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Which path will you choose?
I'd like to attempt this, but what would be considered a 100% Run of Fable: TLC. Personally I would think:

-All Quests
-All Character Upgrades
-All Legendary Weapons

I'm pretty sure that's not all, but it's nearly midnight here and Ive been up for a few days. -nervous laugh- Anyone else think of something else that would go into a 100% Fable: TLC run?

Might be wierd, but this will be my first run. Be Nice to the noob, lol.
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I would like to see this, so if you can pull it off, I would definitely watch it. Not only that, but I believe it's possible, and I believe what you stated is all you really need for 100%.
Run like hell!
I think 100% also includes:
-All chests
-All demon doors
+give books to the teacher in the school until he not accept more.
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Valgarent: 2006-12-21 08:08:45 am
Which path will you choose?
I forgot about the Demon doors. My only problem now is my Video Capture program... I've been using Game Cam for a while now, and suddenly it's giving me problems... so I dunno when i'll start my run.
Run like hell!
I think the hardest demon door is that one in front of the Hobbe cave.
Isn't Fable one of these games where the speedrun takes 4-5 hours ?
Isn't Fable one of these games where the speedrun takes 4-5 hours ?

Nah, the run here took 1:51, but the 100% run would likely be around that time, possibly.

Good luck to you, Valgarent.
Hi there.
The run of Fable currently on SDA is the run for the normal, default Fable on the Xbox console. There was a remade, called Fables: The lost Chapters.

TLC is kind of an expansion, hence its name. It adds more content such as more demon doors, a few fixes, tweaks and quests. Doing a 100% of it might be considerably longer but not impossible.

Based on wikipedia, TLC also has much better resolution and graphics on the PC, which, I guess is a good thing.

They also, sadly, nerfed the Sword of Aeons. I remember it in the original game being a 500 Damage sword - Now It's only about 250 with Two effects - 3 if you kill your sister with it.

I don't know if a time lesser than the original could be achieved. Probably not, but be it 100% or pure speed run, the time will probably be longer due to everything the new game added. There's also two new spells, which I think could perhaps be abused.

Good luck with the run and would be glad to help with it. Just ask.
The run of Fable currently on SDA is the run for the normal, default Fable on the Xbox console. There was a remade, called Fables: The lost Chapters.

True, but as I recall, the main quests and storyline was left untouched, so technically you could beat the original game's time with this version. I might be wrong, of course.
100% runs=great to watch
A 100% run of this would be awesome to watch....especially with the sequel en route for the not too distant future.
Hi there.

True, but as I recall, the main quests and storyline was left untouched, so technically you could beat the original game's time with this version. I might be wrong, of course.

The main quest is left untouched, you are correct. It's the same as the original until a certain point where they add to it.
If you remember correctly in the Speed run video, the last boss is the man in red sporting a mask. He is Jack of Blades and after you defeat him, you can use the Sword of Aeons or Destroy it forever. That is where the game ended.

In TLC, the game doesn't end there. It'll send you to a new "world" that wasn't accessible before, the Northern Wastes. There's about 6-7 new areas in that new world, with more quests involved with it, demon doors, chests, and a new 30 Silver key chest. The main quest will take you there and you'll have about... five or six more things to do that'll vary in time depending on how you do it. That's the only new "area" they added except Darkwood's Brothel, who was previously unaccessible and now is in the TLC.
This gives you a chance to use the Sword of Aeons as a weapon once you're up to that part, which is why they considerably nerfed the weapon. They also took that opportunity to add in a new sword that's the equivalent of the sword of Aeons - Avo's Tear. To need it, you need to have destroyed the sword of Aeons. There's also a demon door which asks for all your Silver key, the keys needed to open up special chest scattered throughout the world. A 100% speed run will definitely be longer, but will also require a good route to be effective. Thank god for the instant-warp Guild Stone.

The Darkwood Brothel doesn't involve or require a stop for any part of the main quest, but there is a new quest with that area as well as a demon door that will only open once, you, uh. Sexed up enough people. Good thing the brothel add, well, whores for quick and easy access to that demon door should you have enough money to afford the cheapest one at least 10 times.

