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HTTQ Speed Run
For your sky bug, ya got it during a live. realy anoying
I don't know if that has been said, but you can actually reset the camera if you get the camera bug during Rajoth fight, you just have to open inventory and close it :O, I did it twice and it worked :p

I'm sure we can figure a way to get sub 2, be patient, and find glitches Cheesy
Edit history:
VisionElf: 2014-04-24 12:06:14 pm
EDIT: Nevermind
Edit history:
Yax: 2014-04-25 02:18:42 pm
Yax: 2014-04-25 02:17:16 pm
Yax: 2014-04-25 02:16:08 pm
Yax: 2014-04-25 02:15:11 pm
Yax: 2014-04-25 01:10:52 pm
Yax: 2014-04-25 11:52:33 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 11:26:57 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 10:32:18 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 09:50:56 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 09:50:20 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 09:49:50 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 09:49:28 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 09:47:36 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 07:40:09 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 07:23:43 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 06:09:02 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 06:08:29 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 06:07:52 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 06:07:21 am
Yax: 2014-04-25 06:06:37 am

I've just downloaded and finished the game (I used to play it when I was young :D), it took me 9 hours.
Here are my observations:

- With boots, I once jumped from a high spot (Gogood's lower courtyard) into the "sea" and it seemed like I clipped through the trigger of death. I kept falling and ended up hitting the ground in a strange place. I could still see the sky above me, under my feet, the ground was a square of 20x20 meters of a texture of grey bricks. Outside the square, the ground was all black. In that strange place, when I was using a spell, Hype was starting to cast it, but then in the midle of the cast, he stopped (and there were absolutly now graphical particle effects of casts). So I stepped out of the square, at first I didn't die, Hype was sometimes doing the noise that he does when he hit the ground from a high distance. As I walked away from the "safe square" I died and game-overed.

- In T3, in the brigand village, when you have to go in the room with all the traps and step carrefully, I just walk through it and there were no traps. I saved here, switched the lever, walked out and in again. I don't remember exactly what I did, but eventually, the traps went on.

- Still in T3, brigand village, a man was supposed to give me arrows, it seems like he never did.

- When I was young, I once ran a game in which the spells in the inventory were in a random order instead of jav - tri - ring - drake.

- I happend doing the "infinite falling animation" in the tree tunnel, but unlike what Findus said, I could get out of it by side stepping (when I feel stuck under an object, side stepping usually unlock my position). The absolutly-stuck version the infinite falling animation also happend to me.

- Talking about sidesteps, it seems like left side stepping with sword out by pressing the button every half second gives you a decent speed (unfortunatly it seems below the speed of the normal run, still it's above the right side stepping).

- Although boots make you run faster, it seems to me you however don't jump faster. Running with boots would be faster than jumping with boots. Am I wrong?

- When Hype jump from a high distance, he makes a noise by hitting the ground. It sounds like he got hurt but does not seem to take any damage. Does it have any effects beside this noise ?

-  Switching lever/button makes you invincible during that time.

- Jumping while walking/running against a straight wall makes you do a very small jump.

- Slashing at a precise moment while you're jumping makes you stay a little bit longer in the air (I'm 90% sure I'm wrong about this one)
EDIT: 50% actually. Here is something with jump slashing: it seems like you can hit only two heights. Either the top one (which might not be an exact height but more a range from x to y) and the bottom one, which is close to the ground. Between the top one and the bottom one, there is the middle one. And the tricky thing is: you cannot hit the middle height. If you press slash at the correct moment to hit that middle height (might be frame perfect), Hype won't slash. He just won't (still you can see his hand doing a very slight move). Seems like the game don't want you to slash at middle height. So my guess is, if you slash at top height, the game will make you stay slightly longer in the air to prevent you from midle-height-slashing. It's not a proof, but as I practiced skipping the secret roof with a direct castle-wall jump, I happend to be more consistent by jump slashing it.

