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Gerrick: 2016-03-21 03:25:04 pm
Gerrick: 2016-03-21 03:24:50 pm
Gerrick: 2016-03-21 03:24:48 pm
Gerrick: 2016-03-21 03:24:48 pm
Gerrick: 2016-03-20 11:02:48 am
Gerrick: 2016-02-26 09:14:20 pm
Gerrick: 2016-02-25 10:03:29 pm
Gerrick: 2016-02-25 10:01:49 pm
Gerrick: 2016-02-25 09:59:33 pm
EDIT: A couple of quick changes, the stream will be hosted on my channel. The schedule is below. The discord server is

Hello everyone.

As you may know RPGLB is coming up in just under 2 months, and we have a couple of runners from out of the country who need some assistance in attending. It's for BowieTheHero, and DMCAether. For those of you who don't know Bowie is running Shining Force 2 at RPGLB and Aether is slated to be part of the team that is going to run Seiken Densetsu 3. Unfortunately both are a little short on funds at the moment. We are looking for a few speed friends interested in joining a marathon to help them attend.

Currently we are looking at about 1900 we have to raise, and are proposing to do a marathon the weekend of April 1st-3rd on my channel. If you would like to submit a game to help please do so. We are looking for anything and everything to be run. Any support is greatly appreciated.

Please include your preferred running time, IE am, or pm, don't want to put anyone out if we can help it.

Any money over the goal we have will go directly to LB.

Baethon schedule is Please let me know if anyone has any issues.
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WanderingMind: 2016-02-25 10:44:38 pm
WanderingMind: 2016-02-25 10:44:04 pm
Stay chill, be cool.
I'm more than happy to offer a game or two, as I don't think I have anything going on during that weekend.  Valkyria Chronicles 2 I'd be more than happy to do and I could do donation incentives for that one.

Game: Valkyria Chronicles II
Category: Any% Normal
Estimate: 4:05:00

Donation incentive: Name the class and the tank. 

Game: Doritos: Dash of Destruction
Category: Any%
Time: 20:00

Yes this is a real game released for the 360.

Preferred time slot would be anytime after 9:30 pm EST.
I'll offer the following:

Shenmue II Duck% [2h50m] or Any% [2h]
The Elder Scrolls Anthology Any% [2h30m]
OverBlood Any% [1h30m]
Alundra Any% (Japanese version) [6h15m]

Preferred time slots for me would between 9pm-9am PST.
If you need a video of a run just ask and I'll link one.
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Beardy: 2016-02-25 11:04:18 pm
Beardy: 2016-02-25 10:52:09 pm
Competitive Gamer
I can submit 2 games.

Game: Metal Gear MSX
Category: any%
- Could possibly run Big Boss% as a donation incentive if I can learn how to be consistent at it within the next couple of weeks.
Estimate: 35 minutes

The Typing of the Dead Overkill
Category: Bitch, Agent, or Motherf***er (or the Hardcore variants)
Estimate: 2 hours - 2 hours and 20 minutes
- Estimate depends on the difficulty, also giving myself really generous estimates because the game is prone to crashing.
- Donation incentive for difficulty (Bitch, Agent, Motherf***er, and the Hardcore variants)
Video: Bitch (, Hardcore Bitch (

Preferred time slots would be 6 PM - 2 AM PST (2 AM - 10 AM GMT)
I owe DMCaether for calfire marathon so this is my way of paying back.

Game: Drill Dozer
Category: Any%
estimate : 2:40
Video :
This is that one game from GameFreak that isn't a pokemon game for GBA.