As I said, a 100% Run of TLC will be longer than a Fable 100% run. A pure speed run might be another story, but since the main quest is prolonged, I doubt the time of 1:51 could be bested with all the new content.
Oh, okay. I've merely heard about the Lost Chapters, as I have only played the original, myself. It's a good thing they let you use the sword of Aeons in the TLC version, I must admit; the original ending just gave me a "WTF??!" feeling. Why the hell would it concern me whether I get to keep the sword or not, since I do not get to use it anyway?

The Darkwood Brothel doesn't involve or require a stop for any part of the main quest, but there is a new quest with that area as well as a demon door that will only open once, you, uh. Sexed up enough people. Good thing the brothel add, well, whores for quick and easy access to that demon door should you have enough money to afford the cheapest one at least 10 times.

This made me laugh hard. Thanks for the clarification, though.
Hi there.
You're right. The original fable ending was quite, well... It wasn't hardcore. On the other hand, TLC's ending is a lot better in my opinion and just begs to say they will make a sequel.

As for the Darkwood Brothel, well, it IS true. The demon door is subtle and doesn't yell you need to do that, but damn was I surprised when it wasn't so blunt anymore after I had about 10 sexed up people in my statistics and it opened up. But what is even more awesome... is the reward. I wouldn't want to spoil anything, though.

And you don't have a choice, anyway. You need to use the brothel to access a critical item  that's only available if you hire a whore to complete that area's quest. Why, you ask? Because there's a guard upstairs that makes sure you don't go in the backroom, unless accompanied. You don't have your weapons in that area as well, so there's no way to just go on a killing rampage should your 2000 gold did not... please you enough?

But there's always alternatives. I know there's a 15 key chest and a silver key in Lady Grey's room, meaning you won't have a choice to go and marry her for them. Might as well use her for something else, for crying out loud. The cheapest is 50 gold per round, after all.

As for the sword of Aeons, you get to use it alright. It's not the strongest weapon but it does have nice augments - Mana, Health and Experience if you decided to sacrifice your sister. I have no idea about the Sword of Avo's Tears, though, I'm currently playing the game through a light character.
Edit history:
Valgarent: 2006-12-21 09:44:47 pm
Which path will you choose?
I'm slowly starting to plan my route. Honostly, I know this will take me longer then the original if I did a pure speed run. I went very slowly, not getting everything(not even trying to beat the game) and I did it in about... 12 hours... Only cause I was lazying around, and went on about... 20 some odd killing sprees in Oakvale to get all the buildings.

I've started to plan my route, With the mind set that getting the Final Demon Door, All the Keys, and Chests will be the hardest part. (Since one of the Demon Doors in TLC takes ALL of your Silver Keys to open. You never get them back)

The Quests, Upgrades, And Books will be the easiest, since all are done on the way anyways. I also found out about how much it takes to completely upgrade your characters, about 7,007,997 exp.

I know what i'm getting into and I will actually need to do this run more then once to see if I can get a better time then my first run. (I'm sure i'll make a lot of mistakes) I'll just have to pretty much, run it... keep track of what I did wrong, see how long it took... then rinse and repeat. I finally have somethign to do instead of being board at home all day. Smiley

I also realize, getting all the Legendary weapons is impossible... since you hae to choose between Avo's Tear, and the Sword of Aeons. But since they are the exact same, I don't think it matters as long as I choose one or the other.
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Esrohnoil: 2006-12-21 10:08:07 pm
Run like hell!
Gaining more than 7,000,000 exp is best with the shield spell, when enemies can't hurt you, and so the multipliers not fall back in tough situations or when you fight with hard enemies - i think.
If you combine this spell with mana and exp augmented weapon and another spell with good cast area and damage ratio, you can earn the needed exp amount without problem.
Which path will you choose?
Exactly... My plan was to get Physical sheild, Enflame, and buy out as many shops as I can of Mana potions. Then go into a town, and start killing things.  I did this once with my Archer and Physical Sheild. I maxed out Skill this way.
Hi there.
Shield + Enflame should be a good combo to do the trick. You could always go for a maxed out Infernal Wrath or its light variant, but it might be time consuming since it doesn't cast right away.

My best advice to you is to forget good/evil entirely and do whatever is fastest or most beneficial. Since we're talking about 100% run here, you will need money at a few select points (I'm still thinking the Darkwood Brothel and its demon door or marrying Lady Grey, since there is a key and a chest in her room and its unaccessible otherwise.)

