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ikkusumêru: 2010-06-06 01:41:35 pm
OMG Bees!
hello everyone!

first of all please excuse my bad english, as i am from germany.

i'm planning on doing a speedrun of deep fear for the sega saturn.

actually i'm not planning, i already did it several times now and my average completion time for single-segment is always at about 2.5 hours. right now i'm just waiting for my dvd recorder to arrive so i can finally record the run and submit it to you guys, hoping for it to be verified soon.

anyone know the game? it's a pretty solid resident evil clone, only underwater and with mutants instead of zombies. also it's A LOT easier than RE, since you get like unlimited ammo and health at almost every corner. unfortunately there was never a ntsc-u/c version released, so i will be playing the european game on my PAL saturn.

released in mid-98 it's also probably the last commercial game that came out for the sega saturn, at least on the european sector, as far as i know.

that's all for now! hope you guys will be looking forward to seeing my run. see you then! =)

Quote from ikkusumêru:
the run is finished and already up on youtube:

total time is somewhere around 2 hours 22 minutes
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MortyreR45: 2013-05-27 10:12:56 pm
This is a game I like it to. I had it play on a sega saturn emulator, but I hate emus and I had it never play it to the end. But for fans of survival horror games like Resident Evil, is this a very good game.

und nebenbei grüße aus deutschland von mir Wink
ich werde dein thread verfolgen und wen du videos upst, werde ich es nochmal auf dem emu nochmal spielen.

oh, habe dein youtube channel kurz angesehen. da haste ja videos von Enemy Zero drinne von warp. leider habe ich es auch nur auf emu gezoggelt, das spiel ist zu geil. alleine schon weil warp die spiele D und D2 gemacht hatten. hast du Enemy Zero original ? und welche version hast du ?
OMG Bees!
auf dem emu läuft deep fear eigentlich ziemlich solide, wie mittlerweile ja fast alle saturn-spiele. trotzdem machts auf der konsole natürlich mehr spaß.

enemy zero hatte ich mal original als pal-version, bevor ich es für gutes geld auf ebay verkauft hab (ist ziemlich selten). als kind hatte ich immer angst davor, es zu spielen. meine videos auf youtube stammen von der pc-version. da konnte ich auch beliebig per hexedit meinen voicerecorder aufladen, ansonsten hätte ich es wohl niemals bis zum ende geschafft. das spiel ist so megaschwer und unfassbar frustrierend!

schön übrigens, dass du auch D kennst! ist eines meiner liebsten spiele überhaupt. heute sind fmv-adventures ja leider antiquitiert. den zweiten teil habe ich allerdings nie gespielt. ich glaube der ist mit dem ersten gar nicht zu vergleichen, oder? genremäßig...

ich versteh übrigens nicht, warum D hier im forum unter den saturn-requests steht. das spiel ist doch gar nicht wirklich geeignet für einen speedrun. im grunde könnte den jeder machen.
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MortyreR45: 2013-05-27 10:13:03 pm
ja auf SS emu läuft fast alles bei mir perfekt, außer z.b Alien Trilogy.

also von Enemy Zero, könntest du bestimmt auch einen run spielen ohne Editor. habe es auch nicht bis zu ende gespielt, weil ich es nur auf emu gezoggelt hatte und wie du sagst mega schwer ist. aber würde mich nochmal ransetzen, weil es von warp ist. aber emu runs sind eh nicht erlaubt. du könntest nochmal einen run machen, ohne editor, weil es nicht erlaubt ist und du die PC version hast.

wen du D einfach findest, dan mache bitte einen run ! wurde auch schonmal besprochen im board. ich habe die originale version german (leider leichte cut version) da, aber hatte nie richtig lust es zu runnen, weil mich gleich am anfang dieser nummern code fertig gemacht hat. desweiteren habe ich auch D1 für 3DO und Sega Saturn da, leider nicht mehr original, weil die deutschen versionen cut sind. habe sie als iso da von region NTSC.
zu D2 kann ich dir sagen, es ist sehr anders als D1. aber D2 ist ein spiel, was so geil ist was man nicht vergleichen kann mit anderen spielen. leider habe ich auch schon lange keine Sega Saturn konsole mehr, was mich sehr frustriert um runs zu spielen.

Bitte ! wen du D1 gut spielen kannst, dan mache einen run !!
do a run of 'D' I think you can do it to the end with a good time !

desweitern, ich glaube ist es besser auf englisch weiter zu schreiben, da die anderen user unsere sprache nicht verstehen.
we must write in english next time for the other peoples.
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ikkusumêru: 2010-05-17 01:05:16 pm
OMG Bees!
du hast recht mit der sprache, ich mach dann mal auf englisch weiter! Wink

(i'll continue in english from now on)

Quote from MortyreR45:
also von Enemy Zero, könntest du bestimmt auch einen run spielen ohne Editor. habe es auch nicht bis zu ende gespielt, weil ich es nur auf emu gezoggelt hatte und wie du sagst mega schwer ist. aber würde mich nochmal ransetzen, weil es von warp ist. aber emu runs sind eh nicht erlaubt. du könntest nochmal einen run machen, ohne editor, weil es nicht erlaubt ist und du die PC version hast.

running enemy zero would be very difficult, since you can load and save your game only a limited number of times. besides, the enemies in this game appear so randomly, that it's just impossible to tell where exactly they'll appear. even if you're going multi-segmented, sometimes an enemy can be right at the beginning of a corridor and other times it's lurking somewhere at the end. so you'll never know whether to dodge them or to fire your gun (which misses a lot). and you have to keep in mind that your ammo is limited until very late in the game. i personally would consider this one of the hardest saturn games to run, as it would require a lot of intensive planning and a great skill in improvising. luck not to mention. i died nearly a hundred times times while recording the pc version for youtube, and i cheated just in order to keep the battery in my voice recorder alive.

wen du D einfach findest, dan mache bitte einen run ! wurde auch schonmal besprochen im board. ich habe die originale version german (leider leichte cut version) da, aber hatte nie richtig lust es zu runnen, weil mich gleich am anfang dieser nummern code fertig gemacht hat.


