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im watching the video, great run so far!

would it be possible to roll through the rotten's AOE hex explosion? it would save time for sure.
Edit history:
Asco: 2014-04-27 03:25:27 pm
Yeah, it's possible to roll through the AoE, but risky.

The difference between low% and any% is that any% is the fastest way possible, while low% is to try and skip as much of the game as possible. Consider the 1.00 Any% run for instance - In that run you kill the Dragonrider twice to get some souls to level up. This is completely optional but it makes killing the later bosses faster.

In a hypothetical low% run you wouldn't do that, you would only kill the minimum amount of bosses to complete the game (which I believe is 8 in this case). Souls games don't really have a history of doing low% runs though.
Low% was always about the bare minimum required to complete the game, including equipment and stats, unless it changed over the years. Was it always like this for Souls games? Would really like a mod to confirm this.
so low% isnt really about doing the game fast then, it sounds more like a sl1 challenge run..

to me if you're not planning to beat the game the fastest known way possible when you're doing a chellenge run.
then* you're doing a challenge* run.
Sshplur: I was just guessing, maybe it includes no stats and equipment upgrades but I've never seen anyone discuss a low% run for Souls games before, so it's quite unimportant anyway.

Thanatos: Low% is still about going fast, just under some restrictions.
Actually now that I think about it, an interesting definition for Low% could be lowest possible Soul Memory...
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sshplur: 2014-04-29 05:25:24 am
That's what any% is for, Thanatos. Low% isn't black and white for all games (Resident Evil going the extra mile to using just the crappiest weapon is a special case with the fans and dick waving competitions) but in this case it's just retricting yourself to starting gear unless it's absolutely necessary to get extra stuff if fisting enemies can't replace your broken weapon. According to the rules, anyway. I know it sounds like outright bollocks but it is what it is. Last couple of low% discussions I was in I quickly abandonded when it came down to arguing over how exactly many bloody bullets we needed to get through the whole game

Technically, every starting class is its own category for low% but I really don't want to think about that because, really, who's going to go out of their way to run each one? A SL1 run I can get behind, after seeing that amazing Japanese SL1 run for DS1, but low% I can only pray. The idea of taking on Smelter Demon with fists has me crying. But yes, even current categories would have their own low% equivalent.


I've got a headache. Sad
Yeah, basically however you define it it's not a category there's really any interest in, so let's not bother any more with that.

How fast was that Japanese SL1 run? I've seen Santzo's 66 minute SL1 run, and it's very impressive but honestly not *that* different from a normal BGH run.
SL1 in DaS was literally just BGH run with slightly less damage and no lava skip. For low% in DaS2 surely you wouldn't go to Smelter as that's not required to complete the game. Probably completely moot discussion anyway since I doubt anyone's going to bother doing it.
I mentioned Smelter at the horrific thought of a low% all bosses run. It'd definitely make for a tragic speed run experience.
You're pretty good...
Bump!, does anyone know if there is any possible way to get in aldia keep without king ring. I also wanna help find more oob skips.
Run with 2's
binocular running anyone?
You're pretty good...
I cant get it to work on ps3 unpatched version, is it possible unpatched ? my character only runs fast for like half a second. i cant get him to run fast like that. im holding r1 the i roll and press l1 at the same time and as soon as my stamina is depleted i let go and get a small boost.
Same here Nanoscripter. I have the unpatched 360 version, and the speed boost lasts half a second at most.
You're pretty good...
maybe its something to do with pc frame rate issue like with weapon durability ?
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Erheller: 2014-05-26 04:11:19 pm
Erheller: 2014-05-26 03:30:24 pm


Im not sure how useful it is. Once you do the glitch your physically detach from the world and you're stuck in the current area untill you homeward bone or die.

Using a bonfire may work. However the next area wont load when you do the glitch.

You maybe able to pass the petrified pyro woman and activate the next bonfire but I cant imagine more thsn that.

Doubt it can be used to skip the shrine of winter because as soon ad you do the glitch the area beyond the shrine won't load.
It will load, but only if you are far away from your anchor point, and you are touching the ground. It's tricky business.

Edit: I've been able to do the binoboost at both 60 fps and locked 30 fps on the PC version. I think the duration of the boost depends on when you release the zoom button - I usually release it right before the roll finishes.

Edit 2: Lots of skips mentioned here:
You're pretty good...
i do that to but i only get boosted for like a fraction of a second and not as long as some people can. like i said im unpatched on ps3 so if someone can tell me if they can ill be happy.
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dmcRedgrave: 2014-05-27 04:56:24 pm
dmcRedgrave: 2014-05-27 04:50:09 pm
Been messing around with the Skywalking, though since I do all-boss runs I haven't found many uses for it.  My first thought was using it to skip No-Man's Wharf and just run straight to the boat without having to ring the bell, but when I got there only half the textures were loaded and there was no Fog Door.

Quote from sshplur:
I mentioned Smelter at the horrific thought of a low% all bosses run. It'd definitely make for a tragic speed run experience.
  I do Level 1 All Bosses, and Smelter is actually one of the easier bosses in the run.  Lucatiel got a massive health buff in a recent patch and you can just use her to draw aggro while you kill Smelter with poison.  Doing it with fists (without lucatiel) takes about 15-20 minutes though.
Ok so, ever since I tried the Skywalking Glitch, my client has been acting kind of... weird.  Sometimes, even when not Skywalking, the textures begin to distort.  It may be unrelated, but I noticed a similar effect during the clipping in the Skywalk glitch, which leads me to believe that somehow the two effects are related.  Has anyone had a similar experience?  Screenshots attached.

Edit history:
saintmillion: 2014-05-29 05:23:17 am
saintmillion: 2014-05-29 05:23:10 am
saintmillion: 2014-05-29 05:22:29 am
saintmillion: 2014-05-29 05:22:24 am
The thought of Dark Souls 2 low% is horrifying. Assuming it means punching everything bare naked at SL1

Distortion2 has been doing any% runs with the new discoveries, including the skywalker glitch. He's been testing it on stream a lot too.
Low% runs take a significantly longer amount of time, simply because you do so much less damage and have a much harder time stunning bosses.  Other than that, they're not particularly difficult, especially with the advent of Binoboosting.  The two hardest sections are, no surprise here, Shrine of Amana Fog Door 2 and the Dragon Shrine run up to the Ancient Dragon, the latter of which being trivialized by Binoboosting.  Only a few bosses are particularly difficult, mainly because of the 6 ADP.

There's certainly no Valley of Defilement. 
Quote from dmcRedgrave:
Low% runs take a significantly longer amount of time, simply because you do so much less damage and have a much harder time stunning bosses.  Other than that, they're not particularly difficult, especially with the advent of Binoboosting.  The two hardest sections are, no surprise here, Shrine of Amana Fog Door 2 and the Dragon Shrine run up to the Ancient Dragon, the latter of which being trivialized by Binoboosting.  Only a few bosses are particularly difficult, mainly because of the 6 ADP.

There's certainly no Valley of Defilement. 

This of course assumes youre not just sky-swaggering your way to freedom, in which case the hardest part is probably the Throne Watcher/Defender
Speaking of Distortion he has already knocked the time down to 20:14. What the fuckckc

I haven't watched it yet but I was alraedy lost watching his 28.

Not seeing is believing
Hello. Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else; but I am on PC and want to start running DaS2. Is there a known way to unpatch the game now that the binocular glitch has been patched? (I read online that it was fixed in 1.03). Thanks for your time.