I'll bring a bunch of card games since they don't take up much space in the car. I'll prob be bringing Tichu, Bang, Race for the Galaxy, and Dominion. I might be able to fit some small games too.
Hmmm, I'll have my plain ol Apples to Apples box, as well as my trunk of games. Its an odd mix, but you never know. If I get lucky and the shipping is quicker than I expected, I'll also have Dixit (imagine Apples to Apples mixed with funky artwork and story telling).
Can't find my T4 box, but its likely for the best. I need new sleeves like Nasir needs a longer sword.
Oh I have Munchkin-Fu, which I haven't played in forever, so I guess I could bring that. Honestly, I doubt we'll play even 1/10th of these games because we'll be too busy paying attention to MARATHON.