Bitte ! wen du D1 gut spielen kannst, dan mache einen run !!
do a run of 'D' I think you can do it to the end with a good time !

yes, i truly believe that D is a very easy game to run and i would love to give it a try! there are only like 3 or 4 points in the game, which require some practice, like the quicktime fight vs the knight's armor or opening the box with the ring inside, or that other minigame right at the end. everything else is just pressing buttons in a specific order. you wouldn't even have to look at the tv while doing most of the run... =)

i have the japanese ntsc version of D for my playstation. guess that would be just the right one to run.

"Laula......... Laula......." xD
Edit history:
ikkusumêru: 2010-05-20 08:56:59 am
OMG Bees!
the run is finished and already up on youtube:

total time is somewhere around 2 hours 22 minutes
(user is banned)
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MortyreR45: 2013-05-27 10:13:09 pm
congratulation on your run. Smiley

I do later watch your videos and play the game again with your ways and tactics. To do this is my verification on your run.
But I need time, because I am to busy in this time.

do you submit your run on SDA ?

I hope you have the original plain video files, with standards of SDA rules.

please read this ->
OMG Bees!
yes i've got it recorded onto dvd and have it as vob-files on my computer.

SDA has already been contacted about the run.

if you're confused about some things that happen in the videos, here's a short extract from my comments with some basic info:
  • I'm skipping every single cutscene and FMV sequence (except the final one, because it doesn't count to the time)
  • I play with Enemy Search on, which allows me to instantly aim at an enemy's direction (like in RE)
  • I save three times, which means the run has 4 segments
  • Sometimes I draw a weapon in order to make myself invincible for the short moment of character animation.
  • Although I usually try to avoid most of the enemies, sometimes it's just not possible to dodge, because a passageway is to narrow or the exact position of an enemy is impossible to predict because of the camera angles. You will often see me just take the damage and move on. This is still faster than killing the enemy or do the weapon draw trick to avoid being hurt (which requires good timing by the way). Also it's faster than stopping for a second and figuring out a way around the hazard.
  • There are a few enemies I kill in order to clear a frequently used passage way, since they're too hard to dodge and would have drained too much of my energy over the time.
  • The boss fights in this game all are pretty much luck based. While the rat boss at the end of disc 1 was quite troublesome (making me lose a few seconds), the other boss battles (anna, gena) went just fine.
  • I waste 2 grenades on that big monster guarding the last communicator part and I draw my shotgun pretty late in order to finish it off. this could have been done faster.
  • I pick up two boxes of shotgun shells, which in the end (before getting the assault rifle) I don't need at all. However, this only cost me like 2 seconds, so i guess it's a very minor mistake not even worth complaining about.
oh my god all the black loading screens :[
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ikkusumêru: 2010-05-22 11:53:43 am
OMG Bees!
yeah sorry for that, but that's mainly because i have to skip so much of the cutscenes and movies, plus the game itself is just slowly loading...

i just re-uploaded the run with all black screens edited out, saving over 30 min!!! o_O
All the things
For what it's worth, I'm playing through it right now, so I hope to be able to help verify this in about a week or so. I should be streaming it too, if anybody else wants to watch along.
Waiting hurts my soul...
get in touch with dballin. he's been talking about playing through this game too.
Balls jerky
talking away and doing nothing. I didn't know the run was already posted though. That might help in actually playing it. So would an interest in games of this genre. I haven't played an RE game in over 10 years, but were the controls always this... obnoxious? AND HOLY SHIT IS YOURS ENTIRELY IN ENGLISH?? So jelly right now and wish I had a PAL saturn because Japanese??? x_x
All the things
This would be my first RE-esque game, so I can't comment on any differences in controls. Moving around does kind of piss me off though lol.

I'm able to run the PAL version on my NTSC/NA Saturn with the help of Action Replay to ignore the region coding. I haven't seen any bugs with this yet, other than some occasional artifacts at the top of the screen.
Balls jerky
Damn I didn't know that helped with PAL games. Fuck me why am I suffering? T_T Granted the speedrun doesn't seem to enter the menus like ever so the fact that mine is in Japanese doesn't matter all that much. Plus all the voice acting is in english so I know the storyline!
All the things
Whew. Almost had a heart attack when it sequenced over to disc 2 without an intermediate save. The Action Replay doesn't cover disc swaps, so I thought I might be in trouble. Luckily though there must be some internal system save that happens, because I was able to reload it (after power cycling) with the 2nd disc just fine and continue where I left off. Should be only an hour or two left of the game, I think. I will leave up my casual run on my stream for anybody that wants to pick through it and get an idea for how the game works.