Looking for $45 shipped to the US. I realize I am a new user on this forum so feel free to PM me if you're interested in my feedback from other trading outlets/marketplaces.
Hey, I sent you a reply PM, explaining my current situation and deal I'm willing to make. Let me know if that works. If the PM doesn't get to you, the long and short of it is: I bought Pokemon Red and Blue this month (the first part from my T. Post topic), so I'm having to save funds to get the GBP next month. I'd have a 99% probability of being able to send you the full asking price on the 1st.
If someone else contacts you beforehand with an earlier payment time, by all means, go for it. By the way, welcome to the Forums!
Hey, you still want to do this deal? I got the money ready and all I need to do is transfer it to my PayPal. Let me know, however I can only keep this offer open til the 15th, cause then I have to manage for the rest of my bills.