I think another crucial part of your run will be at the start where you initially boost up your skills. What are you thinking will be the fastest possible setup to go through the game until you find a good XP source? Or do you have anything else in mind?

This brings me to my other question. Fable has "Hero Save", which allows to save your Experience and everything else. This is potentially abusable for experience gain (I'm reading a FAQ that mentions Hero Save and the Arena, basically saving your hero right before the end of the Arena and reloading) so are going to abuse that? It might be worth it, but it'll take a lot longer than just going to the Graveyard to commit a genocide on the undead until you're set. I've also heard of respawnable screamers during your fight with Maze.

As far as Avo's Tear or the Sword of Aeons goes... Whatever is fastest. The Sword of Aeons might be faster, since you just beat Jack, slaughter your sister and have it, just like that. I wouldn't know about Avo.
Which path will you choose?
I'm probably just going to go at it, neither spec in Good or Evil. Do whatever will make the game go faster... I will have to do Evil at a few parts(Like getting Skorm's Bow) and Good (Sentius(sp?))

No, just like me playing it normal, I won't abuse Hero Save. I've seen people play that way, and I did try it once, but I found it to make certain things pointless. I'll go through it, and take things as they come. I'll probably end up going evil most of the time. (ie. The Arena, Skorm's Bow, getting EXP fast)
Hi there.
I think going evil at the arena is a must, since you win all the  gold afterward. I also think the last quests of the Main quest is faster done if done evil, since what you need to kill is relatively close and simple. Especially if you're maxed out. I still think though that you'll need to make a stop at some point to only level where the creatures respawn indefinitely and don't change according to your skills, such as the Lychfield Graveyard. That, with shield and an horde of 1 hit kill zombies should surely be juicy on your multiplier. Otherwise, if you simply go and kill everything in your sight, It might not be enough to max everything. I guess we'll see.

That, or just going to Oakvale to slaughter countless guards and innocents. Works too.
Which path will you choose?
Ah, Oakvale... A classic slaughter house if you want to. I heard it's 2 days for the villagers to respawn after you kill them all, and that they spawn all in the same place. So Enflame would be useful if that is true.

My biggest problem will come with the Keys... Getting them all quickly will be a real test, since you have to fish, dig and do quests for them all, and getting all 30 before opening that last demon door will take some practise.
Edit history:
Moostafar: 2006-12-21 11:45:50 pm
Hi there.
As far as I'm aware, silver keys are permanently placed, so wouldn't you just need to know where they are by heart? You get a free fishing road if you save the guy at Fisher Creek and a free spade at the Lychfield graveyard but that's a bit far off. You'd just need 50 to buy one, though, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem getting the keys that aren't part of a quest or in an area you can't go to yet.

You'll also have to remember the location of the silver chests as well, but those are easy to access thanks to the Guild Stone.

It's really just a question of knowing all that by heart, or having a sheet of paper or a reminder close to you when you're trying to run it. As far as the speed factor go, there's only so fast you can go. Some keys, like Lady Grey's bedroom key, won't be yours until you've done the Arena anyway. I guess you could always rush through the Main Quest and stop once you have access to the Northern Waste to go and collect all the keys and all the chest after, before going to the last demon door. Or maybe you could just collect them as you go and come back for the treasures or wait until you're in the vicinity.

As far as the peons on Oakvale go... Yes. It happened to me once, all the villagers respawned at the same location, which was in the middle of town close to the inn. It's too bad they only give 10 default XP , but it was quite enjoyable to cast an Infernal at that moment.
Which path will you choose?
haha,  if it come down to it I can use that spawn for a quick few experance... I'm probably going to get a sheet of paper with all the locations I need, but I'll have to know a majority of them by heart since I can't stop part way and look at a piece of paper.
Hi there.
As long as it works and you can remember it all, It's all good.
And if you ever need help, just ask. I'm willing to go and own Fable one more time, any day.
Which path will you choose?
That's an offer I'll remember. Thanks, I'm hoping I don't run into problems but I'll ask.
Run like hell!
Is there a way to learn all spells? All of the good and bad ones with one character?
For example If I learn all of the good spells, I can't learn the evil ones. But what if i become completely evil after that?