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I also am trying to get into speed running Dark Souls 2 - I'm trying to get into doing All Bosses runs but I have a couple questions. Is there any way to unpatch my version on PS3 or am I just screwed since they patched the binoculars glitch? Should I just get the PC Version? Also did they patch the ability to roll on top of enemies and distort your walking plane? I have been watching a lot of videos but they all seem to be prior to the patch or just out dated in general. Thanks for the help peeps.
Quote from AkashicRah:
I also am trying to get into speed running Dark Souls 2 - I'm trying to get into doing All Bosses runs but I have a couple questions. Is there any way to unpatch my version on PS3 or am I just screwed since they patched the binoculars glitch? Should I just get the PC Version? Also did they patch the ability to roll on top of enemies and distort your walking plane? I have been watching a lot of videos but they all seem to be prior to the patch or just out dated in general. Thanks for the help peeps.

If you go to the 'game' menu, at the top there should be a game data utility. You can scroll down to DaS2 and delete the patch data. Then you can just go offline to play the game without patching.
Everything's been fixed in 1.06 but it's easy to remove. Delete and redownload the game if you bought it digital or delete the Darks Souls 2 file in the Game Data folder. You'll be back at 1.00 and also have access to the Shrine Skip.

Keep in mind that the hot fixes will still be there. I've no idea how to remove them but you still can't stun bosses to death with dual clubs. Not that you'd do that now but it's wierd.
Just like the kiln skip glitch, I sincerely hope we're not entering into another few years of nobody running the game on anything but unpatched versions.
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Hey all, Ive been lurking around Dark souls 1-2 speed run threads and streams for like the last couple of years and have decided I want to give Dark Souls 2 a crack, Does anyone know if there are any route notes for Glitchless any% or all Bosses% on the current patch (1.04 / 1.08 calibration) ?
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sshplur: 2014-08-22 09:00:42 pm
Noobest's run is the only one I can think of. It's basically magic-ing everything to death with mostly Resonant and Great Resonant Souls.

Elajjaz aso just uploaded an all bosses with the first DLC. I haven't watched it yet but he mentions a major skip.

Edit: turned out to be skipping Dark Lurker trials thing with the new Sky Walking method. This shit is hilarious.
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Ansatsu: 2014-08-22 11:53:58 pm

Can't be too sure how viable these could be to people, but I was just tinkering around with the sky parry walk in a few areas last night (latest 1.08 build). If anyone could find away to get into Aldia's Keep without the King's Ring, then surely coupled together could make a big time saver in certain % runs. But yea, just thought I'd share what I've found out, I'm sure I'll dig a little deeper and see what else I can come up with.

Any thoughts?
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ImRuKus: 2014-08-25 08:38:09 am
ImRuKus: 2014-08-25 08:32:22 am
Limbos Top F*cking Idiot
Ive been in Oginam's twitch channel during most of his runs and checked out his youtube, He suggested doing something similar to this run but instead of the great club I think he said just level the rapier and use that.
I guess ill have to sit down and do some notes up for this run.

Big video game lover
Is the soul duplication still working in Dark souls 2 on ps3?
I'm pretty sure it was fixed a couple of patches ago. Pretty much everything has been patched by this point.