CRC #3
The Collaborative Routing Challenge!
Hosted by cha0s and tonic
Important Links:
Discord Server for CRC :
CRC #3 Submissions Form :
CRC #3 Submissions List :
Approximate Timeline:
Submissions open : Jan 29th
Submissions close : Mar 2nd (~1 month+)
Final pool of 2-3 games decided : Mar 5th (same weekend)
Testing period for all potential entrants : Mar 18th (2 week period)
Final discussions among entrants & organizers, final game decision : Mar 19th (same weekend)
Race on SRL : Mid-June (either weekend 10/11 or 17/18, roughly 3 months)
This timeline specifically accomodates RPGLB by identifying the final game well in advance of RPGLB, but making sure everyone has time to prepare & focus after RPGLB.
This video helps discuss the general idea of CRC, which was created for our last CRC. The main concepts still apply:
The #rpg on the SpeedRunsLive IRC channel has begun organizing a THIRD CRC (Collaborative Routing Challenge), where we form teams and attempt to route a RPG that has no known route or video in a modest time frame. The routing is done by several separate teams, with no help from other teams or people not involved in the challenge. The culmination of the routing is a race featured on SRL among one representative for each time, who square off to show who's got the best route & run viability.
ALL discussion, updates and announcements will be on the Discord server (above). Cha0s and Tonic will occassionally tweet updates, so watch out for updates from us, but primarily tune into the Discord server.
We've taken feedback from our prior two events, and tried to address the timeliness of the submission, team forming, sign-ups, routing and eventual race. Primarily, we want to allow potential participants to have plenty of time to garner opinions about potential games, but we want the decision making & directives to be concise and eliminate required back-&-forth from the organizers to potential participants. We also are planning our event specifically before/after RPGLB to avoid any conflicts with preparation.
Our goal this time is to follow the below set of steps:
- We will take in potential submissions for roughly a one month period (use link above)
- The organizers (cha0s and tonic) will review the final submission list, feature a stream reviewing each of the submissions briefly, and eventually decide among a pool of two to three 'finalists' after doing some appropriate testing
- All potential entrants are given a two week period to play the finalist selection to assess which one they'd like the most for the challenge
- A final roundtable discussion among all potential entrants occurs, and the organizers will make a final decision on the game elected (within 1-2 days after last discussion)
- After all of the above, sign-ups will occur within a short time frame. No commitment is required until the game is 100% finalized, but we expect anyone interested in the event to have an idea if they'd like to participate or not
- During sign-ups, teams of 3-4 can be formed either independently in advance (if there's others you'd like to be on a team with), or anyone can sign up individually and the organizers will create teams. To reiterate, this will occur in a short time frame after the game is decided.
- Until the time of the featured race, teams will have roughly a 3 month period to take the time to play the game, investigate, and prepare a speedrun route for the game.
- The final race occurs! Every team will be featured by one representative who participates in a race to show who has the best race.
Rules + Process:
The following set of criteria is required for any game submission:
- No known speedrun: A large component of CRC is routing a game that has no known route, allowing for more diverse routes between the teams. It wouldn't be realistic to enforce that no team can use online resources. If there has been any previous research into a game, please include in the submission and we can decide if it still qualifies.
- Game Length: The first CRC was fortunate enough to pick a relatively short game. It would be difficult to enforce a "only short games allowed" rule without disqualifying most RPGs, so instead we'll take the casual play time into account when picking a game. Ideally, we'd like to keep the final race between the realm of 2-4 hours. We realize it is difficult to assess this length, but please use your best judgment.
- Game Console: The console for the game must be easily emulateable for ease of save/load state, and general playability & accessibility. We are welcoming all titles up to and including the PS2-era. Every game is case by case, so similarly use your judgment.
- Language: We will only pick a game that has an English release, whether its official or a patch (preferably an official release).
During submissions you can give a description about why the game would be a good choice, summarizing its strengths and why it would fit for the event.
Forming Teams:
You have the option of signing up as a full team, or entering as a solo entrant. Depending on if you're a pre-formed team or a randomly assigned one, the team dynamic might differ. We encourage people to form teams independently of the organizers, but of course, we're happy to help solo entrants find a team after sign-ups occur. Using the Discord as a resource to find other potential team members is recommended.
Each team must choose who will represent themselves in the race, the earlier the better so that the racer has as much time to prepare as possible. It is also a good idea to have an alternate in case that member cannot make it for the race. The race will be on SRL, and we will try to choose a date that works for everyone. For now, anticipate mid-June for the race.
That's all! Stay tuned to the Discord or @cleartonic or @cha0sRTA on Twitter for any updates. As always, we are very open to feedback and value all opinions. We've tried our best to address concerns from prior events, and look forward to making this event a great installment.
