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Now Reap The Whirlwind!
Figured that I'd get this thread going with what little I've managed to find in the game so far.

Couple things that may affect a run of this game:

1. If you run out of stamina while blocking with your shield, it takes longer for you to recover than in Dark Souls 1
2. Every time you die while hollow, your HP gets reduced gradually. It will stop at half health though. This could affect any kind of death abuse.
3. It looks like the tutorial section can be skipped entirely. Just run to where you need to go.

Alright, now for some boss notes. To put things in context, I started as a knight:

Old Dragonslayer:
He's basically an Ornstein clone from Dark Souls 1, although this time you fight him alone. It seemed like dodging his attacks was better than trying to block them. However, I haven't beaten him yet.

Was able to beat him by staying behind him and attacking. He can be blocked without too much worry. Also, there was an area around the edge of the room where you fight him that you could fall off of and instantly die. It may be possible to manipulate him into that pit. I was too scared to try though.

That's all I have for now. I'll keep playing and report back with more.
Thread title:  
From reddit:

Im just gonne leave this here (dont even own the game)
This game is going to get at least one update in the next couple weeks
Now Reap The Whirlwind!
Alright. Been playing a lot more and have more to report. Been doing a strength build and using a great shield and large weapons to put things in context:

General notes:
Rolling seems like a really good way to avoid the bosses attacks. Could say the same for the first dark souls, but it seems more like these bosses were designed for it.

Starting route idea:

1. Start with running past the tutorial and getting the flask at Mejula.
2. Head to Heide's Tower of Flame to fight the Dragonrider.
3. Go from the Dragonrider to No Man's Wharf.
4. Hit the lever there to bring the ship there.
5. Board the ship and fight the Flexile Sentry.
6. Take the ship to the Lost Bastille.
7. Go from where the ship drops you off to the Ruin Sentinels.
8. From there, go to Sinner's Rise and fight The Lost Sinner.
9. Teleport back to Majula and buy the Silvercat Ring (makes you take less fall damage)
10. Fall down the pit in the center of Majula and go to the Grave of Saints.
11. Go from there to the Royal Rat Vanguard.
12. From there, go to The Gutter and make your way to Black Gulch.
13. At Black Gulch, fight The Rotten, then teleport back to Majula.

That route takes care of 2 of the major bosses and should be easier than going through the Forest of Fallen Giants. It also gives the opportunity to get the Old Knight Halberd and the Heide Spear. Not sure what weapons would be best to use, but those are some possibilities.
Something that will needed to be planned in (based on what I've seen) is getting a Fragrant Branch of Yore. You need it to get to another area
So those are just preliminary thoughts. I'll come back when I've got more.
Got a 2:31:07 any% run with dual wield powerstance clubs. It wasn't a good run but it was only my third one ever and I kept dying to everything. Anyway it's a start.

In Any% you don't want to go through No Man's Wharf if you don't absolutely need to since killing pursuer is a ton faster and you are closer to the sentinels from there anyway. Royal Rat Vanguard is also an optional boss. Dual wield clubs can stunlock a fair amount of bosses straight up and for the rest they just deal really good damage.
1. You can skip Ruin Sentinels by going into the Pharros' Lockstone room, in Bastille by walking into the small cage in the hidden room all the way to the right. It takes you straight to the gate just before Sinner's.
2. So far, a Strength build is looking to be the best, due to the Greatsword dealing insane damage early game. Will have to break wall to get to McDuff's Workshop in Bastille to get titanite and large titanite to upgrade for later game though.
3. Greatsword is also on the way to Bastille in No Man's Wharf so it would be an easy grab. Only problem is the 28 strength required for it, and you won't be able to wear any armor to keep roll length up to help dodge Boss attacks.

Going along with Stormknight, that route for beginning looks to be the best. I haven't beaten the game yet either, but will add if I find anything else that will be of use.
You definitely don't want to go to Wharf though since Pursuer is a 10 second fight with the ballista and the run to the boss is much faster than all of Heide's tower + Wharf.
Now Reap The Whirlwind!
You were able to use the ballista on the Pursuer? He destroyed them before I could get to them. Also, you have to fight the Last Giant to get to the Pursuer, unless you are able to skip it. I suggested that route because the Dragonrider can be manipulated into the pit and the Flexile Sentry is a joke. 

I don't think that having no armor would be that big of a deal. Rolling seems like the best way to avoid damage anyway.
Plus, (To add to Stormknight's post) if you went Forest route, you won't be able to skip Ruin Sentinels.