- In the T1 monastery, I triggered the armor-healing-slab while I was jumpping, I fell on the ground below the slab but as I triggered it, there's been the usual armor reparing sound but Hype didn't have the animation. At the end of the sound, I still couldn't move and the camera was slowly spinning on the slab and unzooming. The camera went out of bounds above the bell, and I reloaded because I couldn't do anything.
Edit history:
Findus: 2014-04-25 05:21:09 pm
Findus: 2014-04-25 05:20:48 pm
Findus: 2014-04-25 05:20:15 pm
hey Yax,

The armor-plate glitch sounds interesting. I never gave them a lot of attention, so I'll look into that when I start running again. Other than that here are a couple of insights to your observations:

1. Carrying the boots can get you really far over big death triggers. I've accidentally flown over one before on godoug's manor, never encountered a 'safe spot' though. All it usually does is get you falling to the point where the camera stops going down with you and then have you game over a couple of seconds after. Also boots only increase running speed. Jumping speed is either the normal forward longjump or the straight upwards jump. So running off platforms will usually get you further than jumping off them. Generally you don't want to jump a lot if you can avoid it.

2. Regarding T3, I think I've encountered the traps not working. I just thought since I accidentally went diagonally that this might be responsible for not triggering any trap - but maybe they just did not work properly at all. Though unless someone routes out 100% or All Magic the trap room will probably never really be important.

3. Sidestepping with a sword is a spam-able move indeed, which can get you pretty close to running speed. But it is still slower and I did not find any other useful combos with it.

4. Hype's falling sound is weird in the sense of that there is a set distance between heights A and B in which it triggers. So reaching the minimum height A will start triggering the sound on landing, however if you exceed a height above B you will not get the soundeffect anymore. There is no falldamage whatsoever though - you only get that from falling into deathtriggers.

5. Certain animations triggered by casting magic or interacting with objects make you 'invincible', indeed. I abuse that in runs.

6. In certain corners you can stay airborne for as long as you please by repeated slashing. Also a slash animation will always play out completely if you still perform the input while airborne. So you technically extend you airtime with that. You can do a neat double slash with that mechanic.
Edit history:
Yax: 2014-04-27 01:39:43 am
Yax: 2014-04-27 01:39:23 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 11:15:30 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:58:34 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:43:36 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:39:09 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:38:47 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:38:37 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:37:59 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:37:24 am
Yax: 2014-04-26 09:36:53 am
Carrying the boots can get you really far over big death triggers

I'm doubtful.
In the situation I described, I didn't feel like going very far from a normal place where to fall. I felt more like I fell from such a high distance that I clipped through the death trigger. But in that case, as wearing boots doesn't help you go higher, boots wouldn't affect that glitch. The fact that every single time we met that glitch we were wearing boots would then be a coincidence. Moreover, I remember I jumped, which means I didn't get any boots speed boost. Also, in Gogoud's Manor, when you jump in the "sea", the higher your vertical speed, the further in the sea you go before respawning. All together, I'm convinced I clipped through the death trigger.
I have vainly been trying to reproduce that glitch. How many times did it occur to you?

The unacactivated trap room and the inventory random spells bug sounds to me like a memory alteration. That'd mean we could somehow alter the memory to our advantage.

EDIT: Here is a screen of the place I landed on.
Edit history:
VisionElf: 2014-04-27 04:54:21 am
I got a bug, I think it's related to memory alteration...
You remember the cutscene at 10 minutes, when you kill granslak and you exit the room, the templar talks to you then you can exit the fortress.
I got the exact same cutscene at 2 hours of game, when I was getting the flag of Taskan I  (I entered after the stairs and got the cutscene), the only problem is, after this cutscene, the door is closed... and I can't open it, killing my entire run Sad

I tried to reload the stage, and I got the cutscene again, and the door closed again :/
Can't do shit.

BTW that was the message I writed in my previous post "EDIT: Nevermind", I just tried to force the bug, and didn't succeed so I thought it was just a random bug.

EDIT: Hmm I just noticed I have maybe a bad installation of Hype. Cause at every run, I must kill the gatekeeper twice, one at the beginning and one again when I come back from the sky. I just looked at Findus' run and he doesn't have the gatekeeper at the second time... don't know why this happens to me :/ I'll try some things to have a stable Hype folder.
Yax, the screen of place under Gogoud's Manor III is mine ( and if you wanted to public it here, you should have written at least this link and my nick as an author!
Quote from Darnok_PL:
Yax, the screen of place under Gogoud's Manor III is mine ( and if you wanted to public it here, you should have written at least this link and my nick as an author!