The Collaborative Routing Challenge!
Hosted by cha0s and tonic
Important Links:
Discord Server for CRC :
CRC #3 Submissions Form :
CRC #3 Submissions List :
Approximate Timeline:
Submissions open : Jan 29th
Submissions close : Mar 2nd (~1 month+)
Final pool of 2-3 games decided : Mar 5th (same weekend)
Testing period for all potential entrants : Mar 18th (2 week period)
Final discussions among entrants & organizers, final game decision : Mar 19th (same weekend)
Race on SRL : Mid-June (either weekend 10/11 or 17/18, roughly 3 months)
This timeline specifically accomodates RPGLB by identifying the final game well in advance of RPGLB, but making sure everyone has time to prepare & focus after RPGLB.
This video helps discuss the general idea of CRC, which was created for our last CRC. The main concepts still apply:
The #rpg on the SpeedRunsLive IRC channel has begun organizing a THIRD CRC (Collaborative Routing Challenge), where we form teams and attempt to route a RPG that has no known route or video in a modest time frame. The routing is done by several separate teams, with no help from other teams or people not involved in the challenge. The culmination of the routing is a race featured on SRL among one representative for each time, who square off to show who's got the best route & run viability.
ALL discussion, updates and announcements will be on the Discord server (above). Cha0s and Tonic will occassionally tweet updates, so watch out for updates from us, but primarily tune into the Discord server.
We've taken feedback from our prior two events, and tried to address the timeliness of the submission, team forming, sign-ups, routing and eventual race. Primarily, we want to allow potential participants to have plenty of time to garner opinions about potential games, but we want the decision making & directives to be concise and eliminate required back-&-forth from the organizers to potential participants. We also are planning our event specifically before/after RPGLB to avoid any conflicts with preparation.
Our goal this time is to follow the below set of steps:
- We will take in potential submissions for roughly a one month period (use link above)
- The organizers (cha0s and tonic) will review the final submission list, feature a stream reviewing each of the submissions briefly, and eventually decide among a pool of two to three 'finalists' after doing some appropriate testing
- All potential entrants are given a two week period to play the finalist selection to assess which one they'd like the most for the challenge
- A final roundtable discussion among all potential entrants occurs, and the organizers will make a final decision on the game elected (within 1-2 days after last discussion)
- After all of the above, sign-ups will occur within a short time frame. No commitment is required until the game is 100% finalized, but we expect anyone interested in the event to have an idea if they'd like to participate or not
- During sign-ups, teams of 3-4 can be formed either independently in advance (if there's others you'd like to be on a team with), or anyone can sign up individually and the organizers will create teams. To reiterate, this will occur in a short time frame after the game is decided.
- Until the time of the featured race, teams will have roughly a 3 month period to take the time to play the game, investigate, and prepare a speedrun route for the game.
- The final race occurs! Every team will be featured by one representative who participates in a race to show who has the best race.
Rules + Process:
The following set of criteria is required for any game submission:
- No known speedrun: A large component of CRC is routing a game that has no known route, allowing for more diverse routes between the teams. It wouldn't be realistic to enforce that no team can use online resources. If there has been any previous research into a game, please include in the submission and we can decide if it still qualifies.
- Game Length: The first CRC was fortunate enough to pick a relatively short game. It would be difficult to enforce a "only short games allowed" rule without disqualifying most RPGs, so instead we'll take the casual play time into account when picking a game. Ideally, we'd like to keep the final race between the realm of 2-4 hours. We realize it is difficult to assess this length, but please use your best judgment.
- Game Console: The console for the game must be easily emulateable for ease of save/load state, and general playability & accessibility. We are welcoming all titles up to and including the PS2-era. Every game is case by case, so similarly use your judgment.
- Language: We will only pick a game that has an English release, whether its official or a patch (preferably an official release).
During submissions you can give a description about why the game would be a good choice, summarizing its strengths and why it would fit for the event.
Forming Teams:
You have the option of signing up as a full team, or entering as a solo entrant. Depending on if you're a pre-formed team or a randomly assigned one, the team dynamic might differ. We encourage people to form teams independently of the organizers, but of course, we're happy to help solo entrants find a team after sign-ups occur. Using the Discord as a resource to find other potential team members is recommended.
Each team must choose who will represent themselves in the race, the earlier the better so that the racer has as much time to prepare as possible. It is also a good idea to have an alternate in case that member cannot make it for the race. The race will be on SRL, and we will try to choose a date that works for everyone. For now, anticipate mid-June for the race.
That's all! Stay tuned to the Discord or @cleartonic or @cha0sRTA on Twitter for any updates. As always, we are very open to feedback and value all opinions. We've tried our best to address concerns from prior events, and look forward to making this event a great installment.
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