I play games, wanna fight about it?
Hello Gamerz of all the world! On April 12th, 2014 I will be holding an Event at Radioshack in Flagstaff Arizona. The event will consist of 2 Tourneys as well as Speedrunning done by yours truly. All Gaming will be streamed showing some awesome gameplay
Its been a year since being a part of the speedrunning community and I'm glad that something big will finally be happening for me. Anyone that is interested in watching can go to my page (Twitch.tv/Vega4993) for more info and settle with many on screen as well as the many on chat. There are 2 donation incentives as well that will be fully put up a little before the 12th. One that is already done is my donation incentive towards getting my new speedrunning rig for future better streams (given to the fact that I am using only my girlfriend's laptop right now lol) and the other will be towards the Doctors Without Borders Charity as a part of me being on SDA and always remembering to give more than to receive. There will be a cash pot for each tourney and I've already had agreement from representatives from Radioshack as well as my good friends helping that are a part of Phantom Gaming(as well as the main conductors of tournament gaming in Flagstaff) that 40% of the cash pot for each tournament will go towards the Doctors Without Borders incentive. I plan to make this event the biggest gaming event I have ever done in my life for the benefit of many others and for the rising of a gamer that has the ambition of becoming one of the best. All are welcome and be sure to tune in regularly to say hi
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask as I will be checking periodically this thread for you all. More information on the event will be posted throughout the month. Have a good one everyone!
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