That's pretty offtopic, but if you don't want other people to use your files like that you should not upload them. Maybe put a watermark on it if this is important to you.
Additionally it would have been nice if you just sent him a private message instead of derailing a thread.
I have just wanted to post my credits myself, sorry if I have derailed the thread.
Edit history:
Findus: 2014-08-08 01:13:51 pm
Findus: 2014-08-06 12:27:46 pm
Findus: 2014-08-06 07:17:28 am
While I have not found myself able to really get back into Hype again I did have a look at the GameBoy Color version of the game. 
Despite the whole story/setting being butchered it is actually really fun to play. 
I did some attempts on running it and finished in 32:33 for now.
HTTQ Speed Run
I just want to informe that I have found à way to do the game under 2h. Musiccontrol kknow about it, hé saw the live. Go see my YouTube account to see the video meanwhile I will try to submetize the solution and post it hire.
HTTQ any% Speedrunner
Wow, interesting glitch you found. I only find glitches, which kill my runs. xD
But well I will mostlikely stick to any% runs, so no glitch at all. Cheesy
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-30 03:40:48 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-30 03:40:00 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-30 03:39:42 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-30 03:37:36 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-25 10:38:57 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 09:13:38 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 04:30:07 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 04:29:35 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 02:25:08 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 02:23:59 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 02:02:41 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 02:02:16 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-13 02:02:05 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 02:54:15 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:53:45 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:53:39 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:47:54 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:44:52 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:44:42 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:39:22 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:36:26 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:34:42 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:34:09 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:32:33 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:31:37 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:31:15 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:30:40 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:28:31 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:27:41 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:25:06 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:14:28 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:14:21 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 12:12:57 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 11:46:56 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 11:45:56 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 11:45:22 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 11:44:32 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-07 11:43:00 am
Hello everyone,

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My nickname is Darnok, I am from Poland and I have been playing Hype since the age of 5. I have been interested in glitches and bug in this game, I made galleries of photos with special effects, I was trying to survive the whole game without collecting any medicines (low%), I made a hacked version (by an easy swap of maps in game directory) of Hype: Hype-Challenge with extremely increased level of difficulty (here are a walkthrough and more about).

Now I got interested in speedruns of any% and I decided to try it on my own. I had watched WR by Findus, I have read all of the posts, and I made my own run. I have a pleasure to tell that I managed to win it in 2:04:52 on PC. It can be still beaten even to 2:03:00 because of many mistakes that I did.

Major fails in my run of 2:04:52:
- 8:54 - I felt down in Dungeons I (6s?)
- 36:11 - fail with magic and loss of about 15-20s against Trophy Dragon
- 43:17 -  I felt down in Fortress III (15s?)
- 1:04:30 -  mistakes in Laboratories III with first puzzle and a little problem with last puzzle (I lost about 40s, I guess)
- 1:14:00 -  fails against archer in Monastery III (10s?)
- 1:43:35 -  fails against paper in Monastery II (15s)
- 1:45:57 -  I felt down in Well (20s!)
- 2:04:00 -  I lost control of battle against Barnak that was not random however (7s), I should have done it easily in 50s.
SUM: ~2:10
- I made probably more mistakes, if you want to watch it in detail and to tell me about more mistakes, it would be helpful to me. Moreover, I was not lucky to get ladyskip and kingskip (I had got blue bolts and picked it up in right moment Cry )

I believe that my time might be beaten to 2:03:00, if I made it perfect without any mistake (it is in fact almost impossible to me).

