Accepted before the due-date is kinda dumb - I say runs should be submitted before hand (if necessary, the runner should report to the bounty maker) and the bounty is completed based upon acceptance.
I would say submitted before the due date and accepted any time thereafter, to allow for possibly slow verifications. That's what I put in my posts anyway. I don't think it's fair to the runners to deprive them of a bounty for an aspect of SDA that is mostly out of their control.
This. Rules out submitting auto-rejects and accounts for what you said.
Okay, I found your run on Youtube, Ghooble. I'm about 4 minutes in and I can say with some confidence that it needs polish to submit it to SDA. But it's okay, because you evidently have a route in mind to do this at all. I also imagine a recorded 100% run would be useful to someone as a guide and point of reference. .
Please tell me what I can do to polish it outside of actually doing the run again I hadn't played the game since I beat it when it first came out so I am/was a bit rusty obviously. On top of that I had never tried a few of the glitches/sequence breaks before so trying to do them on the fly doesn't work out so hot lol. I ain't Pheenoh babay!
Ok i was gone in germany for 2 weeks without any internet and i am finally back. What i meant was the run had to be submitted to SDA before or on the dew date and then i payout based on the run being accepted to SDA.
Yeah Ghooble the thing about these bounties is there's a catch... the runs have to be good.
Allow me to quote the run's rules for you: "1) $1000 for 100% The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Must be done by thanksgiving. can be segmented or ss. Must be posted to SDA (here) and verified."
It doesn't say it has to be a record or that it has to be sub-X hours. It just says 100% TP done by Thanksgiving segmented or SS and posted on SDA.
Come on guys, try not to poke too much at the new kid.
When you submit a run to SDA, it goes into verification. Several people volunteer to watch your run. They'll be checking to make sure the gameplay is legitimate (ie: no emulators, cheat codes, etc). They'll ensure it has good AV quality. They also evaluate the gameplay. If they don't feel the run is of good, whether that be from mistakes, a bad route, or whatever, they can reject on those grounds as well. They can do this even if the game isn't on SDA, even if the category hasn't been done, and in some cases even if it's an improvement on an existing run. Quality is very important here. We're not a record keeping site, we're a host of high quality speedruns.
If you want to get into speedrunning, Ghooble, rest assured you haven't wasted your time with your run. It's a learning experience for you, and as I said it could be useful to others as well. We don't live in bubbles; we help each other to grow and succeed. However, I would push thoughts of the bounty from your mind. You're on a limited time table at this point and, oddly enough, speedrunning isn't something to rush. Take your time, learn the game, experience the community, and enjoy the experience. You'll get a lot more out of it than $1000.
And since you asked for something to improve on: Don't run into walls.
And since you asked for something to improve on: Don't run into walls.
Yeah lol my controller isn't exactly new. It tends to go in an unintended direction but I have no doubt a few of them were just due to me derping.
Quote from Rakuen:
When you submit a run to SDA, it goes into verification. Several people volunteer to watch your run. They'll be checking to make sure the gameplay is legitimate (ie: no emulators, cheat codes, etc). They'll ensure it has good AV quality. They also evaluate the gameplay. If they don't feel the run is of good, whether that be from mistakes, a bad route, or whatever, they can reject on those grounds as well. They can do this even if the game isn't on SDA, even if the category hasn't been done, and in some cases even if it's an improvement on an existing run. Quality is very important here. We're not a record keeping site, we're a host of high quality speedruns
See I didn't know how it worked, knowing that helps a lot. I'm not necessarily new to speedrunning, but I'm new to Zelda speed runs. Portal was my thing for a long time and I got fairly good at it however there are no bounties for that
Yeah, I would've rejected my own 8:02 run for being too sloppy. That's why I didn't submit it for this bounty weeks ago when I finished it.
When I first saw the bounty I figured you would get it and always wondered why you didn't. Figured you were just being a perfectionist or something. Which I guess is kind of true.
I'll do a Mario Galaxy, which catagories are still offered and which character should be used?
They're listed in the opening post. Mainly 61 and 120 star single segments. No character listed, so I'd assume that any character is fine. The segmented one is supposed to go to yoshifan.
Thank you, I wasn't sure because some of these are so old, I wanted to make sure I'd recieve the money. There is already a speedrun of 120 by TheOnlyO, if he's eligible for the money then it's his, other than that I'll go for it
$50 to anyone who can get the Eternal Darkness segmented run under 2:07:00. Having done the run currently on the site (2:08:43), I can help with tips or whatevs if you bring it up in Newer Consoles. If you find a big time-saving glitch (I didn't), more power to you.
$75 for Eternal Darkness SS under 2:16:00. I don't care which alignment but Xel'lotath is almost certainly the best bet.
Another $100 for GTA: San Andreas game-defined 100%.
Would you be so kind as to put the Punch Out Wii Contender bounty back up for ease of mind? I thought it was still active and zallard1 has completed the run for the bounty, so I'll be owing him $100 when it's out of verification.
111 games up for verification ... geez louise... (09/15/12)
So, I'd like to offer another reverse bounty (where I buy the game for you if you offer to play through it and verify the corresponding run on the verification list). I'd like to send someone Tunnel Rats, but as far as I know, the only way to play this game based off of a freaking Uwe Boll film ... isn't that ironic ... is to purchase it off Steam. So, is there a way to gift the game / funds over to someone else with a Steam account?