There is a way to skip Royal Rat Vanguard, by going down one more level in the sewer(?) drop.

Old Knight Halberd breaks WAY to fast, and you can't repair it at bonfire. Heide Spear might be useful on the more armored bosses, due to the lightning damage.
Edit history:
Noobest: 2014-03-17 01:39:26 pm
Noobest: 2014-03-17 01:31:08 pm
Noobest: 2014-03-17 01:27:34 pm
Noobest: 2014-03-17 01:27:17 pm
Noobest: 2014-03-17 01:27:07 pm
2:03:50 run for those interested -

I used dual wield clubs with high str. You can stunlock a fair share of bosses and do heavy damage on the ones you cannot. Much better than the one run I tried with the BKH.

Pursuer can be parried so the fight is consistent. Also Last Giant is a mandatory boss because he drops a key you need way later in the game. Sentinel fight with good weapons is fast enough to warrant not skipping the fight ( Dragonrider is also mandatory for getting to Skeleton Lords.

Also Elajjaz found this skip that saves quite a bit of running - though if you fail it you die. With some practice it should be alright though.
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scaryice: 2014-03-18 05:25:37 am
If you've earned 1 million souls in your soul memory, then you can open the Shrine of Winter door without all the primal bonfires. There's probably a way get do that faster than actually beating all those areas. Next time you do a run, you should check at that point and see where you're at. Maybe you could pick a bonfire ascetic for the starting gift and use it to beat a certain boss twice?
The bosses you kill to get the 4 lordsouls don't give that much even close to 1 million, far faster I think to get them then 1 million souls.
Truljin @ Twitch
Can't wait to get into this game, that reddit gif is just brilliant.
Now Reap The Whirlwind!
FINALLY beat the game. Starting the work on running it.

Think I found the fastest and most consistent method to get the Dragonrider Quick Kill. Here it is:

Also, why start as the Knight class? A Warrior has higher strength and dexterity to start and he has a decent shield. Just a thought
I think the point to start as a Knight because of the better adaptability and vigor? But don't really know for sure.

Still trying to get through the game, been taking my time though. Will start to find routes when done.
During the door opening animation, you can roll into the door and it will make the door fly open. Doesn't seem like much, but depending on how many doors get opened during an optimized run this could potentially shave off a considerable amount of time.
The reason for starting knight over warrior in my run was the broadsword which is a much better weapon than the club versus covetous demon.

There's a way to make throne watcher fall off the arena -
I managed to do it after several attempts but it wasn't anything consistent.
Shrine of Winter has a skip now (like 5 of us found the out of bounds independently, it was pretty weird), but it only works on an unpatched version of the game, so I don't know what will come of it being used, just thought it deserved posting.

Now Reap The Whirlwind!
It's really easy to remove the patch from the game and keep it on version 1.00. With that skip in mind, a route of the game would include getting a Fragrant Branch of Yore ASAP, then doing everything past the Shire of Winter. Unfortunately, there is no real easy way to get a Branch. Not without fighting at least one boss.
I've already routed Any% with this skip in mind, start knight, do last giant, from those souls you can buy the cat ring and maybe survive the falls down to the gutter, if you can't then also do pursuer really quickly (and pick up drangleic shield/sword), and there's your branch. I have more extensive notes for the whole thing but I just need some testing stuff still down.
Edit history:
Soliduz Znake: 2014-03-19 12:49:06 pm
not sure if this is useful in a run but just in case I'll put it here. I think this has been done with this enemy NPC before though not entirely sure.

basically all I had to was lure the NPC enemy and simply stay close to it while on an edge and wait until it falls to its doom.
I wonder if a pyro run would be at all viable, since the dark flame is on the way to the yore branch in the gutter. Then, heading straight to the shrine skip and buying orb/combust from the chick you unpetrify D:
Already on the idea after I saw noobest loot great combustion from outside drangleic gates, just need damage testing now.
Dark also scales with the degree of hallow, so nash cursing you to full hallow immediately will up your damage by a significant amount as well during the fight
Now Reap The Whirlwind!
Have run into an issue with the any% with Shrine skip route. Since there is only one boss in the first half of the route and most of those souls go to getting items, there is nothing going to leveling, meaning that your going to be super underpowered for Drangleic Castle and what comes next. It may not be a bad idea to include another fight in the route, just to increase power. Dragonrider might work, since he's so easy to kill and not too far out of the way, or maybe the Pursuer since he's closer.

Also, I found out that you can survive the fall down the central pit in Majula with the Slilvercat ring without having increased your max health. You have to have very close to full health and have Estus to heal up though.