Game: Escape Goat 2
Category: any%
Estimate : 20 mins
I am not the best runner of this game but can show of many of the cool different speed tricks for entertainment

I should be able to play anytime between 9am - 12 am Pacific for Drill Dozer but consider Escape Goat 2 a nice filler game if you need something between runs, so just contact me whenever you need a short game.
Game: Escape Goat 2
Category: any%/100%
Estimate: 20:00/1:00:00
PB Video: any% -
100% -

Availability (All times are EST):
Friday: 7 PM -1 AM
Saturday: All day after 7 AM
Sunday: All day until Midnight
I could contribute if it were any other weekend. Best of luck to this and much love to my man dmcaether.
I could probably help out a little bit but I don't know what yet cause this is Easter weekend. 
Wow, I didn't realize Easter was that weekend. That is my bad. I will change the date to the following weekend. Submissions will be open for a little bit longer. Sorry for the confusion.
Well I'm in.  It's not as if I do anything special on easter anyway. (ninja'ed)

Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Category: any%
Estimate: 27:00
Video: I'll edit this in later

Game: Final Fantasy XII
Category: any%
Estimate: 7:30:00
Video: same (and not just because I hope to improve my time this week Tongue )

Availability: I usually hang out with friends on Sunday afternoons, but otherwise I'm totally in the clear on those days.  I'd definitely prefer something between noon and, say, 2am eastern, though.
Edit history:
Aithere: 2016-03-10 09:14:48 am
Aithere: 2016-03-10 09:01:37 am
Aithere: 2016-03-10 09:01:37 am
Aithere: 2016-02-26 10:10:31 pm
I'm down for my British and Chilean brothers

I'll submit:

Star Ocean: Till The End of Time
Category: Any% Galaxy
Estimate: 3:30:00
PB Video: (with Full Active), (regular Fayt route)

Final Fantasy Tactics
Category: any% (yes math)
Estimate: 4:30:00
PB Video:

Afternoons and evenings PST are best for me. Should be available during the whole weekend.
I must simply laugh.
Game: Breath of Fire III
Category: Any%
Estimate: 9:15:00
PB Video:
(PB was the 12 hour challenge, 9:15 is a pretty safe run, depending on donation incentives it might take 9:30)

Game: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Category: Any%
Estimate: 2:20:00
PB Video:

Could prob make anything work really, but would prefer it to be between 6 AM - 6 PM EST (especially if BoF3 is going to get in i'd love to start early)
Game: Final Fantasy Legend 3
Category: any%
Estimate: 2:20-2:30
PB Video: and

Game: Ninja Gaiden 2
Category: any%
Estimate: 15:00
PB Video:

Game: Final Fantasy V
Category: any% eng
Estimate: 4:30
PB Video: and
*I'm not sure how ready I'd be in terms of it being with recent strats or being rid of rust, but I can put on a scrubathon quality run I'm sure (for better or for worse)

Availability: Friday evening is fine if it's no earlier than 7pm pacific. For the weekend, I cannot do anything April 2nd, but April 3 is open at any reasonable waking hour for an American. And FYI, April 2nd is the planned date for the SNES FF relay.
Edit history:
GinTatsu: 2016-03-18 12:33:08 am
GinTatsu: 2016-03-18 12:32:24 am
GinTatsu: 2016-02-28 01:21:23 pm
GinTatsu: 2016-02-28 01:20:43 pm
Rad... They have taken me...
Game: Adventures of Rad Gravity (NES) [Preferred run]
Category: 100%, glitched
Estimate: 35:00
PB Video:

Game: B.O.B. (SNES) [If there is space to fill]
Category: any%
Estimate: 1:25

Availability: Pretty flexible, should be open to anything. I operate on NA Mountain Standard Time
Insanity Prelude
Game: Shadow Hearts: From the New World
Category: Any%
Estimate: 4:45:00

Game: Wild ARMS 4
Category: Any%
Estimate: 5:30:00

Availability: S/b free on weekends most of the time. Preferred availability would be Saturday evening (so about 7 pm-ish EST)
Edit history:
Gymfreak739: 2016-03-14 04:22:45 pm
Gymfreak739: 2016-03-02 05:19:52 pm
Gymfreak739: 2016-03-02 05:13:07 pm
EDIT: I've decided to pull out of the marathon, because of lack of motivation. Hopefully, that doesn't create a problem Tongue
I gotta support my RPG boys.

