Hi, I'm Andy, though I go by Eggman pretty much everywhere online. I used to make stepfiles for Stepmania for a really long time, got bored of that, didn't really do a whole lot and now I'm a pretty regular viewer in a whole lot of streams. I actually run a couple of games though I have no actual ability to stream anything aside from PC stuff. I'd like to change that since I have a fairly good time on Zone of the Enders 2 Normal playthrough and now tonight with Rad Raygun, which I was inspired to play thanks to TSSB. I'm currently beating the youtube run of the game used in TSSB by about a minute and a half so I'd like to change my streaming situation if at all possible.
I do stream games played on emulator (mostly the worst games I can find) and random playthroughs of Spike McFang and some other stuff sometimes though.
I do stream games played on emulator (mostly the worst games I can find) and random playthroughs of Spike McFang and some other stuff sometimes though.