I made some modifications in my run which I haven't found in runs by Findus and Sarick (I have treated them as master-performances) and they might be useful as well:
- I decided to be more agressive against guards in Eras I and II and therefore I was able to get 200 plastics (I was pretty lucky too) until Era III, so I have had won running boots before I started looking for almancs
- especially it is good idea to attack some guard in Monastery I in room with levers with Ice Magic - it costs you about 1s to cast a spell and you can pick item up while running back from lever
- if you don't care about taking some items by accident (for example if you care about kingskip), you can fight against an enemy and still be walking in his direction with touching him - it is the fastest way to pick his item up
- it is profitable to suicide by falling down from drawbridge while leaving Torras - the position of respawn point let's you save about 3s pro jump unless you have running boots (I makes almost no difference in time, if you have got boots)
- while charging the jewel of gods I had to choose side which I turn - I everytime choose right direction, because then you take your last 70th prisma closer to Black Tower (about 10s, I guess)
- battle against Barnak absolutely has not to be random, it is possible to create an algorith and to kill him in 50s, if you only hit him precisely and quicky, so that he cannot even think about his movement. You can watch my run (there were however a mistake) or a movie from round of Hype-Challenge.
- to sum up I think, it might be good idea to consider jumping with sword in your hands - with sword you are able to run backwards (it is not possible without sword)

My next comments about things which I should have done in my run:
- it seems that it is worth trying, not to pick up Glacia Trinity - if I fight against Rajoth with sword I can save about 15s (see my next post about Rajoth)
- 47:00 - it seems my fight against Senekal was weak, normally it takes about 1:20, this one took about 1:40 (+20s)
- 1:58:25 - my fight against last enemies could be better too - I needn't have killed both of the enemies no first floor and in fact there is no point using boots here (+20s)
- if you have got enough magic at the end (potions) you can use Fire Dragon against Barnak to save about 10s without loss of my algorith (I will write about it later)
SUM: 2:10+1:05=3:15 to save

I need about 1:40 more to save and I could try sub 2:00:00.
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-09 06:10:33 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 10:57:45 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 10:25:37 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 10:21:45 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 10:21:08 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 08:09:46 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 02:45:08 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 02:34:08 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 02:10:42 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 02:05:49 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-08 02:05:35 am
Hello guys,

I made some interesting observation about Rajoth:
I believe I have found a next skip: Rajoth Skip. If you make a good jump over a triggerarea in Astrolabe, it happens that you can skip Rajoth's monologue and to begin fight immediately (about 10s ahead). I still don't know how it works, but I believe it is not random, it is rather a simple bug which depends on landing point and it could be practised.

ATTENTION: it happens that you will skip talking to Rajoth but sometimes it happens (if you jump wrong) that Rajoth will say his first sentence and then you just lose control of animation - run killed.

I noticed too that in fact you can defeat Rajoth with Glacia Javelin in about 20s and without it (with sword only) in about 40s. On the other hand collecting Glacia Javelin in Dungeons I costs you 35s at least, so maybe it is worth considering, not to pick it up.

I have heard too that many of you had got problems with camerabug while fighting against Rajoth. I got it too a few times but it is not random - it happenes if you run forward immediately, when it is possible, after Rajoth's monologue. The solution is very easy: just wait a second.

EDIT: I was testing my Rajoth Skip: it doesn't depend on jumping, it seems to be an effect of text "Astrolabe/Era of Taskan II" which is shown for 3s and it dissapears. It can cut scenes and talks as I've observed, so if you cut it in right moment of cutscene, you can avoid talking with Rajoth and to begin fight immediately. Unfortunately if you are not precisely/lucky/fast you can cut wrong scene and as a result the game freezes.
So as for now I don't believe it to be useful in run.
Congratz Darnok,
this made my day! 
Thank you,
I am still trying to find glitches, time-savers, skips etc. which will allow me to dream about 2:00:00, but this is however not easy. I will post every interesting/hopeful invention here.
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-15 06:18:23 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-15 06:11:10 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-15 03:47:12 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-07-15 03:44:42 am
Well guys, I had used my improvements, practised difficult places and I got new PB of 2:02:09!