Rabi-Ribi [1:30]

Atelier Escha & Logy [3:20]

Disgaea 4 [4:00] +

Disgaea 2 [2:30]

Bunny Must Die 100% Warpless [0:25] for if we're ahead of schedule

Preferred time: I can take any time slot that isn't Friday morning/afternoon
Edit history:
peter afro: 2016-02-29 03:24:22 pm
Availability: Sat and sun 9AMEST-9PM

Super C 20:00

Mega Man Rock Force 50:00

Toy Story 2 40:00

Mega Man X7 1:10:00

Vice Project Doom 20:00
I'd submit but you know what I'd submit Tongue

As it is, I wouldn't want to just submit a run: I'd rather submit a race. If I could get Ty to do a SF1 race or potentially Bowie and I could do a SF2 race to end it all. If you want some Shining Force to be represented let me know
Edit history:
NachoYacopu: 2016-03-12 07:16:48 pm
NachoYacopu: 2016-03-07 02:16:13 am
T r i P T e a M
I'm in.

Game: Rudra No Hihou
Category: Single Scenario Run (Any of them)/Any% (All Scenarios) (Glitchless)
Estimate: 2:30:00/7:30:00
Videos: (All Scenarios - Riza first, Sion starts at 1:42~, Surlent starts at 3:38~)

There could be a bidwar to choose the scenario I'll play (Sion/Riza/Surlent), or I could just do the entire thing I guess (I feel single scenario would be better though, due to the potential of a bidwar).

Game: Final Fantasy III
Category: Any% No Credits Warp (meme category)
Estimate: 1:10:00

More of a glitch showcase, but short and sweet.

Preferred time slot would be anything between 10 PM ~ 6 AM (GMT-5).
Will update with vids later.
Edit history:
Turbodog702: 2016-03-07 01:06:34 pm
Turbodog702: 2016-03-07 01:05:29 pm
I would prefer Sunday if possible since it is always a day off for me.

Game: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Category: Any%, All Bosses, ABRSR (All Bosses, All Relics + Save Richter)
Estimate: 20:00, 40:00, 55:00

A speedrun classic. ABSR could be a donation incentive, as could All Bosses

Game: Shining Soul
Category: Any% Archer
Estimate: 3:30:00

Could be less time since it depends on what drops I get to work with.

Game: Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Category: Any% 1P1C
Estimate: 40:00

Lots of speed techniques and crazy warping in this one. I have done this before with heavy commentary at IGAvania kickstarter.
Juan v Tostada character bid war option.

Game: Parasite Eve
Category: New Game Any%
Estimate: 3:30:00

~9 mins comes off of this if we skip credits. It is the run I am on RPGLB for.

Game: The Bouncer
Category: New Game - Volt (could learn other characters also)
Estimate: 30:00
Edit history:
ty2358: 2016-03-07 11:47:20 pm
Game: Shining Force 1
Category: Any%
Estimate: 6:00:00

Donation Incentive for naming Hero.  Would definitely be willing to race with NoWorries.

Game: Castlevania 64
Category: Carrie Any%
Estimate: 50:00

I should be available at any time.
Why Hello it is Me
I won't be able to make it that weekend on account of my Sister's Wedding, but I'll happily support this any other way I can.
Quote from Highspirits:
I could probably help out a little bit but I don't know what yet cause this is Easter weekend. 

Isn't Easter 3/27 this year? Work calendar says that it is because it's the only weekend where nothing is going on at all. Google also agrees.
I wanna thank everyone that has submitted so far, you guys are the best. I don't wanna be less in this endeavor so:

Game: SaGa Frontier
Category: Asellus
Estimate: 1:30:00

Game: Strider (NES)
Category: Any%
Estimate: 0:10:00

Game: Mega Man 8
Category: Any%
Estimate: 1:05:00