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Gotta Go Fast!
I've got logs from I was up and awake, but xchat saves them weird. I dunno if they'll be readable. Like the format is a little messed up. If this is okay, I can send what I have.

Chat log sample

Congrats, chessjerk!
Fucking Weeaboo
I could probably work with that and clean it up a bit to be more readable.
Gotta Go Fast!
Yeah, I just tried poking it through Open Office/Notepad to see about deleting things with a quick highlight then delete to make it readable. Thank you, Sir VG!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.

Sir VG, I'm not sure he's only a pawn, he was 9 lbs 9 oz at birth, maybe he's already a rook? Smiley

And, lol puwexil, that is very appropriate. Maybe I need to formulate a DWIV single segment path for C4L 2015 now?
Professional Second Banana
Here are my chat logs from Lightning Returns (when I noticed my IRC client back home had crashed) through the end of the marathon.  Timestamps are in Central Time.

chessjerk, you'd better, or else I might.....blame Everhate. Tongue
Gotta Go Fast!
^ Use puwexil's logs, much, MUCH better. Thank you, sir!
Professional Second Banana
Yeah, IceChat 9 has pretty awesome logging options, though it's sadly missing FF4 through LR.  If Sir VG can clean up yours then we'll have the full monty.
Gotta Go Fast!
Not quite, I tend to sign off IRC when I crash out Tongue

I fell asleep right after Crystal Bearers, woke up an hour into Soul Blazer, we'll be missing maybe 6-7 hours? So, we'll almost have the full marathon logged.
Fucking Weeaboo
I can't fix the time stamps (I have no idea how that converts to date/time) so I left that part alone, but I cleaned up all the extra garbage and tabs and such. I also removed a few of the garbage login lines at the beginning of the file.
Insanity Prelude
Because it became a thing during the marathon, for those of you that missed the Falcon Missile Punch in Wild ARMS 4, you can now review the moment, dubbed with F-Zero voices:
The original, since 2003.
Anyone know of a VOD links thread for the games played at the marathon? I know there were a lot of tech issues this year, but I could skip past most of it if I knew when each game started.. I know it will probably be a while before any of the marathon makes it to download, but in the meantime I'd like to catchup on what I can in between bouts of Real Life.
Fucking Weeaboo
Here you go:

Also to Poxnor, any word on when the prize draw will be completed?
Speaking of VODs, does anyone know of a site/tool that allows you to combine videos (MPGs) into one video?  If so, I'm downloading the vids from the twitch archives already and I can then send them to someone (Poxnor?) for posting on youtube.  Note that videos ripped from twitch have results of stream lag.
You could try mkvtoolnix. It tends to support combining most formats into an mkv container.
Edit history:
puwexil: 2014-05-12 10:09:16 pm
Professional Second Banana
I think archiving the runs on Youtube would be a good idea since Twitch VODs are known to get partially or fully lost.

Also, I'm having trouble watching the Twitch VODs due to really heavy buffering.  I wonder if that's due to them having been streamed at a high bitrate and VODs not having quality settings like live streams do?
Quote from puwexil:
I think archiving the runs on Youtube would be a good idea since Twitch VODs are known to get partially or fully lost.

Yeah that would be the idea, and it's why i've been DLing the runs as soon as possible - last year's runs had multiple parts lost (the end of FF6 and the end, parts of FF10, etc.).  So far so good on this year's. 

I wouldn't want to upload them without Poxnor's permission tho. 
We require more minerals
We have local recordings of all of the runs on Poxnor's PC I assumed that they were going to get uploaded when he got the chance.
Quote from Raelcun:
We have local recordings of all of the runs on Poxnor's PC I assumed that they were going to get uploaded when he got the chance.

Oh really?  That's great if true - I'd thought he'd said pre-marathon that it would take up way too much memory. 
Moo! Flap! Hug!
I'll upload the recordings when I get a chance to sort through them. With the capture card acting stupid, some of the files got renamed quite bizarrely.

Prize drawings will be this weekend. I had wanted to do it last weekend, but C4ill happened. I should be well enough to stream next weekend.
The original, since 2003.
Quote from puwexil:
I think archiving the runs on Youtube would be a good idea since Twitch VODs are known to get partially or fully lost.

Also, I'm having trouble watching the Twitch VODs due to really heavy buffering.  I wonder if that's due to them having been streamed at a high bitrate and VODs not having quality settings like live streams do?

This, yes. I've been trying to watch the VODs, but they are so very NOT DSL friendly. Unless your Internet speed is god tier, you're doing WAY more loading than actual watching of the stream.

(For the record, the only quality my home Internet can handle fine is Low Quality streams.)
has the prize draw happened yet, and if so where can i find the winners?
AKA Kokoronis
Any updates on the prize drawing?
Gotta Go Fast!
Haven't seen Poxnor around lately - so the prizes haven't been drawn yet, to my knowledge anyway. I think he wants to draw them on stream.
Professional Shaq Fu Speedrunner
And I know Poxnor was having tons of problems with the prize draw computer due to Windows 8, so yeah that's the last I've heard on it.

I didn't realize that somebody had already posted these links on reddit when I created my spreadsheet.  Thanks for creating that, ultimeci (if you're on here), and for sharing it, Sir VG.

Here's my own spreadsheet, created independently, which includes the start time/commentary/run times for reference from the C4L website: