Pete 'Thinkshooter' Howard's Lone Wolf run on hard difficulty.
Verifier Responses:
Sorry for delay in verifying. I had exams...
I`ve watched the videos.
On the all videos I didn`t see any cheating or glitching and leaning. (In HD2 leaning is not fair. When u leaning in the game impossible [of course when u do good that] is hitting u).
Quality of audio is good. All sounds are in the game. That issn`t playback Cheesy
Quality of video is not bad. What u want to see, u`ll see.
Quality of gameplay is very good. Fastly and silently. Nice gameplay.
Oh, from what I could tell it was all legit and mostly efficient. Some small hiccups but overall don't think they'd amount ot more than a few seconds lost
Decision: Accept
Reason: The verifiers liked the run and they said there were very few mistakes.