There were not many mistakes, but I believe it could be still beaten for 1 min at least, as I have watched and calculated it...
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-19 05:27:24 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 05:53:36 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 05:35:18 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 05:35:06 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 05:30:39 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 05:30:26 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 05:26:49 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 04:13:06 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 04:12:53 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 04:12:37 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 04:11:05 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 04:10:43 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-06 02:09:52 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-06 02:08:27 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-06 01:41:10 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-06 01:39:55 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-06 01:38:22 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-06 01:38:09 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 02:08:01 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:52:19 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:31:57 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:20:51 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:17:04 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:16:53 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:15:57 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:13:25 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:11:08 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:08:32 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:08:04 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-04 07:07:32 am
I have recently got my new PB of 2:00:28, in fact thank to my new strategy in Laboratories III and a few another modifications. As I made very, very stupid mistakes worth over 1 min, it is now clear and sure that sub 2 is possible to me, I only need enough many tries of runs to make it almost perfect.

Major fails:
49:35 - as I got very unlucky with plastics, I had to kill extra enemies (over 15s to sum up everything in Monastery III)
1:18:52 - skelts in Black Tower III (10s)
1:25:30 - fatal fail with jumping on roof (20s)
1:27:13 - trolling jumping in Dungeons IV (10s)
1:54:30 - great jump in Black Tower IV (7s)
and many other little stupid mistakes costing 3-5s each

EDIT: Well I started to play it live on Twitch and I am working on sub 2 hours. My SoB is 1:59:07 at the moment.
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2015-09-23 01:39:18 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-11 01:24:04 am
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-09 12:05:58 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 12:43:12 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 12:43:05 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 12:25:21 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 12:15:37 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 12:12:48 pm
Darnok_PL: 2015-08-08 12:12:39 pm
Well I have a great, great, great pleasure to inform that I have just got 1:59:51, so I have just made a first run of HTTQ under 2 hours in the World. So I have a great pleasure to answer your questions, whether it was possible or not - this is possible and I have just proved it!

My SoB is 1:58:34 now, if it is still interesting for anyone.

Thank to all of speedrunner that gave me numerous tricks, skips, glitches etc. that I haven't found myself. Especially thanks to Findus, who has written article with tips and made this forum. I can inform you about new things and inventings that I have created to do sub 2, if you want me to - your article requires update.

Well, as I feel fully satisfied with my time, I stop Hype as for now and I am waiting for a challenger... Smiley
Edit history:
Findus: 2015-08-27 06:43:57 am
Wow, fuck me - that is AMAZING Darnok! 
I will have a close look at your run & strats. 
But first of all Congratulations! I feel so proud of you Cheesy 
I have added this game on, because I was pleased by people on YouTube. I have submitted all your PBs there.
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-03 12:25:39 pm
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-03 12:25:22 pm
Darnok_PL: 2017-01-29 01:56:38 pm
I was messing around some glitches/skips in Hype and I have found some places to get oob by a simple walking towards the wall and either jumping or taking out and in my sword.

I was pretty close to skip entire Dungeons IV section, but the corridor is not solid and it is almost impossible to land directly behind the blockade in chimney:

I also found many useless oobs in Dungeons:

EDIT: And additionally the one in Laboratory II:
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 07:31:43 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 05:53:08 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 04:40:11 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 03:25:50 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 03:25:32 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 03:14:03 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-05 03:13:31 am
I have randomly got a very weird easter egg that I've called Gogoud's Easter Egg:

It was discovered by accident, by random messing around - that was ridiculously lucky to happen and it was also not easy to guess the key combination. Because it's working Gogoud's Manoir I level only, it seems to be a cool easter egg rather than a cheat code.

If you press some specific key combination in Gogoud's Manor I, it causes many interesting levels. It allows you to enter Black Tower IV at the beginning.

It has also apparently happened by accident to MothBallFamicom in one of his lives:

It allows you to finish the game way faster (in about 20 min), but it is hard since your attack and health don't upgrade (it is the same like in Era I). As a result, you have to hit last enemies 20 times to defeat them, and you can die after 2 hits.

I think this is like a cool easter egg rather than a cheat code, so I think we might use it greatly in speedrun. However, I think we should separate categories with and without it - for example "Any% Gee" and "Any%".
Edit history:
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-09 09:11:51 am
Darnok_PL: 2017-02-09 09:11:30 am
So, after some route plans and practice I have finished my first Any% Gee run with Gogoud's Easter Egg in 17:53

There were many mistakes, I am pretty sure sub 17 min is doable with good optimization. However, I was not even expecting this category to be so short Smiley