Only Offense Will Survive
The DGT – Deutsche Gamestage (“German Game Days”) constitute Germany’s leading cross-industry communication and networking platform for games business, -development and -culture. Eight individual events over five days offer a multitude of information on the topic of games; these include a business conference, workshops and talent-scouting, as well as our own Indie conference, a gala event and matchmaking-/ public playing events.
The Gamefest 2013 in Berlin at the „Computerspielmuseum“ (computer games muserum) will be one of the events and asked if Speed Demos Archive can assist them. Due to my presentation with Sorcerer88 at Olymptronica 2009
and my position as one of the representatives of SDA Germany, they requested my help
Stefan „Mahrla“ Mahrla of and Dominik „Freak“ Hellfritzsch from offered their help aswell. Our favorite topic „Speedruns“ is a major part of it and I hope we can stabilize the composure of speedruns and especially Speed Demos Archive there. The Gamefest 2013 offers several speedrun races and presentations for beginners and Guinness World Record attempts for experienced speedrunners from Europe. People who never got in contact with speedruns will get the chance to step in and take a look how the best speedrunners from Europe doing their work.
Speed Demos Archive does support this event and is looking for three speedrunners who are doing these Guinness World Record attempts at the event at April 27th and thanks to mikwuyma, we got several applications from great speedrunners but we still need a few more applications and hope that many runners are interested in this.
Why should you apply yourself? You will get a chance to do a Guinness World Record attempt for a game of your choice (The speedrun shall not be longer than two hours), you do not have to do the paperwork and get the Guinness certificate short after the event thanks tot he fast track option. The host of the Gamefest 2013 will fund your travelling costs and offer a hotel for you.
How do you apply for the event? Just write a post in this topic or send me a private message.
I need as much information as possible from you as a speedrunner like: What game do you want to like to speedrun, which references/records do you have and where do you live? Just send me a solid application so Mahrla, Freak, mikwuyma and I can sort the best ones out.
Please do not contact the admins because they have a lot of work to do right now.
If you need any further information about the Gamefest 2013 do not hesitate to leave a post.
computer games muserum:
German Game Days:
Guinness World Records:
Thread title: