a YouTube channel. But what got me into speedrunning or wanting to speedrun games is just binge watching the adgq and sdgq videos in YouTube. It's truly amazing what you all can do and i hope to be a smidgen of that good lol. But that's me and enough rambling...happy gaming!
Newbie Runner
Well, this should be awkward.

My name is Sebastian, but most call me Basti. Probotector is pretty much the nick I use for everything, and for those who don't know about it: it's the european name for the Contra series, and it stuck with me since the days of Contra 3 (Or Probotector). I'm living in the beautiful land [/sarcasm] of Bavaria, Germany.

I started watching Speedruns about... 3 years ago with AGDQ, and from time to time caught myself trying to speedrun games myself (with varying success). The first game I really tried to speedrun was Shadow Complex on XB1, around 1:10:00 any% (I tried for low%, but did some safety pickups) and now I'm looking forward to speedrun A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX (the reboot?) and hope that there are runners out there willing to help me getting the best time I can.

God speed and best of times.
Teach me things

Name is Danny, 23 year old, game designer

Discovered the GDQ marathons last year (would watch them during slow periods working in IT) and have slowly been learning about the Speedrunning community ever since.

Always had trouble finishing games, let alone doing them fast, but after recently playing and loving Headlander thought I'd look and see if there were people trying to crack this game. It seemed a really perfect game for speedrunning, but couldn't find anyone so decided to join here, ask around and maybe start playing it and studying it. (If anyone knows where people are talking about Headlander and/or running it please let me know!)

Glad to be here, hope to pick up on the vibe quick and get in on the conversation.
m e m e s ?
i'm butt
i'm a butt
maybe when i'm not being a terrible gamedev i'll try going fast
My name is Gwen

I've been observant of the speedrun community and always wanted to do it. I like playing the same games over and over again, so maybe I'll get somewhere, haha.

Interested in Tony Hawk runs, so if someone could point me toward the THUG/THUG2 threads, that'd be great
Hey there MediaMagnet here,

been looking at getting into some of this fun stuff of going fast been trying to get into running Stanley Parable as a place to start

also looking forward to going to AGDQ 2017 at least that's the plan rounding up funds is going to be the fun part for that hotel cost lol...
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HexProf: 2018-06-28 06:23:31 pm
HexProf here. I got a 3DS at the end of last year and have been loving the system. When I was a kid my first love was my original Gameboy. I loved all of Nintendo's portables, probably because they keep getting side scrollers regularly, which are my favorite type of game. I want to try to get a capture card for my "New 3DS" (not sure if it is an XL) and run some of the games on it.

I have been watching a lot of agdq and sgdq on YouTube and love the work you are all doing and the causes that you are doing them for. I want to be a part of that.

I have been reffing for Roller Derby, and making Pearler Art at times (mostly my own designs for friends). I work as a Virtual Reality Developer and am working on my own game in what spare time I have set aside from everything else.

I can't wait to learn more about speed running with you all.

The names Darky/Carrell I am a History education major and I've been apart of the speedrunning community for about a year now and have been watching AGDQ and SGDQ for about 2. I'm trying to get a stream going and I speedrun SMS and plan on learning a few more games as well. I'll be going to my first GDQ in January I hope to meet/talk to you guys soon!
Hiya everyone and welcome! Don't feel a stranger to starting a thread for your game under the right subforum (if searches show nothing): people will be likelier to follow those so if you're lucky there actually is someone else. But that's if you're lucky unfortunately...
I am DailyEvilKiller, with real name being George.

I have been seeing such events as AGDQ/SGDQ, and after watching one of the runs, I got info to find this

I have only speedran New Super Mario Bros. by myself on my personal DS, but never considered recording such gameplay.

Nowadays, I am thinking of possibly trying to do a run on the flash game N (the way of the ninja) Or it's PS4/PC sequel, n++ (NPLUSPLUS on Steam)

There isn't any forums for it, and I feel like I could try and run it as to see how fast I can beat it personally (without recording or anything)

I will try and hang around, but for now.
Hello everyone! I am a developer looking to talk with you all about how we can allow speedrunners to better enjoy our games. I am currently working on a Metroidvania, and as a fan of the crazy tricks players have been able to pull off in Super Metroid, we have been planning to allow sequence breaking through expert play since early in development. Your topic on features developers should add for speedrunners was a good read, so I'd like to be part of this community.
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Endarire: 2016-09-23 11:12:10 pm
Endarire: 2016-09-23 11:12:10 pm
Greetings, all!

I'm known as Endarire.  I've done only 1 full speedrun so far (Artifact Adventure 1.9 English), but am a fan of many, many games (Tabletop, PC, and Console).  GDQ got me into speedrunning and I found comfort in watching GDQ after working at Blizzard.

I found SDA some time last decade, but have barely paid attention to it outside of GDQ.

Finally, how do I get permission to post in other posts?